
Nibbling on the old people is obsolete, and a new type of "nibbling small" is taking shape, which is more snobbish and realistic than nibbling on the old!

Now there are more and more child stars and child models, and we cannot help but sigh that today's children are catching up with the era of very rich materials. Not only do parents want to do their best to help their children get more high-quality goods, toys, etc., but even many media are competing to give young children the opportunity to show themselves and play their strengths. In short, the world of children is getting richer and richer.

Nibbling on the old people is obsolete, and a new type of "nibbling small" is taking shape, which is more snobbish and realistic than nibbling on the old!

Relative to the past, we would talk about what topics such as the old people, most of them would want to say that young and strong young people do not rely on their own skills and abilities to work in society, but rely on their elderly parents to live at home. This, of course, cannot be advocated, and it needs to be corrected in a timely manner.

And now there is a new type of word is "nibbling small", maybe you have heard about it. Yes, some parents now give up employment and turn to help and assist their young children to work hard to earn a family, and children realize the phenomenon of supporting young parents and themselves.

Nibbling on the old people is obsolete, and a new type of "nibbling small" is taking shape, which is more snobbish and realistic than nibbling on the old!

So, now let's take a look at it together, nibbling on the old people is obsolete, and a new type of "nibbling small" is taking shape, which is more snobbish and realistic than nibbling on the old.

Squeezing innocence indefinitely will only hurt the child

A friend told me that a mother I knew was a very cute and playful daughter, because her appearance was very cute, and she had been recommended by the teachers of the dance class to some interpretation institutions and groups that specialized in child models. There are many good professional groups in the interpretation.

At first, the mother did not want her children to try it much, but only lightly believed that the child was not a deductive material, and the child's personal will was not strong. Later, gradually some mothers around them reached a consensus with the interpretation agency, and the child's deduction opportunities and exposure rate became more and more, and it seemed that the child's self-confidence was also strengthened. So this mother also moved her mind, and also privately negotiated with the intentional interpretation company.

Nibbling on the old people is obsolete, and a new type of "nibbling small" is taking shape, which is more snobbish and realistic than nibbling on the old!

However, it is regrettable that the interpretation companies that Bao Mom privately finds are not all so formal, and some of the child's own basic conditions are not so perfect, resulting in the poor completion of the child's predetermined actions of many producers. Bao Mom's anxious children have made good progress, their children are always unable to complete according to the regulations, they are always anxious to always urge the children, and sometimes they are angry and say" "Why is it so stupid?" What's so bad? ”

Over time, the child's movements are getting worse and worse, and at one time the child was very low and did not feel a trace of innocence. I had to give up all the learning in school and let the child receive psychological counseling on a regular basis to relieve stress.

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