
If the baby has these 4 conditions, it may be calcium deficiency

If the baby has these 4 conditions, it may be calcium deficiency

First: Often cry for no reason. To the baby crying for no reason, it is likely that the baby is deficient in calcium or zinc.

It is precisely because of the lack of these things in the baby's body that the baby feels weak, but does not express himself, and can only express it with strong crying to attract the attention of adults.

Second: the baby's activity development after birth is delayed. For example, the baby's first teething, the first time to walk, the first time to look up and so on.

If these reactions are later than those of their peers, it means that their baby may be deficient in calcium and not as strong as other people's homes.

If the baby has these 4 conditions, it may be calcium deficiency

Third: Hunchback at a young age. If parents find that their baby is hunched over, this indicates that the child has reached the point where calcium deficiency is very serious, and it is best to see a doctor for timely conditioning at this time.

Fourth: sweating at night. If you find that your baby's forehead is sweating when he sleeps at night, this may indicate that the baby may be deficient in calcium.

Babies in the infancy period is an important stage of life development, if the lack of nutrition at this time leads to calcium deficiency, it may lead to the baby's muscle weakness, intelligence and immunity and so on.

In severe cases, it may even lead to convulsions or rickets.

How to remedy calcium deficiency in babies?

If the baby has these 4 conditions, it may be calcium deficiency

Calcium supplement drugs: the most common are calcium gluconate and cod liver oil can quickly replenish calcium.

Calcium supplement food: This is the best way for babies to supplement calcium, if you can often eat some calcium supplement foods, you will basically reach the standard of calcium supply.

Such as dairy products, soy products, vegetables, fish and shrimp, kelp, seaweed and so on.

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