
Dish K fulfills the punishment and eats a secret small burger with his girlfriend? Little Wave wins the game and loses love

For most netizens who like to play mobile games, they must have a special love for the game "Glory of kings". In the years since its launch, this game has not only attracted the favor of countless netizens with its unique gameplay style, but also gradually ushered in a professional transformation during this period, during which the emergence of various unique brother anchors has also become the focus of attention of players on the whole network.

Dish K fulfills the punishment and eats a secret small burger with his girlfriend? Little Wave wins the game and loses love

Just recently, the well-known popular anchor Xiaolanglang and Cai K met for a SOLO duel, and as soon as the news came out, it attracted countless netizens to come and watch. Netizens who often pay attention to the live broadcast of the game should know that these two game anchors are the holders of the national service Li Bai, although there is not much contradiction between them, what is the reason for this step?

Dish K fulfills the punishment and eats a secret small burger with his girlfriend? Little Wave wins the game and loses love

It turned out that Xiaolanglang and Cai K met in the qualifying round recently, during which Xiaolanglang made an evaluation and teaching for Li Bai selected by Cai K, but this was really ugly for the powerful Cai K, so the duel between the two was put on the agenda after the game. However, just recently, after the two of them fought, Cai K regretted losing the small wave, and many netizens were very concerned about the punishment they were about to fulfill.

Dish K fulfills the punishment and eats a secret small burger with his girlfriend? Little Wave wins the game and loses love

The follow-up dish K, who was willing to gamble and lose, publicly fulfilled the punishment of eating a secret small burger, during which the dish K who wanted to let his girlfriend accompany him was "abandoned", and even the girlfriend put away the chopsticks that grabbed the stinky tofu, and many netizens also cried and laughed at this wave of interaction between the two. At the same time, Cai K can only take the stinky tofu in his hand and eat the whole burger, so the scene of such a heavy taste also surprises all the fans.

Dish K fulfills the punishment and eats a secret small burger with his girlfriend? Little Wave wins the game and loses love

However, after the girlfriend did not escape the fate, after eating the dish K did not rinse the mouth and kissed the girlfriend, but the taste was too strong to cause it to vomit, and the water friends in the live broadcast room were also crying and laughing. At the same time, although Xiaolanglang easily won, there are still many netizens who joke that "won the game and lost love", what is your opinion on this?

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