
The national costume Li Bai solo came to an end, and Xiaolanglang won the game, but was fed a large amount of dog food

The topic of the game is still a lot of people's attention, we should also see a lot of this aspect of the content, as far as the current situation is concerned, the progress of the e-sports industry may have to be delayed, after all, it is now a special period, we still do a good job of protection is the most important, the game what is the follow-up to say it, the recent period of time everyone to see the live broadcast, play games on the line.

The national costume Li Bai solo came to an end, and Xiaolanglang won the game, but was fed a large amount of dog food

We see that the recent heat of the live broadcast industry is very high, we also see that many anchors have recently begun to interact, for example, there is a PK between the two national service Li Bai, they have made an appointment a few days ago, respectively, xiaolanglang and dish K, the reason why the two of them will come to a solo, in fact, the cause is also very simple, that is, to disobey each other's strength.

The national costume Li Bai solo came to an end, and Xiaolanglang won the game, but was fed a large amount of dog food

At the beginning, Xiaolanglang encountered vegetable K in the live broadcast, Xiaolanglang felt that Li Bai of the dish K was not strong after watching the operation, and said a bunch of things that were not in the operation of the K, so it caused a lot of fans to be dissatisfied, so they let them come to a PK, the result was that Xiaolanglang really went to the dish K, and also said that he lost and danced in women's clothes.

The national costume Li Bai solo came to an end, and Xiaolanglang won the game, but was fed a large amount of dog food

This game has been looking forward to for a long time, and the recent solo battle between the national service Li Bai finally came to an end, Xiaolanglang won the game, everyone did not have women's clothing to watch, and cai K was more sensible, he did not say too much before solo the punishment after he lost, but how much he lost still had to be punished, and as a result, everyone saw that Xiaolanglang was severely hit.

The national costume Li Bai solo came to an end, and Xiaolanglang won the game, but was fed a large amount of dog food

We see that after the last wave easily won, the punishment for cai K was to eat the secret small burger, and he also wanted his girlfriend to eat the secret small burger with him, and finally the girlfriend chose to "fly separately when the big trouble came", and what is more, she did not provide the chopsticks for cai K to catch stinky tofu, and finally cai K held the stinky tofu.

The national costume Li Bai solo came to an end, and Xiaolanglang won the game, but was fed a large amount of dog food

More disgusting in the back, the dish K ate the whole burger, across the screen feel the taste, the dish K also kissed the girlfriend after eating, because the taste is too heavy, the girlfriend vomited, all kinds of vomiting, very interesting. However, the small wave in front of the screen is a bit embarrassing, and this wave of netizens commented: "The wave wins the game, loses love."

The national costume Li Bai solo came to an end, and Xiaolanglang won the game, but was fed a large amount of dog food

It is estimated that Xiaolanglang himself is also very confused, why he obviously won the game, but he was fed a large amount of dog food, winning the game is not happy, it is estimated that he has not figured it out so far, many netizens have also come to ridicule Xiaolanglang, who let him provoke this PK, the last injured is actually himself, it is really funny, do you have anything you want to complain about?

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