
Zhao Wenzhuo posted a text to celebrate his 50th birthday, received the eldest daughter's family letter and was touched by it, and the whole family took a photo that looked like a god

author:Tree baby

Zhao Wenzhuo celebrated his 50th birthday on April 10, and he posted a number of photos of his family celebrating his birthday on social platforms, which looked very warm. The fly in the ointment is that the eldest daughter Zhao Ziyi was missing from this birthday celebration, but Zhao Ziyi was very sensible, and on the day of her father's birthday, she wrote a family letter to bless her father, and every word was full of reverence for her father, showing that the feelings between father and daughter were very deep. When Zhao Wenzhuo saw his daughter's letter, he was deeply touched, and he was touched by his blunt words, grateful, and contented.

Zhao Wenzhuo posted a text to celebrate his 50th birthday, received the eldest daughter's family letter and was touched by it, and the whole family took a photo that looked like a god

Zhao Wenzhuo actually has a total of four children, in addition to the three children born to Zhang Danlu, he and his ex-girlfriend also gave birth to a son, named Zhao Yuanda, who is now 20 years old. However, the outside world does not know much about Zhao Yuanda, because this child has not lived with Zhao Zhuowen. Zhao Wenzhuo after settling in his ex-girlfriend and son - bought a house for mother and son in Beijing, he started a new life, and later met Zhang Danlu, the two married and gave birth to two daughters and a son, and now they are also children and daughters, very happy. Among Zhao Zhuowen's four children, the most familiar to the outside world should be his 14-year-old daughter Zhao Ziyi.

Zhao Wenzhuo posted a text to celebrate his 50th birthday, received the eldest daughter's family letter and was touched by it, and the whole family took a photo that looked like a god

Zhao Ziyi has appeared in the field of vision since she was a child, because of her excellence, the attention received is also very high. Indeed, Zhao Ziyi's external advantages are more obvious, especially in terms of height, only 14 years old is already as tall as Zhang Danlu, and standing side by side with Zhao Wenzhuo, and then half a head can catch up with Zhao Wenzhuo. The point is that Zhao Ziyi is still in the development stage, and I believe that soon her height will catch up with Zhao Wenzhuo. Zhao Wenzhuo is quite fond of Zhao Ziyi, not only because this daughter looks good, but also has a very shrewd mind, coupled with generous conversation, which can be said to be loved by everyone. Zhao Wenzhuo and his wife intend to cultivate her to become a talent, so that after completing primary school in China, they will directly send her to Switzerland to study, and don't look at Zhao Ziyi's young age, but she is very independent, the first time she went to Switzerland to study is to go alone, and the summer vacation is also to return to China alone.

Zhao Wenzhuo posted a text to celebrate his 50th birthday, received the eldest daughter's family letter and was touched by it, and the whole family took a photo that looked like a god

Because Zhao Ziyi is now studying abroad, it is not easy to travel to and from home and abroad once (to isolate), and after a year, it is estimated that she will only come back during the winter and summer vacations, and naturally she will miss a lot of time with her family, as well as some meaningful things, such as celebrating people's birthdays. April 10 is Zhao Wenzhuo's 50th birthday, and now Zhao Wenzhuo lacks nothing, the rarest thing is to be with his family - at this age when he knows the destiny of heaven, of course, he must celebrate with his family. Zhao Wenzhuo posted a number of photos of celebrating his birthday with his family on the social platform, Zhang Danlu specially put on a cheongsam, and a pair of children also wore the same costume, of which the youngest daughter also put on light makeup, very grand, but also very happy and lively.

Zhao Wenzhuo posted a text to celebrate his 50th birthday, received the eldest daughter's family letter and was touched by it, and the whole family took a photo that looked like a god

Judging from the family's group photo, the younger son is like Zhao Wenzhuo, the younger daughter is like Zhang Danlu, and in terms of this development trend, the two children will be handsome and beautiful in the future. In addition, Zhao Wenzhuo and Zhang Danlu look more and more husband and wife, so the family looks like a mold carved out, quite similar, to prove that the genes of both husband and wife are very strong. Don't look at Zhao Wenzhuo is 50 years old, but he does not look old, in one of the solo photos, he holds a bouquet in one hand, and the word "five" is posed with the other hand, which looks like 40 years old is not exaggerated.

Zhao Wenzhuo posted a text to celebrate his 50th birthday, received the eldest daughter's family letter and was touched by it, and the whole family took a photo that looked like a god
Zhao Wenzhuo posted a text to celebrate his 50th birthday, received the eldest daughter's family letter and was touched by it, and the whole family took a photo that looked like a god

For 50-year-old Zhao Wenzhuo, the fly in the ointment of this year's birthday is that the eldest daughter Zhao Ziyi is not around, so there is one less person in the family portrait. Although Zhao Ziyi could not celebrate her father's birthday, she had already written a long article for Zhao Wenzhuo in the family group for the first time. From this family letter, I read about a daughter's admiration and concern for her father, and also read about a fan's love and care for idols. Zhao Ziyi said that although she could not celebrate her father's birthday this year, she would sing a birthday song for her father in the form of a video to express her gratitude for her father's efforts over the years.

Zhao Wenzhuo posted a text to celebrate his 50th birthday, received the eldest daughter's family letter and was touched by it, and the whole family took a photo that looked like a god

Frankly speaking, Zhao Ziyi's writing is still good, the expression of feelings is sincere, every word is very loving, it is no wonder that Zhao Wenzhuo was touched after reading it, and Zhang Danlu praised her daughter for writing well. After seeing Zhao Ziyi's family letter, Zhao Wenzhuo's regrets should also be made up, and instead he was relieved and proud of his daughter's understanding. In addition, even if there is no eldest daughter around, there is also the company of the younger son and the younger daughter to cut the cake together, which also makes Zhao Wenzhuo very happy.

PS: The pictures are all from the Internet

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