
How angry does the father have to be when he breaks his hand bone? Why did he get angry? When I asked, I couldn't stop laughing

Under the epidemic, all kinds of contradictions are constantly emerging. Some people are infected with the new crown virus and are still moving around; some people disregard the regulations on epidemic prevention and forcibly break into the card; some college students ignore the ban on school closures and sneak out of the campus... And such cases, whenever they appear, attract criticism from the public - because this is putting everyone in danger.

How angry does the father have to be when he breaks his hand bone? Why did he get angry? When I asked, I couldn't stop laughing

And under this epidemic, who is the most tired? Some people say that they are frontline epidemic prevention personnel, some people say that they are teachers, and some people say that they are parents. Although everyone knows that the most tired should be the frontline medical staff, but everyone stands in a different position, their own feelings will be different. And in the midst of the epidemic, who is the most tired? The author thought that parents should also count one, because after the divine beast returned home, the parents' blood pressure would soar, and it would be difficult to calm down in their hearts!

As the pandemic swept in again, many places had to implement online classes again. When children return home and face to face with their parents, the responsibility of educating children naturally falls on the shoulders of parents.

And in the face of the child's perfunctory learning attitude, constantly tossing and turning various actions, you look comfortable or uncomfortable, are you painful or not? Scold, the neighbors will laugh when they hear it; fight, and they are reluctant to do it - they are all the top of the heart, the leaves of the lungs, the eyeballs, who is willing to be rude to their children?

How angry does the father have to be when he breaks his hand bone? Why did he get angry? When I asked, I couldn't stop laughing

Without giving him a lesson, he won't have a long memory! Look at the homework that has been done in a procrastinating manner, look at the red crosses full of pages, look at the countless "100,000 whys", can you calm down? I'm afraid few people can do it. For the sake of face and for the sake of children, many parents silently hold their breath in their hearts. However, don't worry too much in his chest, it will explode. So, how should we face this?

A parent in Changsha came up with a new trick. This trick does not hurt the child, but it tosses the parents themselves. What's going on?

How angry does the father have to be when he breaks his hand bone? Why did he get angry? When I asked, I couldn't stop laughing

His son was procrastinating in his homework, and he could grind thirty or forty minutes for others to finish the problems. Go to the toilet for a while, drink water for a while, find a little food for a while, but you can't be quiet. Looking at the word on the homework that they don't know, parents will reason with their children and must write well, which is repeatedly emphasized by the teacher.

But he couldn't hear a word, and secretly hid in the toilet to play with his mobile phone, which was not very infuriating. On the day of the incident, my son actually played games on the split screen when listening to the teacher's class - what effect can such learning have? Isn't it purely messing around? I didn't learn anything when I studied, and I also developed my own study habits.

How angry does the father have to be when he breaks his hand bone? Why did he get angry? When I asked, I couldn't stop laughing

The parent tried to reason with his son, but the son covered his ears and stared at him. The parents saw that their son was so rebellious and held out their hands to teach their sons, but they couldn't get down, so they slammed the table on their sons. The sound was really oppressive, and the son did lower his head.

However, at this time, the parents found that their palms were in severe pain and swollen, like a goose egg. The parents could not hold on, so they ran to the hospital, and when they checked, their palms were broken and they were hit with steel nails. This lesson cannot be said not to be profound--how can a seemingly polite person become a roaring tiger when he encounters an education child?

How angry does the father have to be when he breaks his hand bone? Why did he get angry? When I asked, I couldn't stop laughing

Looking at such an encounter with parents, as a teacher, the author can't help but laugh. Only at this time do parents know how hard it is to educate their children. In fact, children take online lessons, and many families have turned on hell mode. If you don't tutor, you will already have a tsunami when you do it. Some people have also given such behavior the name of "anophobia", which makes people can't help but be funny.

In fact, parents for extracurricular tutoring, there is no need to take an immersive approach, parents can only do the role of consultants. Assignments are students' assignments, not parent assignments. As a parent, you should return the right and responsibility to do homework to your child. Only when the child has urgent problems that need to be solved by the parents, the parents should intervene. Others, parents can't and shouldn't all be involved – this is a degree that must be grasped.

How angry does the father have to be when he breaks his hand bone? Why did he get angry? When I asked, I couldn't stop laughing

Perhaps some parents are worried that their children's grades will decline. Without supervision, if the child cannot control himself, the decline is normal. However, such a consequence should be borne by the child himself. Only when the child himself realizes the worst outcome and sees his irresponsible consequences will he realize his mistakes and will consciously avoid and solve them.

That's where they started their renewed struggle, didn't they? Because only when the child realizes the seriousness of the problem, he can take responsibility and learn to face it. Only then, and only then, does the child truly begin to realize the importance of learning and begin to face his own learning independently.

How angry does the father have to be when he breaks his hand bone? Why did he get angry? When I asked, I couldn't stop laughing

Dear reader, in the face of parents who have slapped their palms and marked them with steel nails because of tutoring their children, what do you want to say? Welcome to leave a message and discuss.

[I am a butterfly flower rain talk education, focusing on education current affairs and the latest educational trends, like to express their thoughts and thoughts in words. Like my friends, please pay attention to me: Butterfly Flower Rain Talk Education】

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