
After the Y-20 delivered missiles to Serbia, NATO advocated the Chinese threat theory and co-opted Japan and South Korea to resist China

author:Sun Xuwen

According to the Observer Network, NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg said in an interview a few days ago that NATO is considering deploying permanent troops on the eastern border of Europe to deal with the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. At the same time, he once again advocated the "China threat theory." Stoltenberg claims that given China's second-highest defense budget in the world, as well as its strong nuclear capabilities, which pose a security challenge to NATO, it plans to include "China's growing threat" in NATO's Strategic Approach document.

That is to say, NATO, a military alliance during the Cold War, is not only aimed at Russia, but also "writes a war book" against China. It must be noted that although China's military budget this year has increased by 7.1% compared with last year, its share of GDP is still low, and the external security risks facing the mainland are also rising sharply, so this is completely reasonable and does not allow outside criticism.

After the Y-20 delivered missiles to Serbia, NATO advocated the Chinese threat theory and co-opted Japan and South Korea to resist China

In addition, Wu Qian, a spokesman for The Chinese Ministry of National Defense, also explained that China's increase in defense budgets is not only to meet today's more complex security challenges, but also to fulfill the responsibilities of major powers. In short, China's increase in military spending is to adapt to the international situation and maintain world peace while ensuring its own security.

In contrast, nato member States, according to the Biden administration's draft defense budget for fiscal 2023 submitted to Congress last month, the total US military budget has reached a "sky-high price" of $813.3 billion. Compared with China, it is simply not worth mentioning. However, NATO and foreign media have collectively ignored this point and instead hyped up the so-called "China threat theory".

After the Y-20 delivered missiles to Serbia, NATO advocated the Chinese threat theory and co-opted Japan and South Korea to resist China

Not only that, NATO also banned Chinese missiles from traveling to Serbia. However, this problem has been overcome by the mainland. On the 9th and 10th, for two consecutive days, 12 Y-20s flew into European airspace and delivered Hongqi missiles to Serbia. Originally, the delivery of military supplies by Chinese military aircraft to Serbia belonged to the normal cooperation between the two countries, but when it came to the mouths of Western countries, it became a "threat" to Europe.

The Associated Press claimed that it was a "demonstration of force carried out by the PLA in Europe" that demonstrated China's growing global influence and could exacerbate tensions in the Balkans. Obviously, NATO and the United States want to put a hat on China that disrupts regional peace and stability. But it must be noted that this hat is only suitable for NATO to wear.

After the Y-20 delivered missiles to Serbia, NATO advocated the Chinese threat theory and co-opted Japan and South Korea to resist China

Before the Chinese Y-20 dispatched to deliver goods to Serbia, NATO, without the knowledge of the Serbian side, flew two successive fighter planes to accompany serbian civil aviation airliners, and used the latter as a cover to break into Russian airspace. For both Putin and Vucic's government, this is undoubtedly a huge military provocation, and if you are not careful, you may lose your gun. This also reflects NATO's "double standard" style again.

Of course, China needs to be wary of more than that, NATO has extended its tentacles to Japan and South Korea. Not long ago, NATO invited four Asia-Pacific countries, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South Korea, for the first time to participate in the NATO Foreign Ministers' Meeting. In recent years, NATO's continuous eastward expansion has touched Russia's fundamental interests, and after provoking the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, he now clearly wants to pull China into the water and further infringe on the rights and interests of the mainland.

After the Y-20 delivered missiles to Serbia, NATO advocated the Chinese threat theory and co-opted Japan and South Korea to resist China

It should be emphasized that as of today, NATO still owes China a blood debt. Twenty-three years ago, NATO brazenly bombed the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for 78 days, dropping more than 10,000 tons of explosives and firing more than 3,000 missiles, killing thousands of innocent civilians, including three Chinese journalists, and displacing hundreds of thousands of people.

So far, neither the United States nor NATO has actually reflected on this. Until they reflect on their own crimes and take responsibility, they have no right or qualification to blame China and any other country for undermining world peace, and NATO is the real "executioner" and the culprit in undermining global peace and stability.

After the Y-20 delivered missiles to Serbia, NATO advocated the Chinese threat theory and co-opted Japan and South Korea to resist China

The spokesman of the Chinese Mission to the EUROPEAN Union once pointed out that NATO, as a product of the Cold War and the world's largest military alliance, has vigorously expanded regions and fields in upholding the old Cold War mentality and engaged in camp confrontation, which runs counter to the trend of the development of the times and the common aspirations of the people of the whole world. NATO should reflect on this, abandon the Cold War mentality at an early date, and build a balanced, effective and sustainable European security mechanism through peaceful dialogue negotiations.

If NATO repeatedly provokes unrepentantly, China's fist is not vegetarian, and the People's Liberation Army's determination to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity cannot be shaken. If NATO wants to test China's bottom line, it is best to make sufficient psychological preparations first, weigh it clearly and then come back.

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