
Huang Tingjian's book "Only The Qing Dao Ren Ti" was appreciated

Huang Tingjian's book "Only The Qing Dao Ren Ti" was appreciated

Huang Tingjian's "Only Qingdao Ren Ti" is a book on paper

29.3×31.8cm Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing

Huang Tingjian's book "Only The Qing Dao Ren Ti" was appreciated
Huang Tingjian's book "Only The Qing Dao Ren Ti" was appreciated

The lines of this post are wide and the words are tight, so the strokes are mostly horizontal, the knot body is on the side, the left is low and the right is high, and there is a steep state, which fully reflects the characteristics of Huang Tingjian's small line book and is its representative work.

Huang Tingjian's book "Only The Qing Dao Ren Ti" was appreciated
Huang Tingjian's book "Only The Qing Dao Ren Ti" was appreciated

However, the Qing Daoists wrote it in 1094 in the first year of Shao Sheng, and there are Tibetan seals such as "Ji Xi Dian Bao", "Xiang Yuan Bian Seal", and "Yi Zhou Treasure Collection". This post was once collected by Ming Nei Fu and Xiang Yuanbian and Anqi. The style of the book is stable and tight, handsome and elegant, with Jin and Tang dynasty law and rhyme. It is different from the style of Huang Tingjian's special ups and downs and oblique expansion. Qianlong commented on this post: "Ling Dong is old and dry, and he tramples on the rocky valley." ”

Huang Tingjian's book "Only The Qing Dao Ren Ti" was appreciated
Huang Tingjian's book "Only The Qing Dao Ren Ti" was appreciated

Commentary: However, the Qing Daoists, who are noble people, have not seen their wisdom in their conduct and wisdom in the jungles of Jiangxi today. Yesterday, with Heavenly Awareness firmly wanting to summon it with Guanyin, it was difficult for those who did not know the way, because they persuaded Qu to see Heavenly Awareness from the past, and the result was already spared. Tianjue Liuqu Fuzhong spent the summer. If you want to return to Yi in the early autumn, you can invite and style the song, and its people are very cute and respectful. Or smell qing wants to live alone in the old mountain high in the temple, I don't know if it is true? The Book of Dequ says that later the grass hall did not flood and stayed also. Ting Jian prostrated his head.

Huang Tingjian's book "Only The Qing Dao Ren Ti" was appreciated

In the "Only Qingdao Ren Ti", the author records the qualities of the Qing Daoist and his interaction with Zhang Shangying (Tianjue). Huang Tingjian was in Fenning, Jiangxi in the first year of the Northern Song Dynasty (1094), and from the analysis of the post, this post was written in the summer of his year, when he was 51 years old. The only Qing Daoist mentioned in the thesis is recorded in volume VI of the JiataiLu, commonly known as Chen, a native of Wuning (in Jiangxi) in Nanzhou, who was a Zen master of the Huanglong Temple in Longxing Province, Jiangxi, and died in the seventh year (1117) of the Northern Song Dynasty.

When Huang Tingjian traced the Jin and Tang Dynasties and studied the classic calligraphy of his predecessors, the greatest influence on him was Su Shi, and it can be said that Huang Tingjian's codex xiaoxingshu was largely learned from Su Shi. As one of the "Four Bachelors of Sumen", Huang Tingjian was deeply influenced by Su Shi's calligraphy. In Huang Tingjian's treatise, there are many commentaries on Dongpo's books, and most of them are highly respected. Su Dongpo is not only a teacher and promoter of Huang Tingjian's literature, but also a model for his calligraphy.

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