
Try the Kali IN-5 v2 active speaker: The best value for near-field monitoring

Poisoned as soon as I hear it

Yes, the Kali Audio IN-5 v2 active speakers were not borrowed from U-Audio to write reviews, but were purchased by the editorial department as reference equipment for near-field listening. During the interview with Yisheng Recording Studio, the recording engineer Xu Yusheng let me listen to his newly purchased IN-5 v2, which was poisoned as soon as I listened, and the price was less than 30,000 yuan, and I immediately paid for it as a reference equipment for the editorial department.

Hey? Doesn't U-Audio have Wilson Audio Alexia 2 and Tanner Contour 60? How did you get into the IN-5 v2? The answer is that the price is different, the size is different, and the usage is also different, originally I was looking for a high-quality near-field listening active speaker, and it is a professional studio version, like the brand and style a lot, but hindered by the budget, has not made up my mind, until kali LP-6 appeared, the sound performance is great, the price is very good value, almost bought it, but the editor-in-chief endured a bit, planning to listen to the slightly more expensive IN-5 v2 and then make a decision, and in the Art Saint Recording Studio only listened to a song I wanted to buy. What the? Thirty thousand dollars to find? Don't buy sorry for yourself, pay for the receipt.

Out of stock to grab fast

Another reason for me to pay the bill immediately is out of stock, the agent said that this batch of goods sold almost, but the new order, Kali original factory has not replied to the delivery date, I am afraid that it is caused by the epidemic, the port of Cyprus and the lack of chips, and now since there is a stock, of course, first grab it and then say.

Is the more expensive IN-5 v2 significantly better than the LP-6? I must say that LP-6 and IN-5 v2 are very good near-field monitors, the frequency response and dynamic range of both are almost the same, if the budget is tight, LP-6 has been very good to use, but I like IN-5 v2, mainly for the coaxial monosomic three-tone road design, IN-5 v2's soundstage depiction and positioning sense, obviously more accurate, easy to identify the subtleties of the recording.

Try the Kali IN-5 v2 active speaker: The best value for near-field monitoring

[Hyper-realistic] sound

Kali originally described this as [hyper-realistic] sound, which means recreating the placement of all the instruments in the recording, showing a vivid soundstage, even if the recording is all digital material, the music producer can also place the position of the sound through the mix, and on the IN-5 v2, the effect of stereo control can be clearly discerned, just like [seeing] the sound. If you have the opportunity to listen to the IN-5 v2 [up close], you can understand what I'm talking about [as if the instrument is within reach].

In fact, LP-6 also has a specific and micro sound field positioning, but IN-5 v2 uses coaxial monomers, the technical advantage is better than LP-6, although LP-6 is also a point source design, treble also plus a waveguide to make the mid-treble connection better, but between the treble and the mid-bass monomer, there is still a little distance, and the coaxial design of in-5 v2, the treble and the midrange sound point is in the same position and axis, theoretically the best point of view source design, so the 3D soundstage and positioning sense is more accurate.

What exactly does it mean to be more precise? How much more accurate is it? Sorry, there is no way to quantify, if you listen to LP-6 alone, close monitoring will also feel that LP-6 is very accurate, but the audio equipment is so, there is a comparison of harm, if the LP-6 and IN-5 v2 are compared together, the 3D soundstage and the sense of positioning are more accurate, immediately can hear it, and do not have to listen to one or two songs than half a day to know the difference.

Try the Kali IN-5 v2 active speaker: The best value for near-field monitoring

Tri-amp drive plus DSP Boundary EQs

As for the price of IN-5 v2, it is even more surprising to me, the price of less than 30,000 yuan, IN-5 v2 gives you a three-tone coaxial single, which also uses 3 power amplifier drivers (tri-amp), treble and midrange each 40 watts, bass is 60 watts, equal to 140 watts per channel, just to buy these driver modules will cost a lot of money, but also add DSP digital parting and Boundary EQs research and development, if you are still complaining about how the audio equipment is so expensive, please take a look at Kali Audio The active speakers, every penny you spend is worth it.

The Boundary EQs configured by Kali Audio are another technical highlight that must be bought in addition to the value. Studio and home listening will encounter the same problem, that is, spatial acoustics and speaker positioning, and Boudary EQs can be based on the actual speaker placement state, through digital equalization compensation, far from the wall to let the low frequency play normally, paste the wall pendulum to make the low frequency less, reduce the low frequency standing wave interference, and the setting is super simple, control the illustration on the back panel of the speaker, see which figure your speaker placement position is closest to, switch the supported DIP switch.

Try the Kali IN-5 v2 active speaker: The best value for near-field monitoring

Boundary EQs is based on measurements from Kali Audio's recording studio at The Village in Los Angeles, which has more than sixty years of history and has witnessed the glory days of American pop and rock music, from Rolling Stone, B.B King and Bob Dylan to the younger generation of Coldplay, Lady Gaga, John Mayer, etc Village Recording, if you like these musicians, listening to them in IN-5 v2, you may imagine being on the recording scene in The Village.

In addition to boundary EQs can adjust the digital equalization compensation, the IN-5 v2 itself is designed to be easy to place, because the bass reflector hole opening is in front, even if it is against the wall swing, it is not easy to produce low-frequency standing wave interference, and the large size opening can reduce airflow noise. When I wrote about LP-6, kali Audio has acoustic truths in every design, and so does the IN-5 v2.

Try the Kali IN-5 v2 active speaker: The best value for near-field monitoring

Take dozens of times the price of front-end equipment to match

Welcome back to THE IN-5 v2, I did not put on the table this time to listen, but the IN-5 v2 as a general home bookshelf speaker to use, feed it a super high-end collocation, the signal source uses YBA CDT450 turntable and Merging NADAC, plus mbl Noble C11 pre-grade, I think probably no one will match it like this, each machine is one or twenty times more expensive than in-5 v2, but I want to use this combination to try the in-5 v2 ability. Rest assured, I'll switch to the [Affordable Edition] combo later and tell you how good the IN-5 v2 is.

Try the Kali IN-5 v2 active speaker: The best value for near-field monitoring

With the C11 pre-stage paired with the IN-5 v2, the mid-band is full and thick, and the timbre adds a sense of nobility, like listening to Mutter and John. [Across the Stars] with Williams, listening to [Rey's Theme], the violin solo has a dense and shiny tone, the treble part is bright and exciting, the scale goes down to the bass part, the change of the tone of the turn is clear, because it is a cross-border recording, the weight of the bass cello pluck is added a little heavier, IN-5 v2 clearly presents the style of the recording, the taste of the addition is also very accurate, the layering of the recording is quite beautiful, the position is slightly backwards when the brass group blows, and the wide sound field is opened. Contrast condensed in the center of the sound field, beautifully emerging violin solo, such a great sound, I can't believe that IN-5 v2 only sells for thirty thousand.

Sound depiction is more accurate

Try the Kali IN-5 v2 active speaker: The best value for near-field monitoring

Replaced by Katja Werker [Contact Myself 2.0], which is her live recording with another guitarist, Gert Neumann, in the Tiger fish recording studio, by the tigerfish owner Gunter Pauler himself, listening to [Yes], the prelude of the wooden guitar is on the left, judging from the photos of the record, it is Katja Werker playing himself, after the opening of the second guitar appears on the right side of the sound field, and the uncerted bass condenses in the center rear, When I tried LP-6, I heard the same tune, and the IN-5 v2 was significantly more accurate.

I tried to move the position of the head in the center of the speaker, carefully trying to hear whether Ketja Werker's singing voice is a little left, because the guitar is obviously on the left, maybe self-playing and singing will also be a little to the left, but it is not obvious, only slightly left, I think there should be a compensation correction in the middle of the vocal position, only the lip detail sound feels slightly left, in fact, in this subtle place, there is a precise reproduction of the mirror.

The recording details are numerous and clear

Try the Kali IN-5 v2 active speaker: The best value for near-field monitoring

Come to a little low-frequency blast of music, listen to Michael Jackson [The Way You Make Me Feel], IN-5 played a precise performance, the opening sound effect and the electronic drum left and right channels interacted with each other, there was a condensed rhythmic sound in the center, behind which was the chord of the electronic synthesizer, supporting the width of the sound field, Michael Jackson condensed in the center, the electronic synthesizer many sound effects in the left and right channel decoration, harmony to open the width of the sound field, Michael Jackson's recordings are truly classics, and every time you listen to them, you can feel the sound effects carefully concocted by the recording engineers, making the music rich and full and lively, no wonder it can be a classic.

Well, I know some people say that taking mbl, Merging and YBA to match IN-5 v2, too much, so good, any active speaker will become better, come, change to the most affordable collocation, take out the previous editor-in-chief's [tips], sacrifice ifi Go-Blu, priced at 5,800 yuan of portable Bluetooth wireless DAC, with Airplay to listen, so it is affordable enough!

The affordable portable Bluetooth wireless DAC works just as well

The same [The Way You Make Me Feel] listen again, change to Go-Blu to listen, IN-5 v2 accurate soundstage positioning, charm is not reduced, the difference in the mid-frequency band of the fullness and the delicate performance of the mid- and high-frequency, slightly inferior, alas, this is really no way, good timbre are piled up by money, but Go-Blu also has three digital tone changes, make up for the low-frequency reinforcement, the fullness of the lower plate will be a little better, but the nobility of the timbre is difficult to catch up with C11.

The point is, with Go-Blu such an affordable wireless Bluetooth DAC, and only use Airplay to listen to Apple Music, IN-5 v2 can still reproduce the precise sense of positioning, the monitoring personality is strong, and in-5 v2 is quite sensitive to the difference in volume size, and the change in the dynamic range of the recording is also quite clear, even if it is complex orchestral music, it also allows you to see the tree and the forest.

Listening to Mahler's layering is really accurate

Try the Kali IN-5 v2 active speaker: The best value for near-field monitoring

Who is the hardest orchestral music? Mahler! Come and listen to the fifth movement of [Mahler's Fifth Symphony], the version of Bernstein conducting the Vienna Philharmonic, which begins with the brass long note, the thematic motivation follows the response of the woodwind, and when the woodwind blows, the brass continues to play the long tone substrate, and the IN-5 v2 is so clear that the details of each instrument are presented. When the string group joins, the left and right widths of the sound field are pulled apart, the wood pipe group and the brass group are centered, the cello and the bass cello are on the right, the violin part is on the left, Mahler lets the two voices play the theme interactively, and then intertwine with the brass and wood pipe, IN-5 v2 reproduces the various voice parts in a clear layer.

IN-5 v2 reproduced sound field level, is definitely the first-class performance, but the extension of the low frequency band, of course, limited by the size of the speaker box, in terms of the final piece of the fifth movement of [Mahler Symphony No. 5], the magnificent orchestra interweaving, the extension of the lower disc has limitations, although the orchestra part is still beautiful, but the strength of the timpani drum blow, and the shape of the rapid beating of the big drum, it is not as good as the large floor speaker, no problem, if you feel that the low frequency is a breath, add a super bass, Make sure to replenish the energy of the timpani drum and the drum rolling in.

Take it as a home speaker for value and sound

Although Kali is a studio monitor speaker, but from my experience of listening to LP-6 and IN-5 v2, it is also very good for home use, and the budget is quite close to the people, even if there is no high-end pre-level, you can also simply match the go-Blu such as affordable wireless Bluetooth DAC, play directly with mobile phones or computers, you can also connect Tidal, Spotify, Apple Music and other online streaming music, and Boundary EQs and high-end and low-frequency adjustable DSP, Reinforcing the IN-5 v2's ability to adapt to acoustic spaces, I must say that on the same budget, I can't think of any better bookshelf speaker and amplifier combination than the IN-5 v2, it's so good value!

Try the Kali IN-5 v2 active speaker: The best value for near-field monitoring

Reference equipment

Signal source: YBA CDT450 CD dial

DAC:ifi Go-Blu / Merging NADAC

Amplifier: MBL N11 pre-stage

Cable: Tromba Cypher-OCC USB cable / Xsymphony Precision One power cord

Accessories: Tiglon TMR-2 sound stand / MYSTJ Audio CMS sound stand / ASI mixing equipment

Equipment specifications

Kali Audio IN-5 v2

Form: 3-tone coaxial monocomatic bass reflex active speaker

Monomer: 1 in filamentous soft hemispherical treble x 1, 4 in coaxial midwoofer x 1, 5 in. paper basin bass x 1

Frequency response: 39 Hz to 25 kHz

Crossover points: 280 Hz, 2.8 kHz

Built-in amplifier: 140 W (40+40+60)

Maximum sound pressure: 115 dB

Input interface: RCA, TRS, XLR one each

尺寸:H 382 x W 282 x D 206 (mm)

Weight: 8.43 kg

Price: Due to platform limitations, please check the home hi network

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