
Green gone/An old photo

An old photo

Textu/Wang Yonggang Editor/Wang Yonggang

Green gone/An old photo


Sorting through old notes, I found an old photo.

It was a photo of me with my grandmother in my teens, and it was the only one I had with my grandmother.

Due to the long time, it is close to thirty years, and the photos are somewhat yellowed, and some places are still peeling off. However, the kind smile of my grandmother standing next to me is still on her face, just like yesterday!

Looking at this old photo, my eyes suddenly became moist, and those long-ago events, the stories about me and my grandmother, suddenly came to mind.

Green gone/An old photo


I still remember when I was a child, my family was poor, in my memory, almost no photos, my parents went out to work in order to live, leaving me and my grandmother to guard the lonely old hospital, that lonely day, only personally experienced people, understand!

Grandma had tuberculosis for many years, coughed frequently, and often gulped and gasped, and it was a gray day, as gray as the gray sky in spring. As a young child, I could not share the pain for my grandmother, and I could only watch my grandmother silently suffer from illness alone. I often looked up at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle, shouting loudly and venting the unfairness in my heart.

However, despite this, Grandma is still optimistic, and every day she is strong in facing life and facing illness. Every spring, some flowers and grasses will be planted in the yard, and after the spring wind blows several times, the whole yard will be full of red and white flowers, and the fragrance of those flowers, with the wind, will fill the whole silent courtyard, floating over the village, floating to the distant distance...

"Grandma, these flowers are so beautiful!"

I used to look at the flowers and whisper to my grandmother!

"When you have a chance, take a picture!"

I gently asked Grandma!

Yes, I want to keep this wonderful time and my grandmother's most beautiful moment!

Green gone/An old photo


It was a fascinating spring!

The wind is gentle and the sun is warm!

The wheat seedlings at the back of the village have turned green, rising and falling in the wind, rolling waves! The apple trees in the orchard also blossomed, and the white apple blossoms of the trees swayed and fluttered in the wind, like a fairy, telling this spring something!

I was on the left, and Grandma was standing on the right, next to me.

It was the first time I took a picture with my grandmother, and the only time.

The wind was a little mischievous, and from time to time it lifted Grandma's white hair.

I stood silently, facing the camera, as if I were facing a century!

Grandma still smiled so brightly, just like those flowers, in the sun, in the breeze, frozen in that spring, forever frozen in my heart!

Many things in this world, many things, only once is enough! I think, indeed!

Green gone/An old photo


Looking at Grandma's kind smile, my tears flowed down again!

Today, Grandma has been away from me for more than ten years, however, Grandma's voice and smile still often come to my mind, floating in front of my eyes, just like this old photo, although a little yellowed, but still so clearly recorded the most beautiful moment of spring!

Grandma, it's spring again, the apple blossoms are blooming again, are you okay over there? I miss you again, can you feel it?

Green gone/An old photo
Green gone/An old photo

Author: Wang Yonggang, post-80s, Rizhao Juxian Qishan Town people, Judan Prefecture, a person born for love!

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