
"Golden Stone Stele Extension" Northern Wei "Yuan Yu Epitaph", elegant and elegant, royal style

Epitaph of Yuan Yu, July 2, 528, the first year of Wutai ( 528 ) , the stone is 50.3 cm high and 50 cm wide. Zhiwen has a total of 21 lines, 21 lines, and is written in the main book. In 1929, luoyang city north of the an driving ditch excavated, Zhishi was once returned to the Gushi Xu clan collection. Luoyang Municipal Cultural Relics Task Force, Beijing Library Collection. The Song Weng Unburned Manuscript explains the lineage, officials, and causes of death of the Lord of Mu contained in the Zhiwen. The first volume of the Han Wei Southern and Northern Dynasties Epitaphs (General Catalogue No. 89) questions the cause of Zhi's death, and the third volume is accompanied by a plate (No. 89). The Compilation of Epitaphs of the Southern and Northern Dynasties of the Han and Wei Dynasties (p. 236) records the zhiwen, and the Selected Epitaphs of the Northern Wei Excavated in Luoyang (pages 133 and 371) records the zhiwen with a plate. This chronicle and the "Yuan Ze Epitaph" can correct the historical gap, Yuan Ze and Yuan Yu are both the grandsons of Tuoba Liang, the King of Le'an Jian, but they are not found in the "Book of Wei" and the "Northern History", the content of the epitaph helps to learn more about the situation of Tuoba Liang's descendants and their struggles at that time, and many excavated Yuan clan epitaphs are of great significance for expanding the genealogy of the Northern Wei clan.

"Golden Stone Stele Extension" Northern Wei "Yuan Yu Epitaph", elegant and elegant, royal style

The Northern Wei "Yuan's Epitaph" is more representative, named after the "Tuoba Clan" changed to "Yuan Clan" during the Xiaowen Emperor period. Due to the unique status of the Yuan family, the epitaphs of its deceased are different in terms of stone selection, calligraphy, engraving, etc., and their stone selection is exquisite, the writing is respectful, and the engraving is exquisite. For example, the National Museum's collection of "Yuan Ze Epitaph", "Yuan Yu Epitaph", "Yuan Yu Epitaph", etc., in the calligraphy style is mainly manifested as flat, gentle, harmonious, elegant, elegant, beautiful, there is a royal style.

"Golden Stone Stele Extension" Northern Wei "Yuan Yu Epitaph", elegant and elegant, royal style
"Golden Stone Stele Extension" Northern Wei "Yuan Yu Epitaph", elegant and elegant, royal style