
Do women age "off the cliff" after menopause? Doctor: 5 things to be willing to eat, more youthful

author:Armor nurse
Introduction: Women will have menopause after reaching a certain age, which is the stage that every woman will experience, and the age of menopause is also different, some people have menopause earlier, some are more normal, today let's understand about women after menopause, will it really age? You'll know it after reading it.
Do women age "off the cliff" after menopause? Doctor: 5 things to be willing to eat, more youthful

Do women age "off the cliff" after menopause?

Aging is a physiological phenomenon, with the continuous improvement of living standards, more and more people began to pay attention to health, the only purpose is to play an anti-aging effect, especially for female friends, after menopause, aging speed will become very fast, is this really the case?

If it is said that women have aging after menopause, it means that it is due to abnormal changes in hormone levels in the body, which is more likely to lead to worse and worse skin conditions.

Do women age "off the cliff" after menopause? Doctor: 5 things to be willing to eat, more youthful

However, if it is said that it is "cliff-like" aging, it is still more exaggerated, after menopause, pay attention to the maintenance of the body, diet more adjustments, a short period of time will not appear aging.

As long as menopause occurs at the right age, it is a normal phenomenon, but also shows that your physical fitness is not bad, if you develop good habits during menstruation and actively maintain, it will help to get better and better, more youthful and energetic.

Do women age "off the cliff" after menopause? Doctor: 5 things to be willing to eat, more youthful

Do women age "off the cliff" after menopause? Doctor: 5 things to be willing to eat, more youthful

The first food: beans

Legume food for female friends is still very necessary, common bean food is also a lot, such as: tofu and soy milk, women after menopause is able to supplement in moderation, will bring certain benefits to the body, this food contains phytoestrogen, the effect on the maintenance of the ovaries is very ideal, especially into menopause women, the body estrogen level secretion is less and less, appropriate to eat some soy products, help to maintain the skin, delay aging.

Second food: nuts

In daily life, many people also prefer to eat nut-like foods, which is a regular snack for chasing dramas, which contains a variety of unsaturated fatty acids and trace elements, the human body intake is strong enough, more conducive to strengthening the body, but also to help nourish the ovaries, maintain strong estrogen secretion.

Postmenopausal women can be replenished, playing an anti-aging effect, will make you look younger.

Do women age "off the cliff" after menopause? Doctor: 5 things to be willing to eat, more youthful

The third food: dairy products

The nutritional value contained in milk is also very high, of which calcium can be supplemented more, which helps to prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis, related studies have shown that the risk of fracture in women over 50 years old is 13% higher than that of men, and women entering menopause should pay attention to calcium supplementation to reduce the occurrence of osteoporosis.

Therefore, women after menopause need to supplement dairy products, which is very helpful for preventing disease problems.

Do women age "off the cliff" after menopause? Doctor: 5 things to be willing to eat, more youthful

Fourth food: black sesame seeds

Black sesame is a common food in daily life, and the nutritional value is also very high, which contains vitamin E has a strong antioxidant effect, scavenging free radicals in the body, for female friends is very good, containing linoleic acid, can reduce cholesterol in the blood, but also can enhance the color of women.

Fifth food: eggs

I believe that eggs are essential nutritional products for every household, which contains lecithin and protein components are rich and diverse, both men and women, young and old are very liked, and the cholesterol in it can synthesize estrogen in the female body, protect the ovaries, and make the skin better and better.

Do women age "off the cliff" after menopause? Doctor: 5 things to be willing to eat, more youthful

Conclusion: For women, it is usually necessary to be willing to supplement nutrients, and the above five foods can be supplemented more, which is very good for physical health.