
Send you a high-paying job-hopping guide, every day is gold three silver four

author:Everybody is a product manager
Every year, the gold, silver and silver are all the times when friends who want to jump ship are eager to move. However, because of the bad environment, this year's gold, silver and silver seems to be about to break the appointment, which has disappointed the plans of many friends. Combined with the author's experience and accumulation, this article summarizes a practical job-hopping guide from the six perspectives of job search and career selection. Is a rare depth of good article, welcome to read and share ~
Send you a high-paying job-hopping guide, every day is gold three silver four

Recently, many friends to the wooden pen to consult about the work, there are want to change the line does not know how to start, there are confused about the future development direction, there are many choices do not know how to make decisions, to tell the truth, I am not a person who loves to toss, likes to pursue stability, has also encountered a failed job-hopping experience, so I am especially cautious about job hopping.

However, it is rare to have the trust of these friends, recently discussed a lot of topics about the industry and work, with some ideas accumulated, recently specially sorted out this article, talk about some of my personal views on the work, I hope to help friends who want to jump ship.

The old rule, first tell a story: W Company's performance last year was not good, and the year-end bonus issued in March this year was very unsatisfactory, and everyone was very frustrated. However, for ah tian, who has just worked for 2 years, there is finally a little surplus grain on his hands, recalling the hardships and grievances in the past year at work, and then thinking about the house, car, girlfriend, these unattainable goals, an undercurrent gushes into the heart, the two words "resignation" instantly fill the brain, so the heart is horizontal, and the domineering person who has scolded thousands of times in his heart, every day PUA does not do practical things, and leaves in a dashing manner.

Resignation is cool for a while, and it is difficult to find a job. It turned out that the outside world was not as beautiful as he imagined, half a year had passed, several offers in hand were not satisfactory, the favorite position did not look at himself, and finally, A Tian had to work in a company that was not as good as the former owner, worked for several months, and left depressedly... Ah Tian often complains to his friends that he is unlucky, always encounters bad companies and leaders, and his own name, his heart is higher than the sky, his life is thinner than paper...

First, go, or stay

Ah Tian's story is by no means unique, we can often meet such colleagues around us, they are young capital, work all by will, come and go at will, regardless of gains and losses, there are many workplace people yearning for the beginning, and then step by step to push themselves into the abyss of the future, when we meet again a few years later, the sunshine teenager has become a complaining youth.

The reason is that they do not evaluate the gains and losses of good work, they do not know that every job hopping is a crossroads in our lives, the right choice is Kangzhuang Avenue, the wrong choice is the muddy fork, it takes a long time to return to the right way, when we hit the south wall and suddenly woke up, time has left us. Therefore, do not bring emotions, before jumping ship, calm down to rationally analyze the current situation and then make a decision.

For job hopping, whether to go or stay, there is no absolute answer, because everyone is in a different environment, their own situation and appeal, but the wooden pen can provide a simple reference formula, see the picture:

Send you a high-paying job-hopping guide, every day is gold three silver four

Whether or not to leave is a choice between gain and loss

Whether to leave or not depends on our game of gain and loss of the status quo, the part of our existing work (the good part) and the part that is lost (the bad part) are listed to make a comprehensive assessment, all the obvious and invisible factors that can be thought of are listed, if the gain is greater than the loss, it means that the company still has the value to stay, unless there is a better choice opportunity, it is recommended to stay; if the gain is less than the loss, then decisively leave, do not hesitate.

Of course, in the case of a relatively poor environment, unless you have enough self-confidence and unavoidable bitterness, it is not recommended to speak nakedly. Because once you speak nakedly, the personal mentality and the attitude of the company to you will change greatly, and you will be in a passive situation and lack a lot of bargaining chips.

Second, what kind of company is a good company

No one wants to mistakenly enter a bad company, otherwise they will be incompatible with the enterprise after entering, and they will only end up depressed, resulting in two-way losses for enterprises and individuals. But what kind of company is a good company? There is no standard answer to this question, because the answer varies from person to person, for people who pursue stability and comfort, companies with stable business and not fast pace are good companies, and for people who want to achieve things, fast-paced, fast-changing companies have more opportunities.

But in any case, at least one thing is confirmed, that is, a good company must have a high degree of corporate culture and personal demands, so that employees are willing to stay and fight for it. In the view of wooden pen, a good company is reflected in three aspects:

  1. The enterprise itself is to create value for the society, to solve the problem of people's livelihood, and in the process of creating value, it can obtain a sustained and stable income, so that the enterprise can operate normally, rather than blindly using love to generate electricity, empty ideals, and even the ideal is disdainful of the leather bag company.
  2. There is a healthy organization and culture within the enterprise. A good company must be a company that attaches importance to corporate culture, relying on mature mechanisms to operate and inherit, rather than being disorderly, hitting a rake in the east and a rake in the west. Specifically, it is reflected in: (1) Have a clear strategy and vision, so that everyone knows the direction of their efforts. (2) There is the determination and method to put into action for the implementation of the strategy, rather than talking on paper, floating on PPT and reporting, otherwise, what is the difference with MLM? (3) From the top to the staff, there is a corporate culture and values that are practiced from top to bottom, because only when the team works together can we exert the maximum potential.
  3. Enterprises treat employees as people and put people first. Many companies are treated very well, but only treat employees as machines, and employees only treat the company as a factory that makes money, taking what they need, so they can't keep people, although such a company has more money, but at most it is a sweatshop, of course, it is not linked to "good". In addition to allowing employees to get the benefits they deserve, a good company will also consider employees, provide smooth development space for employees, let employees grow, pay rewards, stay in the organization with care, and leave with temperature.

If you encounter such a company, it is definitely a blessing in our lives, please cherish it. Of course, before entering the company, the probability is impossible to know these details, a good way is to find a relationship to ask friends inside, or search for company-related evaluations on platforms such as Pulse, but there are too many keyboard heroes, and the network information cannot be fully trusted.

Send you a high-paying job-hopping guide, every day is gold three silver four

Good companies: businesses, organizations and employees

Third, how to predict the company's development prospects

Although a good company has the inherent conditions for long-term development, it may not be successful, because how big the enterprise can do, how far it can go, there are many related factors, and any failure to do a good job will lead to ultimate failure. When judging the company's development prospects, we can make a preliminary analysis from four aspects: policy, industry, region and supply and demand:

Send you a high-paying job-hopping guide, every day is gold three silver four

Analysis of business development factors

1. Look at the policy

Following the national policy is equivalent to standing on the shoulders of giants, and the industries vigorously supported by the national policy must be oriented to the people's livelihood and the future, such as big data, artificial intelligence, new energy, blockchain, etc. The general direction of such a company will not be wrong. And if you deviate from the policy, the consequences needless to say, look at the P2P, online education in recent years!

2. Look at the industry

The development of a company is inseparable from the industry in which it is located, and the development of the industry will be affected by factors such as policy, economy, environment and technology.

(1) Policy: As mentioned earlier, the state has pointed out the direction for us, and the industry that follows the policy direction must be a good choice.

(2) Economy: the economic trend is not good, most industries will be implicated, but there are also some industries that are anti-economic cycle, such as circular economy (Pinduoduo, idle fish, turning, etc., less money, people are more willing to pursue good quality and low price), vocational education (it is more difficult to find a job, so pay more attention to skill improvement and knowledge investment), entertainment industry (the economy is not good, time is abundant, games, movies, audio and video entertainment has become the mainstream), social security payment (more people without work, in order to prevent the payment of social security, Social security payment on behalf of the company has become the only option) and so on.

(3) Environment: The development of the industry and the current environment also have a great relationship, such as during the epidemic control period, all offline business sites will be implicated; for example, without considering the climate environment, selling T-shirts in the winter of northeast China, selling down jackets in the summer of Guangdong, few companies will do so, because sales can be imagined.

(4) Technology: The development of many industries is subject to the development of technology, and when the technical means are reached, the industry can flourish, otherwise it is not timely. For example, the concept of the Internet of Things has been proposed for more than a decade, until the popularization of 4G has not really seen the beginning; the full popularity of VR also depends on the further upgrading of hardware devices such as networks and headset devices.

The following figure is a maturity curve of the supply chain plan related technologies released by Gartner, some technologies have been maturely applied, and some are still in their infancy, for friends who want to engage in the supply chain, they can choose to enter the corresponding track according to their own development demands.

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Supply Chain Planning Technology Maturity Curve (from Baidu)

3. Look at the region

Due to the climate, transportation, economy and policy differences in different regions, different industries will naturally be spawned, and when we look at job opportunities, we can also pay attention to whether the target company is linked to the local industry, especially in the supply chain field, especially logistics and transportation, which is very dependent on the region.

For example, if a company wants to engage in the clothing and cosmetics industry, it is naturally more advantageous in hangzhou and Guangzhou, because both policy and transportation have convenience; if you want to engage in computers and the Internet, then you prefer to go north and deep, why? Because there are many high-tech enterprises in these cities, resources and talents are easier to find.

For example, if you want to engage in foreign trade, naturally close to Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Guangzhou-Shenzhen area is the most convenient, if a company headquarters opened in the central and western regions, will inevitably increase a lot of costs, you think, people's orders can be sent directly from the port in half a day, his orders also need to be transported from the mainland for a few days to the port, time costs and logistics costs will be several times that of others, where is the competitive advantage?

The following figure is a map of the distribution of core industries in each province of the country, for your reference, we believe that excellent companies will find ways to combine with the advantages of local industries to obtain the maximum input and output.

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Distribution map of key industries in various provinces in China (from Baidu)

4. Look at supply and demand

From the perspective of supply chain, the main solution of business operation is the supply and demand problem of products, supply and demand are two ends of the balance, any end of the demand, resources will slowly tilt to the other end, until the balance between the two ends is reached. If the supply and demand sides of the company's main products are very strong, then this is a benign industry, and the risk will be relatively low. But if the balance is unbalanced, it needs to be carefully considered and further examined.

For example: A netizen once asked me, what is the prospect of the packaging industry? I learned that their company mainly produces packaging boxes, so I took a deeper look at the industry, from the supply side, packaging ingredients are mainly divided into paper packaging, plastic packaging and metal packaging, the raw materials of these packaging are mainly trees, resins and non-ferrous metals, the supply of these raw materials is completely abundant, there is no need to worry about the source of goods.

From the demand level, in recent years, the demand for e-commerce continues to rise, as well as the younger generation of personalized customization of packaging, the demand and requirements for packaging will be higher and higher, which requires packaging manufacturers to increase the scale at the same time, but also to take into account the flexibility, then the industry from the source of the supply chain to the end, there is a lot of room for improvement, and the demand is stable, do not worry about the production of products without sales and so that enterprises can not survive.

Whether it is the supply side or the demand side, both ends are very strong, such industries and companies, personally think that can be deepened.

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Packaging industry market size (from Baidu)

If we can't find the data related to supply and demand, there is a simplest way: to see if the company is engaged in food, clothing, housing, life, old age, illness and death, these people's livelihood-related industries, if so, don't worry too much, such industries do not have to worry about supply and demand, because each of us is the demand side.

Fourth, how to choose between different stages

At different stages of life, work will throw us different choice questions, just graduated, will choose to engage in what industry and position, after having a certain experience, to choose in which field to deepen, with the increase of age, but also to consider continuing to take the professional route, or transformation to do management, time is like a train, with us all the way forward, every intersection needs us to re-direction, and then continue to move forward, until the end. On how to choose, the wooden pen gives several suggestions:

  1. When you just graduated, the position is more important than the industry, find a suitable job position, and in-depth learning skills is very important, if you are not clear what you want to do, you can take half a year to a year to try, but it is best not to exceed a year, more than a year and then change the threshold will be sharply increased; if there is no good education and background, try to improve the ability to solve problems, more useful than academic qualifications.
  2. On which field is a good topic, I can only say: existence is reasonable. Every field has good and bad, absolutely good areas do not have to be chosen, because it is not our turn, absolutely bad areas do not have to be selected, must have disappeared long ago. And the field is very wide, such as supply chain, finance, transactions, payments, any one of them down there are many directions, as long as we are willing to go deeper, a lifetime of research can not be completed. So finding a place that you are interested in and willing to cultivate is the best field.
  3. Regarding being an expert or doing management, which is better? This problem has existed for many years, in my opinion, from the perspective of development bottlenecks, management must be worried about experts, who has better treatment, who has greater rights, who has a smaller age crisis, a comparison will know. Of course, in the field of skills- based, management is based on professional skills, and it is difficult for people who do pure management to manage a group of experts, because winter worms cannot speak of Xia Bing, and everyone cannot talk on a channel at all, and it is impossible to establish real trust. The reason why management is better is because the comprehensive skills required are stronger, if the emotional intelligence is not enough, the heart is straight and fast, not good at communication, there is no means of scheming, too integrity and kindness, it is best to take the professional route honestly first, and the rest is left to time.
  4. If you want to be stable, go to the head enterprises in the Red Sea field, such as e-commerce, games, clothing, logistics, insurance, etc., of course, the dividend period of these industries has passed, and the probability of getting rich overnight is not great; if you love toss, you hope to have more opportunities, go to those blue ocean and emerging fields, such as VR, blockchain, artificial intelligence, meta-universe, etc., where opportunities and risks coexist, stepping on the right is like winning the jackpot, stepping on the wrong is like straying into the minefield.

Fifth, how to talk about salary

If the interview goes well and you go to the HR salary negotiation link, congratulations, no accident, half a foot has stepped into the door of the new company. Regarding the general package of salaries, we all know that it is divided into a cash part and an expected income part, if the level is low, generally only talk about cash returns, if the level is high enough, you can also talk about uncertain expected returns such as stocks, options and dividends.

If you are optimistic about the future of the company, you can talk more about the expected returns and gamble on the future; if you are not optimistic, you can ask for more cash returns, after all, the money in hand is money.

Wage composition

The above is the salary composition that everyone knows, and does not need to be explained too much, but The wooden pen also wants to share another formula that many people do not know about the unspoken rules: wages = normal payment income + implicit payment income.

This formula can explain why Internet wages are higher than traditional industries, and it can also explain why some startups are willing to dig up big factories at a much higher salary than their peers, because to go to these companies, we need to pay more hidden costs in addition to normal work, such as overtime, loss of time with family, accept the risk of small companies facing bankruptcy, grievances of incomplete systems, loss of health and age, platform and position loss premiums from large companies to small platforms, etc. The higher part of the salary is the compensation for these hidden payments, you know that when we accept the offer, in addition to accepting higher income, we also accept the hidden cost that the company requires us to pay.

When talking about wages, the other hr will usually not talk to us about these hidden payments, but tacitly accept them all, and we ourselves must know the existence of these hidden payments and strive for more compensation for ourselves.

Send you a high-paying job-hopping guide, every day is gold three silver four

The invisible distribution of wages

6. When to join

Generally speaking, the first half of the year is better than the second half of the year, because many year-end bonuses and year-end benefits (such as salary increases) are calculated from 6 months after the regularization, and the second half of the year, less than half a year, the first year will miss a lot of opportunities.

In addition, there is an unspoken rule, if the company's performance is sluggish, many companies will choose to optimize at the end of the year, so that you can save last year's final prize, and if you are employed for less than half a year, you have not turned positive, the cost of layoffs is usually the lowest, the company can completely dismiss you directly with a probationary period, without giving any compensation, what do you want? But if you join the company in the first half of the year, it will be more than 6 months, and you can justifiably talk about n+1 compensation.

Regarding the entry date, it is best to choose before the 15th of each month, you can catch up with the company to pay social security, and you may miss a month after the 15th.

The above is some of the views and suggestions of the wooden pen on job hopping, whether to jump, how to choose, all in the individual, do not look like the opening of the A Tian seems to be willful and free, but impulsive and ignorant, adults should be responsible for their own results, if it is their own decision after careful consideration, it is the best decision, go or stay, do not regret.

Finally, I want to say that although the environment is very bad, but it is not a pool of stagnant water, for the Internet, not to advance or retreat, no matter how difficult it is to develop, development needs to introduce talents, many companies because of the optimization of personnel years ago, will inevitably release a lot of job demand, as long as the level is enough, more patience, more preparation, gold three silver four in their own hands, never left!

#专栏作者 #

Wooden pen, a vulgar product, deeply rooted in the field of supply chain, WeChat public account: supply chain product notes

This article was originally published in Everyone is a Product Manager. Reproduction without permission is prohibited.

The title image is from Unsplash, based on the CC0 protocol