
Couples chat sensitive words top 1

Last night brushed my cousin's circle of friends, he was punished by his girlfriend to kneel on the keyboard.

Gossip I WeChat private chat with him, want to taunt it.

He just didn't mean to say a word in front of the object, and his girlfriend was sensitive enough to beat him up.

Harm, there are still many words between couples that can't be said casually!

Couples chat sensitive words top 1
Couples chat sensitive words top 1
Couples chat sensitive words top 1
Couples chat sensitive words top 1
Couples chat sensitive words top 1
Couples chat sensitive words top 1
Couples chat sensitive words top 1

At last

My cousin is also a love white, and he doesn't understand anything.

Talking without covering your mouth will only make yourself dumb in front of the object.

Later, I suggested that he read all the tweets of Kuang Bei Bei and avoid the pit when learning the love skills.

Of course, this sentence is also for you to hear, remember to learn.

For Kuang Kuang, the most sensitive word is "seeing."

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