
On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent


Looking at the current internal entertainment, the most popular and most popular character is definitely "internal entertainment people".

Enter the words "internal entertainment live" in the search box, and you can follow a large list of the names of various artists.

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

The so-called "domestic entertainment people" actually refers to the stars in the entertainment industry who are real and unpretentious, cordial and down-to-earth, and often interact with fans and audiences.

In the case that many celebrities' social platform accounts are managed by studios and are basically reduced to advertising and publicity machines, the "living" personas can be in stark contrast to them.

But now, whether it is a paste ratio without this person, or a popular little flower, they like to market this "sense of living people" to themselves.

This track of internal entertainment is inevitably a little too crowded~

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

Weibo was posted on the circle of friends

"The years are quiet" type

In fact, there is also a classification of the "living method" of internal entertainment for the living.

The first is the quiet type, focusing on creating a down-to-earth character.

For example, Shen Yue, who is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in the "internal entertainment life", loves to make daily vlogs of life.

In the video, he either went out to visit the museum, but bluntly said that "I can't understand most things", and only clicked and patted the fun, emoji-like exhibits;

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

Or eat a roadside stall with friends, stare at the starch sausage, and wonder, "What are you doing with this junk food?" ”

In the end, he concluded, "Because we're garbage." ”

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

The content in Shen Yue's vlog rarely has any clips of celebrities and celebrities, it is nothing more than hanging out with good friends after work, chatting and farting happily.

The image presented is actually similar to that of contemporary female college students.

Relying on this kind of authenticity and relaxation, Shen Yue not only likes to mention titles such as "electronic good friend", but also receives variety shows that record the theme of life.

The character design can be said to be very successful.

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

Of course, in addition to Shen Yue, a post-90s generation, the old drama bone Zhang Songwen is actually a member of the "domestic entertainment people".

Click on Zhang Songwen's Weibo, and you can see his various travelogues, observations, and life fragments.

When you go out for the Dragon Boat Festival and encounter a huge 100-yuan dumpling, you must take a picture and post it on Weibo.

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

Planting flowers and raising flowers is self-satisfied, and if you have a little experience, you have to share it with netizens.

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

What he heard and felt on the way to filming on a business trip, he also loved it. From street scenes to flowers and plants, nine pictures can't be stuffed.

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

Not only that, people not only post Weibo as a circle of friends, but also like to reply to comments.

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

In Zhang Songwen's Weibo comment area, whether it is asking questions, complaining about life, or shaking wit, there is a chance to get his "flop" reply.

was arranged to marry by his family, and he came to explain; spit out bitterness and wanted to resign, and he gave advice; jokingly shaking clever, he also picked up the stalk.

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent
On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

lives like relatives and friends around fans, and indeed lives up to the title of old cadres.

There is also Deng Chao and Sun Li's family, Deng Chao not only "live" online, but also interacts sweetly with his wife every day, and records everything on Weibo.

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent
On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

And the offline is enough to live, and everyone is tense, for fear that the Spring Festival Gala will be full of E people in the Spring Festival Gala when they make a mistake.

It's like a big carp out of the water.

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

As the saying goes, it's not a family, you don't enter a family, Deng Chao's wife Sun Li is actually an entertainer.

Not only does her Weibo ID not use her real name, but most of the blog posts in it are parenting records and life insights.

Why is the child sick today, and he cooked rice porridge and cooked rice oil;

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

What daughter entered the pit of "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and likes An Lingrong;

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

Passers-by click in, and they may not be able to find that it is Sun Li, and they may wonder why this daily blogger has so many fans.

This kind of "domestic entertainment people" focuses on a vivid and sincere person, who absorbs good feelings purely by sharing fragments of his real life, creating an illusion for netizens that "the days of celebrities are similar to those of us ordinary people".

Whether it is fans or passers-by, they can feel their daily details and life interest with a strong sense of substitution.

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

Let yourself go

"Unobstructed" type

Another "way of living" to entertain the living can be said to be completely different from the previous "quiet years" style.

They are the main one who dares to say anything, can scare netizens and can also shout black fans, and the strong sense of the net is terrifying.

For example, a few days ago, the "forest dog" Lin Gengxin vs. netizens on the whole network captured the hot searches on various platforms.

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

Netizens who were so angry with the "scumbag" character in "The Story of Rose" who was not allowed to go to Beijing and not allowed to do nail art wanted to build a team in his comment area, but they were scolded back one by one by Lin Gengxin, who was "crazy about opening up".

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

Regardless of passers-by or fans, whether it is Weibo or Douyin, as long as they "scold" themselves in the comments, Lin Gengxin will not let them go.

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

This posture is completely like a dog passing by Lin Gengxin in the comment area and will be kicked by him.

Another example is comedian Zhang Baiqiao, who previously played a little villain in "Ink Rain Clouds".

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

Because the villain's character is too hateful, his behavior is too hateful, and his methods are too ruthless, many netizens posted on Weibo to scold him.

Zhang Baiqiao then persistently patrolled his square, and when he found that someone was scolding him, he immediately replied with a "see you in court".

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

This wave of 5G surfing, the drama of real-time public opinion monitoring, can be said to be more alive than a living person.

Although his job was not very good, the farce ended with an apology

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

But there are also many people who think it's very interesting, and this matter is also on the hot search.

In any case, it can be regarded as playing the role of a black and red and a red.

Liu Yuning, who started as an Internet celebrity, is still online after he became a star, and he joined the mighty team of domestic entertainment people.

He loves live broadcasts, and in the live broadcast room, he can be said to speak freely, spend frequently, and make things constantly, which is quite entertaining, and has created a bunch of famous scenes:

Before acting as an ancient puppet, he was complained that he was too ugly, so he secretly poked and poked in the live broadcast room and said, "I will search for 'Liu Yuning, a beautiful man in ancient costume', no!" ”

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

also joked to save his respect: "The inventory of that beautiful man in ancient costume is high, and it actually looks good after the filter is added." ”

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

The black fan scolded him, and he openly shouted at the black fan in the live broadcast room, saying, "You will definitely fall in love with me in thirty years."

话音未落还切到韩剧bgm,伴着“you are my destiny~”的曲调吹卡祖笛开始“做法”。

There is no need for fans to rush into battle, and they are self-reliant and anti-black.

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

In short, Liu Yuning's Internet play can be described as prosperous.

The words and actions in the live broadcast room are on the hot search without moving, and they don't plan to maintain any "sense of distance between celebrities and ordinary people".

However, this kind of "living" method seems to be quite cool, but in fact, it is also very risky.

A few days ago, a certain little paste coffee Sun Yang was scolded for low EQ because of his fans, and he hung on the hot search for a long time.

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent
On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

Anyway, if domestic entertainment stars want to set up a "mouth substitute" type of living person, they must first be well-handled.

Otherwise, if the character does not stand, it will be self-defeating, and he will be scolded for having no emotional intelligence and low quality.

Treat meanness as fun, offense as humor, this is not a "living person" but a "LOW person".

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

Archaeology of the early entertainment industry dynamics, you can find that in fact, more than ten years ago, all the internal entertainment was a living person, and there was no need to set up a person at all.

Na Ying, who has recently attracted everyone's attention because of "Singer", contributed a lot of divine pictures in the early years because she was too "live".

For example, this whole network is using "*, the most annoying pretending person!" ”

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

For example, when Weibo was first opened, various Aite acquaintances were "harassed": "Hey, I, old man, hurry up!" ”

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

And the classic "I wish her success, because it's hard to do... Interlacing is like a mountain, this is my advice to her. ”

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

"She plays a styling role~"

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

When she said this, Zhang Ziyi was less than three meters away from her.

Of course, not only Na Ying, but also the domestic entertainment star at that time, what kind of public courtship, shouting and scolding in the air, ugly photo emojis......

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent
On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

In short, dare to say anything, dare to post anything on social platforms.

In a word, the former entertainment industry was full of living people.

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

Artists can not only laugh and scold, casually share and record the details of their lives, but also pull each other's heads in person.

To catch more horses, no one thinks there is anything wrong with catching more horses.

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

But in today's domestic entertainment, every word and deed of celebrities is easy to be amplified and interpreted, and just business is becoming more and more difficult.

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

Being a "living person" is no longer commonplace, but has become a highlight to attract fans.

Just by setting up a "living person for internal entertainment", you can make money, attract fans, and harvest goodwill.

This posture makes it seem that celebrities are born to be immortals far away from the world, so their willingness to "go down to earth" is rare enough.

It's a little uncomfortable to think about.

Not to mention that although the character of "Internal Entertainment Living" is not something that anyone can stand, they can stand if they want to, not all 208 who can breathe can be mixed with a foot,

On the keyboard warrior track, Lin Gengxin actually met a new opponent

But there are still a lot of people who want to be internal entertainment bastards who use people to fool fans.

There are actually not a few people who use "internal entertainment people" as a fig leaf, let go of themselves under the guise of "true temperament", lie flat and rotten, shout the slogan of "be yourself", and do not seek progress.

From this point of view, it is better to reduce the population of the entertainment industry with "domestic entertainment people" per capita.

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