
Tank 300 three-year car cost analysis: spending 2610.2 yuan per month, is it a little expensive?

Since its debut in 2020, the Tank 300 has been in the spotlight of consumers in the market, and even now, it will take months to buy this car to pick it up. As the epidemic has not been calmed down, the demand for short-distance self-driving trips has become increasingly large. At this time, a space-passing, sexually travelable and affordable SUV has become the goal pursued by consumers, which is why the Tank 300 can be popular in the market.

Tank 300 three-year car cost analysis: spending 2610.2 yuan per month, is it a little expensive?

Tank 300 has a retro face, and the square box shape combined with two round headlights at the front of the car and the side open tailgate makes people feel quite hardcore, and also brings quite good vehicle recognition.

The interior of the car is not as sloppy as other hardcore off-road vehicles, but uses a dual screen design, and the sense of technology is excellent. At the same time, the materials used inside the carriage are also remarkable, and there is no sense of cheapness at all.

Tank 300 three-year car cost analysis: spending 2610.2 yuan per month, is it a little expensive?

In addition, in terms of off-road capabilities, the tank 300 uses a non-load-bearing body and is equipped with a time-sharing four-wheel drive system, and is equipped with a front and rear axle differential lock and up to 9 off-road modes, the outdoor capabilities are quite excellent, and you don't have to worry about traveling.

Tank 300 three-year car cost analysis: spending 2610.2 yuan per month, is it a little expensive?

Of course, although the price of the tank 300 off-road version in the early 200,000 is very cost-effective, will the hardcore off-road vehicle exceed the car expenditure too much compared to the average urban SUV? Today, let's calculate the cost of the tank 300.

For a car, its main cost expenditure is concentrated in maintenance, fuel costs and insurance, although with the increase of car age and mileage need to replace some vulnerable parts regularly, but everyone's car habits and frequency are different, can not be generalized, so basically or maintenance, fuel costs and insurance as the main body of calculation.

The first is maintenance, tank 300 to buy a car to send 5 years 10 times free basic maintenance, this operation is really quite sincere. As can be seen from the table, the first guarantee of the tank 300 is 5000 kilometers, the second insurance is 12500 kilometers, and then the maintenance is based on the cycle of 7500 kilometers, of which the first and second insurance are free. If calculated according to 20,000 kilometers per year, the number of maintenance times required for 60,000 kilometers in three years is 8 times, and since the first two times are free, the actual number of maintenance times that need to be paid for is 6 times. According to the policy, the cost of oil filter and man-hours is reduced, so we only need to pay for other parts. If you calculate it cumulatively, it is a total of 3536 yuan, and the probability of a year is 1178 yuan. I have to say that after the exemption of oil filter, the maintenance cost is indeed very cheap.

Tank 300 three-year car cost analysis: spending 2610.2 yuan per month, is it a little expensive?

Next is the fuel cost, the tank 300 is equipped with a 2.0T engine, the maximum horsepower is 227 horses, the peak torque is 387Nm, the transmission system matches the 8AT gearbox, as a hardcore off-road vehicle, the curb quality comes to 2150kg, equivalent to the weight of the Q7 level, plus the boxy body will also bring higher wind resistance, so the fuel consumption performance of the tank 300 will not be good. The fuel consumption information feedback from the owner shows that the comprehensive fuel consumption rate of the tank 300 is about 14L, according to the current 92 standard gasoline 8.75 yuan to calculate, the fuel cost required for 60,000 kilometers is 73500 yuan, which is converted to 24500 yuan per year, basically putting the remaining money on the maintenance side.

Tank 300 three-year car cost analysis: spending 2610.2 yuan per month, is it a little expensive?

Finally, the insurance cost, according to the 1 million third-party liability insurance, car damage insurance and no deductible calculation, the annual insurance cost of the tank 300 off-road version of the tank priced at 213,800 yuan is 6248 yuan, if there is no insurance record, the next year can have about 10% discount, so the second year is 5623.2 yuan, the third year is 5060.88 yuan, and the three-year cumulative cost is 16932.08 yuan.

Tank 300 three-year car cost analysis: spending 2610.2 yuan per month, is it a little expensive?

The cost of maintenance, oil and insurance is accumulated, and the cost of three years is 93968.08 yuan, the average is 31322.7 yuan per year, and the monthly is 2610.2 yuan.

From the above costs, it can be seen that although the maintenance of the tank 300 is relatively cheap, the high fuel cost makes the cost of the car greatly increased, and even exceeded the dividends brought by the maintenance link, and more importantly, after 10 maintenance, you have to pay for it yourself, and the maintenance dividend cannot be enjoyed, and the user cost is bound to increase greatly. Therefore, I came to the conclusion that if you want to use the Tank 300 as an urban scooter, only occasionally on the highway, I recommend choosing another urban SUV, which really affects real life.

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