
Johnny Silver Hand! This Barbatos is very cyberpunk 2077!

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Model Maker | Qlaf Grade@wahkhilaf

Kit | MG 1/100 Barbatos

tag | Model modification, painting, creativity, and appreciation of masterpieces

This very cyberpunk MG Barbatos transformation and painting work, is from the Indonesian sister Qlaf Grade, this work is also inspired by the game "Cyberpunk 2077" inspired and created, the image of the body is mainly derived from the role of Johnny Silver Hand, it is precisely because the skeleton of Barbatos is very hardcore, so removing part of the outer armor for metallic painting has a good restoration effect.

Johnny Silver Hand! This Barbatos is very cyberpunk 2077!

In order to get a more acceptable cyberpunk look, Qlaf Grade deliberately used yellow and light blue as its main colors, and because she loved this cowboy pose with a single-handed gun to see the camera, the posing was basically the same shape.

Johnny Silver Hand! This Barbatos is very cyberpunk 2077!

This is the contrast before and after the transformation, in addition to the silver hand, the body actually has a lot of engraving details, especially the legs have more different blue seepage effects, and the paint color of the weapon is also more exquisite.

Johnny Silver Hand! This Barbatos is very cyberpunk 2077!

Hand-held melee weapon effect

Johnny Silver Hand! This Barbatos is very cyberpunk 2077!
Johnny Silver Hand! This Barbatos is very cyberpunk 2077!
Johnny Silver Hand! This Barbatos is very cyberpunk 2077!
Johnny Silver Hand! This Barbatos is very cyberpunk 2077!

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