
Kamen Rider adds 6 new members, Barbatos Sirius Salutes dragon riders, and White Bird incarnates as a Winged Angel

Hello! Hello everyone, I'm Yuanwu.

"Kamen Rider" fans have a lot of proficient in painting gods, when there is nothing to like to design Kamen Rider, of which the "Dragon Rider" series of knights is the easiest to design, as long as there is a "contract beast" can design the corresponding knight, plus now is the 20th anniversary of the dragon ride play, many gods have designed a variety of monster knights, really more handsome than the knights in "Dragon Rider".

Kamen Rider adds 6 new members, Barbatos Sirius Salutes dragon riders, and White Bird incarnates as a Winged Angel

This is based on the game character in "Dragon Warrior" as the prototype design of kamen rider Sagittarius, with the shield and bow summoner as the exclusive weapon, is a typical Western dragon knight shape, the whole body armor is mainly white, the top of the helmet in the middle of the three sharp horns in turn, and then a long horse's mane, with a crimson cape, handsome with a dashing touch, very in line with the hero image in the girl's heart.

Kamen Rider adds 6 new members, Barbatos Sirius Salutes dragon riders, and White Bird incarnates as a Winged Angel

The next kamen rider Leo, which is also based on the prototype of the dragon warrior game character, is a domineering, lion-headed helmet full of mecha elements, embedded with green round gems in the middle of the chest, with a giant blade of both arms and a long-tailed axe blade behind it as an exclusive weapon, which is simply a knight designed for killing, too handsome.

Kamen Rider adds 6 new members, Barbatos Sirius Salutes dragon riders, and White Bird incarnates as a Winged Angel

The most handsome is the Kamen Rider Sirius designed according to "Gundam Barbatos", which is simply a double kitchen ecstasy. The beast-shaped white armor is quite handsome, the hand and leg armor has added sharp blades, and the white battle skirt is the highlight. Exclusive weapons are hammer spears made of rare hard alloy materials, with four thick blades, and a shootable needle mechanism at the front of the hammer, which is extremely destructive.

The matching contract beast "Mechanical Sirius" is designed according to the form of the Barbatos Sirius, is a combination of creatures and mechs, with sharp claws and teeth, and the flying blade on the back as the main weapon, much like the village rain tusk lion in "Origin of the Beast".

Kamen Rider adds 6 new members, Barbatos Sirius Salutes dragon riders, and White Bird incarnates as a Winged Angel

According to the official knight design of the new knight is also good, Kamen Rider Rat Emperor is based on the Kamen Rider Antelope Emperor, the Contract Beast is the mirror monster "Giant Fist Kangaroo", good at close combat. The shape is simple and handsome, the blue armor is consistent with the dragon riding style, the kangaroo-shaped helmet is full of personality, and the shape of the summoner is very simple, but it is also very convenient, and it can be used by drawing out cards.

Kamen Rider adds 6 new members, Barbatos Sirius Salutes dragon riders, and White Bird incarnates as a Winged Angel

There is also the Kamen Rider Leo with the theme of "Flame" and "Lion", the shape is very handsome, the lion-shaped helmet is both cute and wild, and the gold and red armor matching is very eye-catching, looking arrogant, such a female knight is full of charm. The most interesting thing is the setting of the summoner, with a gun mode and a sword mode, relying on different cards to switch different modes, but unfortunately there is no corresponding contract beast, the fire lion shape of the contract beast is definitely very handsome.

Kamen Rider adds 6 new members, Barbatos Sirius Salutes dragon riders, and White Bird incarnates as a Winged Angel

Finally, the survival form designed by fans for Kamen Rider Shiratori is very stunning, the whole body is wrapped in pure white tight protective clothing, the outside is golden feather-like armor, and the blue battle dress is added to the waist, with the white wings behind it, like a holy wing angel, more handsome than kamen Rider Live's holy crow form.

Kamen Rider Dragon Rider really pioneered a genre that could knight any inhuman creature, such as Pokémon, Digimon, Gundam, Naruto, and so on.

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