
Mobile phone ceiling Hugo opened the whole network sniper, the big anchor heard the news have come to besiege!

Speaking of the current hottest, the most popular FPS mobile game, I believe that the vast majority of FPS game enthusiasts for the first time to think of the peace elite this game, peace elite as the first domestic e-sports circle to military competition as the background of the battle royale type of chicken eating mobile game, with its unique chicken eating game, after the launch has attracted countless netizens have entered the pit, jumped to become the leader of many similar games, During the period, the emergence of a large number of anchor groups also greatly met the viewing needs of the majority of netizens, making the peace elite game circle also full of topics.

Mobile phone ceiling Hugo opened the whole network sniper, the big anchor heard the news have come to besiege!

In the field of peace elite live broadcasting, when it comes to the most popular anchors today, presumably the vast majority of players who often watch live broadcasts think of absolutely not to seek people, shark yo and other anchors are nothing, but in the recent period, do not seek people, shark yo and other anchors have been shaken because of the emergence of an anchor, this anchor is the anchor Huya peace elite plate anchor Hugo, as we all know, in the recent period of Time Hugo's popularity soared, and even once overtook the shark yo, do not seek people, Successfully ranked among the top anchors in the game circle.

Mobile phone ceiling Hugo opened the whole network sniper, the big anchor heard the news have come to besiege!

Anchors who know Hugo know that Hugo people call the ceiling of the peace elite's mobile phone, with their own strong game strength to become the first anchor in the peace elite game circle to reach 9000 elimination points, it can be seen how strong Hugo's strength is, but last week Hugo accidentally overturned in the solo game with water friends, was pressed on the ground by water friends to rub, and finally it was very humiliating to shout "righteous father" in the live broadcast, just disgraced, so Hugo in order to shame a snow, Hugo recently decided to open the whole network sniper in the live broadcast room, This full-network sniper attack is actually the same as the "tooth extraction operation" held by Shark Yo before, and anyone can participate in it.

Mobile phone ceiling Hugo opened the whole network sniper, the big anchor heard the news have come to besiege!

It is reported that Han Xu, Rambo and X convoys will come to besiege and beat Hugo together, I don't know if in this network sniper activity, in the face of such a big pressure Hugo will be beaten to tears again? Interested players will go to Huya to follow Hugo's live broadcast room!

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