
After not asking people to cry out of the circle, Hugo actually called "Righteous Father" out of the circle, and his popularity soared

When it comes to the peace elite this FPS mobile game, I believe that the vast majority of FPS mobile game enthusiasts must be familiar with it, peace elite as the first domestic e-sports circle to military competition as the background of the battle royale type of chicken eating mobile phone game, with its new chicken eating game, peace elite after the launch attracted countless netizens to participate in it, jumped into many similar games of the leader, during the emergence of a large number of anchor groups is also to make the peace elite game circle full of topics.

After not asking people to cry out of the circle, Hugo actually called "Righteous Father" out of the circle, and his popularity soared

In the field of peace elite live broadcasting, when it comes to the anchor who does not seek people, presumably the vast majority of peace elite players who often watch live broadcasts must be familiar with it, and the players who understand the anchor who do not seek people know that although they are said to be a technical anchor with strong game strength, they do not ask people to go out of the circle but not because of their technology, but because they are directly crying out in a live broadcast to be well known to the public, it is worth mentioning that in the recent field of peace elite live broadcasting, There is another anchor who successfully went out of the circle because of crying, he is Hugo, the anchor of the Huya Peace Elite plate.

After not asking people to cry out of the circle, Hugo actually called "Righteous Father" out of the circle, and his popularity soared

In recent times, Hugo's popularity has soared wildly, and even the popularity has surpassed the anchor shark who started broadcasting in the same time period, and the reason why Hugo's popularity has soared during this time, in addition to Hugo itself is a strength anchor, there is a very interesting "righteous father" terrier of Hugo, and this stem is still derived from hugo and a water friend's solo match last week, before the start of this solo game, many players thought that this solo game was completely unchallenging for Hugo, and the result was that after the game started, Hugo was clearly arranged by the opposite side, was ravaged by madness in the game, and finally lost the solo game, and Hugo, who lost the solo game, could only be willing to gamble and lose the other party's "righteous father", and prostrated in front of the camera with tears, and the program effect was directly full.

After not asking people to cry out of the circle, Hugo actually called "Righteous Father" out of the circle, and his popularity soared

There is a saying that Hugo, who has a strong game strength and top program effects, believes that in time, he will definitely be able to compete with people and sharks, I don't know what everyone thinks about it? Welcome to leave a comment below!

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