
"Xishan Han traces: Brushstrokes of Time" - Liao Guosong Oil Painting Exhibition was launched

Colorful Guizhou Network News (Reporter Tian Yulin) On April 16, the Liao Guosong Oil Painting Exhibition with the theme of "Xishan Han traces and brushstrokes of time" was launched in Guiyang Kong Xuetang. The oil painting exhibition exhibits more than 100 works, spanning 57 years.

"Xishan Han traces: Brushstrokes of Time" - Liao Guosong Oil Painting Exhibition was launched

"Xishan Han traces and brushstrokes of time" Liao Guosong oil painting exhibition live works (photo by Zhang Jie)

Liao Guosong, pen name Mei Weng, Lao Bai, born in 1940, engaged in literary and artistic creation for half a century, Guizhou literary and art colleagues affectionately called him "Lao Bo". "Lao Bo" never regarded himself as a "poet", "writer" and "painter", and this time he held an exhibition in Confucius Xuetang, and he opened the door to the mountain: "Painting is play, I am an amateur painter." ”

"Xishan Han traces: Brushstrokes of Time" - Liao Guosong Oil Painting Exhibition was launched

Liao Guosong (Photo by Zhang Jie)

"Xishan Han traces: Brushstrokes of Time" - Liao Guosong Oil Painting Exhibition was launched

Guizhou cultural and art celebrities gather to chat (photo by Zhang Jie)

"A writer's paintings can often see a clear vein of growth, but Lao Bo's paintings are very mature at the beginning." Chen Zheng, former president of the Guizhou Academy of Painting and director of the Guizhou Art Museum, said that the exhibition focused on Liao Laobo's creations between 1964 and 2021 according to the context of time, but compared with the painting experience of the 70s and recent years, Liao Laobo's paintings do not have a so-called fixed routine, but are more like "breaking" time in free brushstrokes.

The small paintings of the 70s and 80s, although only the size of an adult's palm, have clear color blocks and powerful brushstrokes, and in the paintings, most of them are the figures of old Guiyang, from the Nanming River to the outskirts of Huaxi, from the indoor still life sketches to the lush rural wilderness, full of a simple and clumsy agility and freedom. Painter Pu Guochang said: "Although small paintings are small, they are very heavy. In the chaotic 70s, Liao Laobo left a simple and simple, thick but not oppressive color for that time with a "playful heart" for painting.

"Xishan Han traces: Brushstrokes of Time" - Liao Guosong Oil Painting Exhibition was launched

The River of Longdongbao (1978)

"Xishan Han traces: Brushstrokes of Time" - Liao Guosong Oil Painting Exhibition was launched

Pond 2 (2018)

"Xishan Han traces: Brushstrokes of Time" - Liao Guosong Oil Painting Exhibition was launched

A corner of the exhibition (photo by Zhang Jie)

"Xishan Han traces: Brushstrokes of Time" - Liao Guosong Oil Painting Exhibition was launched

The exhibition board reads "Painting is playing" (Photo by Zhang Jie)

"Xishan Han traces: Brushstrokes of Time" - Liao Guosong Oil Painting Exhibition was launched

Exhibition scene (Photo by Zhang Jie)

Exhibition Tips

Theme: "Xishan Hanji: Brushstrokes of Time" Liao Guosong Oil Painting Exhibition

Address: Guiyang Confucius Academy Art and Literature Museum

Period: April 16 - May 20

According to the current requirements of epidemic prevention and control work, citizens and friends who come to the exhibition should prepare and wear masks to enter the exhibition, and carry out body temperature detection, health code scanning code, big data itinerary scan code and other inspections in advance according to the requirements of the staff, and those who have not passed the inspection are strictly prohibited from entering.

First Instance: Li Zhen

Second instance: Fu Lei

Third trial: Zhang Chixiang

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