
Immortals can't be like this

Idly reading the "Fengshen Yanyi", reading Huang Tianhua Tongguan's father, I couldn't help but spit a groove.

It is said that the immortals took the children away from their relatives and took them to live in the cave house to read, and there was Lei Zhenzi in front of them, which was another yellow heaven.

Although Lei Zhenzi was named Ji Bo's hundredth child, after all, he was not his own child, and he picked it up in the night of the great thunderstorm. The old man hurried to Chaoge, picking up a child and taking him around was too troublesome, he had planned to send it to the local family to raise, and only bring it home when he returned from Chaoge; Yun Zhongzi appeared at the right time, and said to Xi Bo: Leave the children to me! When we met again, his name was Lei Zhenzi.

Help, get parental consent, and make an appointment to recognize when we meet again. That makes sense.

Immortals can't be like this

The pure morality and true king accepted Huang Tian into an apprentice, and the situation was different. At that time, Huang Tianhua was only three years old, playing in his back garden; the old road floated here, and saw that this child's bones were clear and had the potential to save the earth, so he took the child away casually, did not ask people if they would like to learn the Sunflower Treasure Book, and did not say hello to the Huang family.

Thirteen years in one go.

The Huang family lost their children, rushed to the fire, if they make mental disorders and endanger society, who is responsible?

There was no search for the Lost Child Hotline at that time!

And that's not all.

When Ji Bo escaped from Chaoge and returned to Xiqi, Lei Zhenzi was seven years old, and Yun Zhongzi sent him to save his father. How can a seven-year-old child, who is supposed to study well, be sent to fight?

Yun Zhongzi sent Lei Zhenzi down the mountain and said to him: Your father is in trouble, and you still go to save him!

Lei Zhenzi asked: Who is my father? (There should be an echo here: who is who who... )

I played with other people's children for seven years, and I never told him whose baby it was!

There are more excesses. Lei Zhenzi was originally a beautiful white fat boy, Yun Zhongzi fooled people into eating an apricot, turning people into blue-faced, red-haired monsters with wings on their backs, so ugly that their parents did not recognize it.

No consideration for the children's feelings!

When it comes to Huang Tianhua here, it is again:

- Your father is in trouble, and you still go to save him!

- Who is my Father? (Who's Who's Who Who Who Who...) )

The children are sixteen years old and don't know who the father is!

Immortals can't be like this

Whether it is Yun Zhongzi or a pure moral true king, when taking the students of the school, he brutally deprives the child of the right to know, and arbitrarily sets the child's life, whether the child wants to or not, whether he knows it or not, whether he likes it or not.

Yun Zhongzi to Lei Zhenzi, Qing Daode Zhenjun to Huang Tianhua, when the master is still responsible, passed on their skills. But in terms of respecting their basic rights, it is far from enough, depriving them of the family warmth they should have, and the more they are, the more they decide their life path. It boils down to a lack of respect for them.

Even if it is good for people, it is necessary to see if they are willing or not! Immortals don't ask about human affairs, ask, it's best to be respectful, take care of the emotions of us mortals, and abide by the rules of the world.

Do whatever you want, good fairy, not like that!

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