
Movie past: The earliest girl Liang Yujin, became famous for starring in "Old Well" and died out of marriage

Liang Yujin was born in 1961 in Anhui. At the age of 17, she entered the Anhui Chuzhou Song and Dance Troupe as a song and dance actor and served as a female protagonist in song and dance dramas such as "Touching the Flower Palanquin" and "Marrying Daughter of Zhuzhi Mountain". At the end of 1983, he was officially transferred to the Pearl River Film Studio. In 1984, he was transferred to the Pearl River Film Studio and filmed more than a dozen works of "Old Well". He has filmed more than ten film and television works such as "Jin No Change", "Old Well", "Widow's Village" and so on.

Movie past: The earliest girl Liang Yujin, became famous for starring in "Old Well" and died out of marriage

In 1984, Liang Yujin played Zhu Jianmin in the movie "Jin Does Not Change";

Movie past: The earliest girl Liang Yujin, became famous for starring in "Old Well" and died out of marriage

Poster of the movie "The Old Well"

Movie past: The earliest girl Liang Yujin, became famous for starring in "Old Well" and died out of marriage

Liang Yujin was set on location in the movie "Old Well"

Movie past: The earliest girl Liang Yujin, became famous for starring in "Old Well" and died out of marriage

In 1987, Liang Yujin played Zhao Qiaoying in the movie "Old Well";

Movie past: The earliest girl Liang Yujin, became famous for starring in "Old Well" and died out of marriage

Movie stills

Movie past: The earliest girl Liang Yujin, became famous for starring in "Old Well" and died out of marriage
Movie past: The earliest girl Liang Yujin, became famous for starring in "Old Well" and died out of marriage

The widow's village movie poster

Movie past: The earliest girl Liang Yujin, became famous for starring in "Old Well" and died out of marriage

In 1988, Liang Yujin played Duo Mei in the movie "Widow's Village";

Movie past: The earliest girl Liang Yujin, became famous for starring in "Old Well" and died out of marriage
Movie past: The earliest girl Liang Yujin, became famous for starring in "Old Well" and died out of marriage

Liang Yujin in the film journal magazine

Movie past: The earliest girl Liang Yujin, became famous for starring in "Old Well" and died out of marriage
Movie past: The earliest girl Liang Yujin, became famous for starring in "Old Well" and died out of marriage
Movie past: The earliest girl Liang Yujin, became famous for starring in "Old Well" and died out of marriage

In the late 1980s, Liang Yujin, who was in the middle of her career, met a beautiful love. He married Jiang Jialiang, a Chinese table tennis athlete, and chose to live in the shadows. However, what people did not expect was that Liang Yujin and Jiang Jialiang's marriage soon had problems, and the two chose to break up. Leung soon married a wealthy Hong Kong businessman, but soon after the rich businessman died of illness. Liang Yujin chose to make a comeback and reappear on the screen. After filming "The Call of the Distant Mountains", he stopped filming again and left for France. Today, Liang Yujin has settled in France, married a woman, and lived a stable and prosperous life, which has completely disappeared from the public eye.

Movie past: The earliest girl Liang Yujin, became famous for starring in "Old Well" and died out of marriage

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