
Wearing a mask for 3 years, is your face okay?

| Planner/Editor: Jina Editor-in-Charge: Ya Yun & Fanny

Review: Li Yun

These days, I often see a sentence on the Internet: "Youth is only a few years, and the epidemic accounts for three years." ”

Especially recently, the outbreak of the epidemic in various places, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Guangzhou have entered the poison circle, becoming the resident guests of Weibo hot search!

Wearing a mask for 3 years, is your face okay?

In the past few years of the epidemic, masks have been worn for several years, and looking at this trend, masks cannot be taken off in a short period of time.

I am getting used to wearing a mask, but I am not always used to the skin problems it causes. Today, I will tell you about several common skin problems caused by masks and how to improve them.

The face is getting oilier

(Source Weibo)

Winter is fine, once it's summer, every time you take off your mask, you feel like the oil on your face can be taken to stir-fry! Get rid of a pig's mane alive.

Wearing a mask for 3 years, is your face okay?

There are two main reasons for this:

First, we wear a mask to form a closed space, exhaled gas and secreted sweat is difficult to volatilize, so we will feel that the area covered by the mask is wet, very uncomfortable, this humid environment will stimulate the sebaceous glands to secrete more sebum, so after taking off the mask will feel the face oily.

Second, the temperature inside the mask is generally higher than that outside the mask, especially in spring and summer, which will also increase the sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands. Studies have shown that for every 1 ° C increase in temperature, the rate of sebum excretion increases by about 10%.

What to do?

Every day the face oil is really uncomfortable!

● Oil control first

Products containing azeganic acid, niacinamide, zinc, green tea, etc. can be used to improve sebum secretion.

In addition, we can also go to a safe and unoccupied environment every 2-3 hours to take off the mask and rest for a while to let the skin breathe. (Be sure to wear a mask in public places, epidemic prevention is the first)

● The second is to choose the right cleaning product

For example, products containing amino acid surfactants, such as sodium lauroyl glutamate and potassium cocoyl glycinate, twice a day. If there is damage to the skin barrier, it is recommended to clean it with water.

Some people may think that face oil should be cleaned with some products with strong cleaning strength, but in fact, this will destroy the skin barrier, and the more you clean the skin, the drier the skin.

● There is also a very important point - moisturizing

You can choose a moisturizer that is relatively refreshing after cleaning your skin. Like moisturizers and lotions, try to choose moisturizers whose main blocking agent is a siloxane derivative, because these products are usually lotions and will be more refreshing to use.

ps: If you go out, you can use loose powder, oil absorbent paper to temporarily emergency, temporarily get rid of the pig just hyena advanced little fairy ~

The acne did not stop

(Source Weibo)

Wearing a mask is the most beautiful boy on this street

Taking off a mask and having a face full of acne can scare people to death

Wearing a mask for 3 years, is your face okay?

As mentioned above, the humid and hot environment inside the mask will lead to an increase in the secretion of sebaceous glands, and an increase in sebum secretion will induce and aggravate acne, so it is no wonder that acne comes uninvited.

In addition, wearing a mask may crush the local skin (chin and cheeks), block the sebaceous ducts, make the sebum unable to pass out, and aggravate the acne situation.

To improve this situation, it is necessary to cooperate with the above "face oil solution", maintain good living habits, reduce the intake of high-sugar foods and dairy products, and if necessary, use topical antibiotics and/or retinoids. In severe cases, oral medications may be given under the guidance of a doctor.

Skin bruising

To be honest, after wearing a mask for a few years, I feel that the skin behind my ears is calloused! However, this cocoon is also too tender, and recently because of the epidemic, I changed into an N95 mask, and my ears hurt again.

Wearing a mask for 3 years, is your face okay?

This is a stressful damage caused by local compression of the skin caused by long-term wearing of masks, mainly manifested in bone protrusions such as the nose, cheekbones, and behind the pinna, or weak skin.

In general, this type of stress injury occurs most often in healthcare workers because they need to admire protective equipment for a long time, and less often occurs in ordinary people, usually when N95 masks are worn for a long time or when the mask size is not appropriate.

For most people, long-term wearing a mask to rub the skin leads to damaged barriers that are more susceptible to allergies and may be a more common problem than bruising.

Wearing a mask for 3 years, is your face okay?

If you are in a low-risk area and only need to wear a regular medical mask, you can choose a lace-up mask, the pressure will be relatively small. It is also possible to pad some dressings in areas that are often stressed to relieve stress.

If mild indentation occurs, it generally does not require special treatment and can recover after a few hours as the skin adapts;

If the skin is red, swollen and broken, apply protective ointment to the vulnerable area, and then use a protective dressing in advance to avoid direct contact with the damaged area with a mask or other object.

Again, although the medical masks we usually wear have a certain physical shielding effect, it is an epidemic prevention product rather than an anti-ultraviolet radiation product, and the blocking of ultraviolet rays is very limited.

Therefore, everyone must do a good job of sun protection when going out, and the parts that wear masks and the parts that do not wear masks must be evenly smeared with sunscreen, otherwise it is not worth it because of uneven sunscreen becoming "black and white faces".

Wearing a mask for 3 years, is your face okay?

In fact, whether it is skin bruising, acne or face oil, the situation of medical staff who have been on the front line for many years is more serious than that of ordinary people. They are racing against the virus in the front, we can't drop the chain in the back, and the mask must be worn whenever it is! Looking forward to the day when I take off my mask


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