
Intel i9-12900KS overclocked at 7.5GHz: World Record Born

On the day after the release of Intel's new flagship i9-12900KS processor, MSI teamed up with Japanese overclocking masters to overclock it to 7.5Ghz, and recorded and uploaded the score, and after confirmation, the latest world record was born!

Intel i9-12900KS overclocked at 7.5GHz: World Record Born

The overclocked motherboard is MSI MEG Z690 UNIFY-X Shadow, the CPU's external frequency has been pulled up to 101.39MHz, the multiplier is also 74x, and finally broke through 7.5GHz. The CPU overclocked ambient voltage reached 1.74V, turning off hyper-threading with only two large cores turned on, and finally achieved such a result.

Intel i9-12900KS overclocked at 7.5GHz: World Record Born
Intel i9-12900KS overclocked at 7.5GHz: World Record Born


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