
The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

Today, we want to share the story of "Labor Model Sister".

I believe everyone has seen the news at the end of last month: Jessica Chastain, the actress who is loved to be called "Model Girl" for her super hard work, finally won the crown of "Oscar Queen" with her outstanding performance in the movie "The Eyes of Tammy Fay"!

The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear
The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

Jessica Chastain wore a Gucci dress on the "Oscar" red carpet and party.

Prior to that, she was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress and Best Actress in the 2011 films The Help and Zero Dark Thirty. Other international awards are even more soft.

As we all know, most of the works of "Labor Model Sister" are full of feminine power and feminist colors, and the winning works this time are still no exception.

The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear
The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

Movie poster for Tammy Faye's Eyes

Adapted from the 2000 documentary of the same name, Tammy Faye's Eyes tells the story of Tammy Faye, the heroine played by Jessica Chastain, who communicates love with her husband through a televised evangelistic sermon.

The opening sentence of the movie, "My eyelashes are my symbol, take it off, then it is not me" in just a few tens of seconds to make the vivid image of Tammy Fei directly into the audience's heart, which shows the depth of the expression skills of "Labor Model Sister".

The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

In order to more realistically restore Tammy Fei's iconic image in the 70s and 80s of the last century, Jessica needed to undergo a long period of makeup and even apply a facial prosthesis on every shooting day, which even caused irreversible damage to the skin in the long run. So dedicated, the title of "labor model" is well-deserved.

The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

The costume styling of this movie is amazing.

Who can see that this is the familiar "model sister"?

Jessica admits that her natural red hair has caused her casting a lot of trouble, and she even tried to dye her hair blonde to get more job opportunities. But today it turns out that her talent and hard work are her powerful weapons for recognition.

The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

Sister Labor is also the cover character of the December vogue beauty newspaper

In addition to shooting feminist films to speak out for women, "Model Labor" also continues to fight for women's rights and interests through her own efforts and influence. She united women working in Hollywood to establish feminist organizations to protect each other from harassment and discrimination, and to fight for the right to equal pay for work of equal value.

Such an indomitable fighting spirit reminds us of another of her earlier film productions, Miss Sloane.

The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

Poster for the movie "Ms. Sloane"

"Ms. Sloane" tells the story of political lobbyist Elizabath Sloane who made personal sacrifices to pass the gun control act.

The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

In fact, Ms. Sloane is not a beloved character. In her work, she is ruthless and ruthless to others, and vows not to give up in order to achieve her goals. She wasn't disciplined enough, not moral enough, and often even walked on the edge of the law.

But she is also admirable, as the words of Jessica in the play say: "Sometimes we act not for ourselves, but simply believe that it is the right thing to do." Her fierce heart is for the benefit of more people.

The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

The film revolves around a hearing against Sloan, interspersed with the ins and outs of the events. In short, in order to pass the U.S. gun ban bill, Ms. Sloan, as a top lobbyist, laid out a big game, a game of chess that treated herself as a pawn. She sacrificed her friendship, gambled on her personal freedom and career, and exposed the shady scene of the power and money transaction between politics and business at the cost of her own imprisonment.

The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

Ms. Sloane's life force of "knowing that you can't do it" and the spirit of sacrificing yourself for the rights and interests of the country and others are really touching. She could have made a lot of money by her own lobbying ability, but she would rather be in prison, because in her opinion, instead of being ruined by an immoral career, it was better to self-destruct her future.

The end of the hearing in the film is the most blood-boiling. Ms. Sloan's generous statement to defeat her opponent in one fell swoop made us feel that the most powerful lobbyist was really full of wisdom and charm.

The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

"The focus of lobbying is to drill through the opportunities, predict the opponent's moves, and then design countermeasures." When the opponent lifts the hole card, the trump card is displayed. Make sure you can take advantage of the fact that you are not prepared and that the other side cannot fight back. ”

- Ms. Sloane

Seeing the end of the film, we realize that Ms. Sloan has always practiced the words she said to her female subordinates: "If you don't like it, change it." That's why you're here. "Beneath the cold exterior, there is a fiery heart and an indomitable spirit.

The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

Although it is a political film, the styling in "Ms. Sloan" is also very interesting.

For the top female lobbyist played by Jessica Chastain in the play, clothes are no longer a pastime, nor are they just for pleasing themselves, it is more part of the job, it is the armor of women in an industry where male power is absolutely dominant.

The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

Ms. Sloane's looks are mostly presented in black and white, and the combination of tailored suits and slim shirts is the most common piece of her style. Even if she doesn't open her mouth, her aura is strong enough to make people believe that she is a professional.

The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear
The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

Sometimes, Ms. Sloane will wear a slim dress with short, neat hair and bright red lips to show personal charm.

The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear
The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

In fact, the "Model Worker" herself is dressed in private with the "fighting heroine" Ms. Sloane, and often shows herself in a suit. Tall Jessica is a natural hanger, paired with a silhouette suit and high heels, very simple and capable and powerful, showing the independent self of contemporary women.

The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear
The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear
The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

At this year's Oscars, Jessica Chastain did not forget the vulnerable in her acceptance speech. She expressed to them in words of encouragement: "I want to say to those who feel hopeless or lonely that there will always be someone who will love you unconditionally, because you are unique." ”

Yes, in a society and era that is far from equal rights, women's voice is always important; women's resistance is always necessary.

The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

In this way, Jessica Chastain can be called a person with a good heart, talent and taste, character and action. Such a good "model sister" deserves all the good things, but she has not been smooth sailing along the way.

Jessica Chastain was born in 1977 in Sacramento, California. When she was born, her parents were teenagers. A rock musician's biological father is not a responsible father and husband. After her parents divorced, Jessica and her sister and sister began to live with their mother.

The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

Jessica Chastain of childhood

It is not an easy task for a young mother to support herself and her children, and "Model Labor" said in a later interview that it was common for her to sleep hungry when she was a child. But the hardships of life did not defeat these strong women, and Jessica grew up smoothly under the care of her grandmother, mother and stepfather.

From becoming interested in acting at the age of 7 to graduating from The Juilliard School, the world's top performing arts school, on a scholarship at the age of 26, Jessica Chastain finally became an actress after nearly 20 years of hard work. But it was also in this year that her 24-year-old sister Juliet committed suicide.

The ups and downs of life did not bring down the "model sister". She packed up her mood and began her "desperate three-woman" career.

The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

In 2008, Jessica Chastain made her debut as a leading actress in the film Jolene.

In 2011, Jessica reached the first peak of her career by receiving multiple "Best Supporting Actress" nominations, including the Academy Awards and Golden Globes, for the film "Help".

The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

Stills from the movie "Help"

The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

Stills from the movie The Hunt for Bin Laden

Also in this year, in addition to the brilliant record of 6 films landing in the theater, Jessica deservedly won the title of "labor model", and she also met a valuable love.

In an interview, "Sister Labor" said that her encounter with her husband, Gian Luca Passi de Preposulo, occurred on the day she was nominated for an Oscar. Career love double harvest, this coincidence in the dark is really romantic!

The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

Jessica Chastain attended the Oscars with her husband.

The fashionista, who is a senior executive at Italian outdoor luxury brand Moncler, is five years younger than Jessica and comes from an Italian aristocratic family with the title of earl, with a family history dating back to the 9th century. He traveled to Milan from his hometown of Carbonera at the age of 19 and was head of public relations at Armani before joining Moncler.

The two married in Italy after 5 years of love, then settled in New York, and now have two lovely daughters.

The life of the "Model Sister" couple has always been low-key, but through the social account of Passi de Preposulo, which is not updated frequently, we can still feel the happy life of this pair of bi people.

The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

From sweet love to married life, they rode horses together, celebrated anniversaries together, and also played weird and watched ball games together. They are partners, family, and best friends.

The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear
The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

A good state of life naturally brings a good working state to the "model worker". On the red carpet, she is always so dazzling, showing the bravery and beauty of a determined woman.

The new film queen "Model Sister" let people see the "ceiling" of professional wear

In addition to the fame of teenagers, there are also great instruments and late achievements; in addition to extraordinary talent, there is also the reward of heavenly piety. I hope that the story of "Model Worker" Jessica Chastain can also bring you some positive energy.

Edit: Sugar

Fine Arts: Roland

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