
Movie "Ms. Sloane"

Movie "Ms. Sloane"

A quote from the beginning of 2020 echoed all year round – "If you think this country is not good, then change it..."

I am a mediocre person, encountered "bad", mostly with "complaining" instead of "change", because change is deeply involved, even entangled, difficult to get out. The cost of complaining is very small, you can even easily stand on the commanding heights, lightly release a sentence "I will say it...", lightly integrated into the social circle, with a common topic, light fluttering to get what you want, comfortable small environment.

However, what kind of person really would be like a sword?

In the movie, she mentions that only her mom has called her nickname (why hasn't her dad called it?). She wasn't born indifferent.

When childhood realizes death, it is understood that living is a period of time, not an eternity. Being a good kid doesn't get the benefits of "causality" to understand the complexity of the world. When I was gossiped about when I was rebellious, I was unusually discerning, and I knew that I was obedient and smooth. I also got the sense of security and happiness of everyone in obedience...

What kind of person can have keen observation? Many people who have been hurt in childhood and need to please and protect themselves, the heroine may be... Then put away the warmth and toughened the shell. Finding "doing the right thing" in tenacity makes faith strong in the heart. Even if advised by a "kind" boss to be a "normal person"...

Movie "Ms. Sloane"

If "the right thing" and "goodness" were, how would you choose? Please select "Kindness". So the heroine in this team, although not necessarily understood...

When "psychology" is universally concerned, when "native family" is mentioned over and over again, some people choose to get attention and self-salvation through "complaining", and some people not only learn self-salvation, but also learn to "cross people", yes, "the strong save themselves, the saints cross people"...

Movie "Ms. Sloane"

Now we've grown up... Others are influencing you, and you are influencing others...

"If you think this country is not good, it is to change him..." Hello, hit workers, working adults, hit workers who are deeply involved in it...