
Automatic transmission of the "4 not allowed", many car owners do not go wrong, and finally overhaul the engine

In the past, manual vehicles were more popular, and now that autonomous cars are people's favorites, so many young people are the first choice for the automatic version of the automatic version when buying a car. When driving such a car, it is very worn, especially when traffic jams are trafficked, there is no need to worry about sudden extinguishing, nor is there more sudden fire extinguishing than a manual car. However, most people do not know how to use the automatic speed of the car correctly.

Automatic transmission of the "4 not allowed", many car owners do not go wrong, and finally overhaul the engine

For example, when the automatic air stopped in the flameout, there was "Number 4", many owners disobeyed, and the result was finally fixed. First, it is not allowed. Want to use it as their second home for their car, will drive your phone while driving, or recharge the treasure. As a result, I forgot to pull up the power bank when I got out of the car. So all night, the battery on the car continued to discharge. If I lose power, I can't do that.

Automatic transmission of the "4 not allowed", many car owners do not go wrong, and finally overhaul the engine

Secondly, it is not allowed to be air conditioning. When winter and summer, the owners use the car air conditioning, which can bring warmth and coolness. Some people have anxiety when they get out of the car, I forgot to turn off the air conditioner In fact, it is not harmful to the air conditioner. The temperature difference outside the car is relatively large, the car will be very humid, it is easy to multiply bacteria, thus harming the health of a family. So don't be afraid to turn the air conditioner before getting out of the car.

Automatic transmission of the "4 not allowed", many car owners do not go wrong, and finally overhaul the engine

Third, if you don't stop, it won't stop. Some owners are acute sons, whether they are started or parked, better. So when the car is still moving, it hangs directly on the P-block.The P-block is indeed a parking gear, but if it does not stop, there is a part of the action that does not release it, it will damage the gearbox gears. In no year, the owner is possessing an excessive box.

Automatic transmission of the "4 not allowed", many car owners do not go wrong, and finally overhaul the engine

Fourth, the car is still started frequently after the shutdown is not allowed. It often happens to novice drivers in general, they are not intentional, but the vehicle is closed due to improper operation. So I didn't roll out the car for 5 seconds again, which is usually 3 to 4 times. The interval is so short that it is constantly started and closed, which will affect the ignition system of the car. The first damage was spark plugs, then the engine.

Automatic transmission of the "4 not allowed", many car owners do not go wrong, and finally overhaul the engine

Don't look at people saying that automatic speed is more worrying, but when you actually use it, you know there are a lot of small details that you need to carefully maintain it. When the engine is stalled, try not to do these 4 things, otherwise the engine and gearbox will easily fail, and then carry out the repair fee, thinking that it is difficult to consider it. I don't know what your point of view is?

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