
One night forgot to turn off the fire, saw the fuel consumption car owner stunned in place, now think about it and be afraid

Many car owners have poor car habits, always careless when parking, sometimes only park without turning off, the owner will directly lock the door and leave. Now many cars are equipped with automatic start-stop function, and the engine will be suspended when braking hard, and the owner can't think of turning off the engine.

One night forgot to turn off the fire, saw the fuel consumption car owner stunned in place, now think about it and be afraid

What are the consequences of not turning off the engine for a long time? The real experience of a car owner in Jiangxi is heart-wrenching. The owner of the car, Mr. Liu, is busy at work and works overtime until more than 10 o'clock every day before returning home. Once, Mr. Liu was particularly tired after working overtime for a long time and just wanted to go home and rest quickly.

Mr. Liu parked his car in the underground parking lot, and did not pay attention to whether the fire was turned off before packing his things and going home. Mr. Liu went back to sleep upside down when he got home, leaving behind the forgetting to turn off the fire. On the morning of the second day, when Mr. Liu got up to work, he found that the car was abnormal, and it turned out that he had not turned off the previous day.

One night forgot to turn off the fire, saw the fuel consumption car owner stunned in place, now think about it and be afraid

Mr. Liu parked his car in the parking lot at 10 o'clock the night before, and it has been 10 hours now, is there a problem with the car? Mr. Liu quickly opened the car door to check the dashboard, and the car's fuel consumption rose to 40.9L overnight. Mr. Liu's household scooter has a relatively small displacement, usually driving in the urban area, and the comprehensive fuel consumption is only 7.8 liters.

One night forgot to turn off the fire, saw the fuel consumption car owner stunned in place, now think about it and be afraid

Unexpectedly, the fuel consumption of the car idled overnight actually rose to 40.9 liters, fortunately, Mr. Liu had just filled up the gas two days ago, and the car did not stop. After seeing the car's fuel consumption meter, Mr. Liu was stunned in place, and he carelessly forgot to turn off the ignition resulting in such a high fuel consumption, if the car continues to idle, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Mr. Liu took a photo and uploaded it to the Internet, reminding everyone to determine whether the car is turned off before stopping, do not be careless, and leave directly without turning off. Cars with automatic start-stop function do not need the owner to insert the car key, and it is particularly easy to forget to turn off the engine.

One night forgot to turn off the fire, saw the fuel consumption car owner stunned in place, now think about it and be afraid

Hunan Car Advocate Lady was not so lucky, his car was parked in the parking lot for a whole day, the car did not turn off, resulting in all the fuel in the fuel tank. Ms. Zhang not only did not turn off the lights but also forgot to turn off the lights, and when he drove again a day later, she found that the car could not start and the battery was out of power.

The car had no electricity and no oil, and could not move in the garage, so Ms. Zhang could only call the insurance company and ask the other party to send someone to rescue. The vehicle was towed to the repair shop for inspection, fortunately Ms. Zhang did not idle for a long time, and if she continued to idle, the engine would also have problems.

One night forgot to turn off the fire, saw the fuel consumption car owner stunned in place, now think about it and be afraid

Hazards of prolonged idleness:

Long-term idle speed can easily lead to an increase in carbon deposits, when the carbon blockage cylinder wall and intake tract, it will affect the power of the car, resulting in an increase in fuel consumption.

The second hazard of idle speed for a long time is the jitter of the vehicle. The longer the idle time, the worse the state of the car Some car owners have poor car habits, and when people are idle for a long time, the jitter problem of the car becomes more and more obvious for a long time.

One night forgot to turn off the fire, saw the fuel consumption car owner stunned in place, now think about it and be afraid

The third hazard of prolonged idle speed is increased fuel consumption. During the idling process, the engine only does work and does not work, and the fuel consumption of the car is particularly high. The fuel consumption of idle speed rises from 7.8 to 40.1 in one night, and the fuel will be completely used up after a few hours of idle.

Editor's Comments:

I hope that everyone will develop good car habits, and when parking, be sure to confirm whether the car is turned off. Long-term idle speed will lead to damage to auto parts, idle time is too long will also lead to engine failure, we must pay attention to.

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