
The characteristics and routines of Pinduoduo mini-games

author:n Warm Sun Small Class

Today to share with you is the characteristics and routines of the Pinduoduo mini game, it is recommended that you patiently read this article, you must have gained a lot, because now almost all e-commerce platforms have this kind of mini game, so today I will explain this mini game thoroughly, then no matter which platform encounters this kind of mini game, you know whether there is a routine, is there any need to invest energy to play? Or is she not very simple, and what benefits are there in the end, here, I hope you like the collection and forward, thank you.

The characteristics and routines of Pinduoduo mini-games

Pinduoduo's mini-game digs deep into the underlying logic of human nature and launches a variety of social gameplay, which has to be said that Pinduoduo operators have studied people thoroughly, and for the platform, this operating model has indeed brought more traffic and users to the platform, which can be said to be very successful. And you see now Taobao, Jingdong, that there is also a US group has launched such a way of play, it can be said that the current e-commerce platform is no longer the e-commerce platform of ten years ago, it is no longer a simple shopping platform, it has integrated more mode plates, and now if you do the platform does not have this kind of fruit like planting trees, or some of this small game, it is not called an e-commerce platform, these small games have become a feature of the shopping platform

In fact, if you often play these games, you may have found that it mainly has three characteristics, including his social play, the first is to say that the newly launched game, you hurry to play, because at this time you may be easy to get some benefits, if he has been established for more than three years, or longer, it is best not to play, because it is difficult for you to get these rewards, some like this to get fruit, or coupons and the like are the same, and this feature is suitable for any platform, Because you have to know that his platform, its algorithms, including its game rules, have been changing, and are more perfect, that is, the perfection of all the rules is to create greater benefits for the platform, especially now they are analyzed according to big data, those engineers, game design developers, according to the algorithm, the human nature is grasped to the death, there is a saying called chicken ribs chicken ribs abandoned pity food tasteless, that is, friends who have been playing for a long time, for this kind of small game, do you have this feeling? He developers based on all the parameters, he summed up is probably only this certain percentage you will get, because the more people play any game, the more people you may get to this thing. Because just like that piece of cake, the more people divide it, the less naturally everyone gets.

That most typical word, like pinduoduo signed in the first two years, why can he accumulate fans? That's because the real thresholdless coupons, you say this one hundred and two hundred thresholdless rolls, that's real. Then you look at the fruit, how good the fruit was at the beginning, is it basically half a month to receive a wave of fruit, but then with the increase of people playing, including its more users, at this time you will find ah, his share has not changed, that is to say, the original piece of cake is ten people. Now it is a hundred people to divide again, so his probability of winning the award is reduced, and it is getting more and more difficult, which is a natural thing, and his rules have been changing, which leads to you sometimes really wasting time, and it is very uneconomical to play with this thing. There is also your daily login time, including game time, these two parameters ah, in any shopping platform are the most important two parameters, then this directly affects whether you are an active user, this value is very important, so you see Ha. Take the game of planting fruits, he later had to play mahjong, fight landlords, read novels, etc., these purposes, are not all in order to let users stay more, more use, this is the way to play social e-commerce ah. So you see a lot of orchard can be derived from a lot of modules, these modules are suitable for different groups of people, in short, I hope you stay here for a long time, and you come every day, his most important way to attract you is to let you sign in every day, sign in to get a few cents of sign-in gold, or come here to log in, log in for seven consecutive days, give you some rewards, basically this set of roads.

The characteristics and routines of Pinduoduo mini-games

The second feature, pulling people's heads, some time ago that Pinduoduo was sued by the court because of the six digits after the decimal point, many people know it, then the people who may play like this, there will be a lot less, because you say that after the six decimal places, basically how much probability can be obtained, isn't it? This is self-explanatory, his play rules are speechless, so you see including Duoduo Orchard, you also need to pull people's heads, that is, pull out the people around you, all the social play, he needs your circle of friends to spread. And you see this Pinduoduo set up a what spelling circle, this function it is similar to the WeChat circle of friends, not only can you see what the friends bought, but also see what the people nearby bought, and then you can also add friends from people nearby, he has touched this address book, but this pull head is basically all the social e-commerce play, because it needs data, need new customers to pour in, thereby increasing its traffic. This is still played with caution.

The third is to place an order to buy something, that is, to buy something within the range, and then you can get diamonds, points, coins, etc., these are to accelerate you to complete the game, and then get rewards, but you have to spend money, but he is not necessarily cheap, he may be more expensive, sometimes really have to lose more, but we still objectively look at the problem, because this is the operation of capital, early investment, gather a large number of users, there are users to make money, so the early stage will be a lot of money and then smash money, ah, so the early stage will be a lot of money and then smash money, ah, Let you play this game is easy to get ah, just promote more people to play. In the later stage, he is capital after all, so in the end, when enough users have been accumulated, these capitals will begin to harvest, so these games will not be because you play more people, he will increase investment, but really start to harvest your consumers, so including some data, including the background that you can't see, are carefully designed by the designer, so the partner is still that sentence Ha, you will never be able to count the computer, never count those developers, ah, so we ordinary people ah, Or according to their own needs ah, buy things, where to buy where to buy, and then these things ha, if you are idle is really nothing, you have nothing to play, but you don't have to worry too much, because you don't have much to gain is also very normal. After all, who does the platform is not playing, it is all in order to get more benefits, you say?

The above is some of the routines in the game of the e-commerce platform, so if you want to understand the content of this issue, I also hope that everyone can use these APP objectively and rationally, and then use it well.


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