
World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log

note! Because the release is still being tested, the information in this announcement is tentative and reflects only the game development status at the time of the announcement. Some changes and new features may be removed entirely or rendered differently at the time of general availability. Screenshots, certain numeric values for certain properties, and game mechanics may differ from when the version is officially released.

Please note: Campaign rewards for public beta suits may differ from those for formal suits.

Arms races in random and joint operations during public testing

Arms race is a game mode that players are very familiar with. It was featured in the game as a standalone battle mode and as a combat format for the old qualifying season. Based on player feedback and statistics collected, we spend a lot of time improving and expanding this mode. Its most recent appearance in official clothing was in version 0.10.10. During the public beta of version 0.11.4, random warfare and joint operations will introduce arms race mode.

The arms race will only open in battles where the highest battleship class is IX-X or in which there are super battleships. In addition, it will only be open in these 8 maps: Northern Waters, Sleeping Giants, Ring of The Archipelago, Warrior's Road, Mountains, Fire Island, Iceland, and Hot Spots.

World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log
World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log
World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log
World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log

After the addition of arms race mode in random warfare and joint operations, we will disable epicenter mode.

During the 0.11.4 public beta, try the arms race mode in random and joint operations and tell us what you think! Based on statistics and your feedback, we will decide whether this model can be added to the official service.

French cruiser

During version 0.11.4, the new French cruisers VIII Cherbourg, IX Brest and X Marseille will be on display! These warships will only be released after the release of the version in the official service early access. We invite you to participate in the test of the event.

World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log
World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log
World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log

The new warships found their home next to the first branch of the French cruiser. The main feature of the new battleship was the large-caliber guns (in the case of its class) located at the bow of the ship. Although the reloading speed was slower, the main gun assembly filler consumables compensated for this.

New warships can achieve high speeds with "French" enhanced engine supercharged consumables.

The cruiser's armor provides solid protection against medium-caliber armor-piercing shells, but is vulnerable to high-explosive and semi-armor-piercing shells.

They are suitable for long- and medium-range engagements. However, with the improved accuracy of the 139 mm secondary gun, the new battleship can also show its ability in close encounters.

We have updated the Port of Marseille for this event.

World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log
World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log
World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log

Italian destroyers join the tech tree

All warships in the Italian Destroyer branch will be open to players after the release of version 0.11.4. You can read the feature article to learn how the new Italian battleship is played.

World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log
World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log
World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log
World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log

Submarine improvements

We are also testing submarines. What are the changes to the submarine version 0.11.4?

It is forbidden to fire standard torpedoes at maximum depths. From version 0.11.2, standard torpedoes can no longer direct their targets vertically, making it inefficient to fire them at maximum depth, so we banned this operation.

When the submarine is discovered by the enemy, the rate of dive ability consumption no longer increases. Commander skills and upgrades have also changed accordingly: the Dive Ability Regeneration Rate Correction replaces the additional Dive Ability Consumption Correction. The additional diving ability consumption is very low and has almost no impact on the submarine gameplay. In order to simplify the submarine mechanism, we decided to remove it.

The Pulse Movement effect is replaced by the Emit effect, and the new effect also shows its direction. When an undiscovered submarine uses pulses, the effect will be displayed within a few kilometers of the direction in which the sonar pulse is emitted. The old effect, while eye-catching, doesn't reveal the exact location, making it difficult for players to infer the initial position of the pulse. The new effect better shows the emission point of the sonar pulse. The player can still see the hit indication and hear the sound as the pulse approaches. The new effect will help players better grasp the location of undiscovered submarines, allowing them to be more efficiently attacked with main guns and depth charges.

World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log
World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log
World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log

Minimap improvements

To make communication in combat faster, more comprehensive, and easier, we've updated the minimap. Added new settings.

Displays the exact location in the square. When you double-click the minimap, the exact location is displayed, not the entire square.

Displays the position of the object. Double-click an object (battleship, base, fortress, weapon) to send a signal on the minimap, similar to a hotkey (F3 or F5).

World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log
World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log
World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log
World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log

The minimap settings are divided into two parts: the circle settings and other settings.

World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log
World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log

Turquoise routes

The next phase of the World of Warships and Granblue linkage will include:

Battleships III AL Aurora and IX AL Azuma;

World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log
World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log

· IX Iowa's Blue Route: New Jersey Permanent Livery, VIII Indomitable Blue Route: Fearsome Permanent Livery and VIII Xianghe's Turquoise Route Permanent Livery;

World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log
World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log
World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log

Commanders Bismarck, Zara, Chabayev, Louis IX, Blain, New Jersey;

World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log

Blue Route - Aurora and Blue Route - Azuma Memorial Flag;

World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log

Updated the contents of the Premium Supply Box on the Blue Route:

6 blue routes - Siren consumption coating;

One of the commanders of the 10 skill points (Dunkirk, Jean Barr, Louis IX, Prince Eugen, Ron, Admiral Hipper, Bismarck, Littorio, Zara, Xianghe, Snow Wind, Azuma, Yixian, Soviet Rosia, Aurora, Chabayev, Belfast, Nelson, Hood, Neptune, Fearful, Baltimore, Enterprise, Cleveland, Montpellier, New Jersey);

12x Same special signal flag (Basilica, Bipedal Wyvern, Hydra, Dragon, Red Dragon, Leviathan, Skoura or Ouroboros).

World of Warships | 0.11.4 development log

If the player's account already has the Blue Route Premium Replenishment Box, its content will be updated accordingly after the release of version 0.11.4. More details on the linkage will be announced later.

2017 Manjuu Co.,Ltd. & Yongshi Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 2017 Yostar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Source: WorldofWarships EU. Articles have been abridged and changed.

Edit: li02

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