
How big is the size and area of the 0-3 year old childcare center?

How big is the size and area of the 0-3 year old childcare center?

How big is the size of the 0-3 year old childcare center

What is the most suitable area?

How big is the size and area of the 0-3 year old childcare center?

There are many investors who say that I want to be the best local childcare center, I want to be a center with brand influence, I want to be a local standard demonstration garden, so my venue should be enough atmosphere and enough luxury, so I will choose more than 1,000 square meters, more than 2,000 square meters and even choose more than 3,000 square meters.

Then I would like to advise everyone, if you are so large, simply do 0-3 childcare, do not do this.


First: 0-3 years old childcare in the current market awareness and acceptance is still very low, it has not yet reached a need like kindergarten. Most of the age groups that can accept childcare are still in the stage of 2-3 years old, and some of the 2-3 year old children may be deferred to small nursery classes by some 3-6 year old kindergartens, sharing a batch.

Another batch may arrive at the center, such an age group of children probably stay in the center for about half a year or so to graduate, the institution will have to re-go to the external enrollment promotion, and even to form a huge enrollment team to meet the needs of a large number of students, so the cost of the entire operation will be very high, the source of students is not so much, then the entire center will look relatively empty, lack of popularity.

So how can I get the outside market to achieve the influence and recognition of this brand I want?

The current epidemic has not passed, so we as the center, such a big cost pressure. How can I resist the risks posed by this force majeure of the pandemic?

How big is the size and area of the 0-3 year old childcare center?

Second, you said that I could recruit the students I needed for this volume.

But what we should consider is that 0-3-year-old children, their body's immune system has not been fully built, in a large number of environments, his risk of cross-infection will increase.

We do 0-3 year old childcare, the first thing to ensure is the health and safety of the children, if there are frequent occurrences in your center children because of the spread of disease, illness, infection. Then the influence of your brand will be reduced, and the reputation will be reduced.

Third, 0-3 year old children, especially small infants in the 0-1 age group, they need an environment that is not a luxurious, large enough venue, they just need a warm, comfortable like home, and reduce the overstimulation of an environment to meet their need for a sense of security.

If the size of the institution is large and the classroom is also large, the operating costs to be met by the classroom will increase the enrollment and the number of teachers.

In the whole environment, its external stimulation will be a lot, for the small infant stage, they have no way to ensure a sense of security, better established.

How big is the size and area of the 0-3 year old childcare center?

Therefore, 0-3 years old childcare, I think 300-500 is the most suitable. It is possible to make several classrooms in such an area, and it can also meet the needs of an enrollment of the entire student source.

At the same time, 0-3 years old it should be a small-volume, multi-point community-type model to operate, if such a home is good enough, there are enough students, you can also do a second and third in another community.

This can also achieve an influence and exposure of the entire brand.

How big is the size and area of the 0-3 year old childcare center?

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