
How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

author:Barcelona Films

In the past few days, the news about Eason Chan crying that "there are only 30 million left on the card, and the heart is really panicked" has made a lot of noise, and netizens have joked: Sure enough, the "poverty" in the eyes of celebrities is different from our ordinary people.

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

However, it didn't take long for someone to pull out, which was a fake piece of news. The screenshot of the news comes from an interview in 2020, when Eason Chan said that there was almost zero income during the epidemic and that he had not seen the + sign on his account for a long time.

That's all.

Thinking about it, how could he, who has always been honest, say such a pompous word?

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

However, Eason Chan's family foundation is indeed very thick.

As a king-level singer, his albums have always sold well, eight of which are millions of sales, which is amazing in the Chinese music scene, which has long passed the golden age of the 90s.

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

Entering the era of digital records, Eason Chan's appeal is still strong.

"L.O.V.E" sold to 6 million + yuan, "C'mon in~" sales exceeded 5 million yuan, various singles, EP are also gratifying, although the data ranking is not high, but the top of the small fresh meat, most of them have fan brushing behavior, and Eason Chan's albums, basically one person to buy a piece, real sales.

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend
How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend
How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

If you don't believe it, just look at the single "Let Me Stay with You", which was purchased by 3.3 million people across the network, showing Eason Chan's huge mass base, which is also the only digital single that QQ Music has obtained triple platinum certification.

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

In this way, Eason Chan's income is naturally not cheap, coupled with the long-term prosperity of golden songs such as "Your Backpack", "King of K Songs" and "Ten Years", it has earned enough royalties.

With so many masterpieces, Eason Chan is also handy to open concerts, and between 2012 and 2017, he topped the list with 137 performances. Among them, he held the "Eason's LIFE Concert" at the Red Pavilion in Hong Kong, which held 25 concerts and was full, which can be described as a double profit.

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend
How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

In the previous "DUO World Tour", the ticket revenue of 6 concerts in Taiwan alone reached NT$180 million. It is estimated that throughout the 45 concerts, Eason Chan can earn 84 million yuan in income.

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

Super popularity he received endorsements to receive soft hands, and all are well-known big brands.

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend
How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

Although the price of the specific endorsement fee is not known, the amount must be very large. For example, last year, because of his support for Xinjiang cotton, Eason Chan unilaterally terminated his cooperation with Adidas, for which he had to compensate up to 60 million yuan in liquidated damages, which can be seen from here how big the amount of money involved in the contract is.

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend
How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

In 2013 and 2015, Eason Chan was twice squeezed into the top 10 of the Forbes China Celebrity List with an annual income of 70.1 million and 86 million.

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend
How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

According to statistics from all sides, in the five years from 2013 to 2017, his total income was as high as 400 million yuan.

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend
How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend
How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

Although he has made so much money, Eason Chan has not spent much on himself.

The car he usually drives is basically this Audi that has been used for more than ten years.

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

There is also a £3 mini car for grocery shopping and children.

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

And this 4.5 million-dollar Aston Martin roadster looks very grand, but Eason Chan does not drive much, and most of the time he will only go out when he takes Xu Haohao to go shopping.

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

Xu Haohao has been driving the Mercedes-Benz S65AMG worth more than 3 million yuan all year round, running around properly.

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

In 2013, Eason Chan purchased a mansion (detached house) with a total construction area of more than 300 square meters for HK$230 million in Shouchen Hill, Hong Kong, but only Xu Haochen's name was written on the title deed.

At present, the house has appreciated to HK$400 million (about 327 million yuan).

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend
How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

The mansion has 2 large gardens and an outdoor swimming pool.

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

There is a studio for Eason Chan to make music, and there is a yoga room for Xu Haochen to work out.

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend
How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

Even the lofts are exceptionally spacious, which is a luxury.

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

Mr. and Mrs. Eason Chan also rented a high-end residence in Hong Kong's Mid-Levels Xiaolu. Located in Situ Ba Road, Hong Kong, with a total height of more than 270 meters and the sea on all sides, Xiaolu is the property of Li Jiaxin's husband, Hui Jinheng, with a rent of at least 200,000 yuan a month.

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

Therefore, Eason Chan was revealed to have spent at least 1.3 million yuan a month at home: a mortgage of 600,000 yuan, a rent of 200,000 yuan, and 500,000 yuan for Xu Haochen's family.

But actual spending could far exceed that figure. After all, Xu Haochen is notorious for spending lavishly, and Hong Kong media have repeatedly photographed her in various luxury brand stores, buying and buying like crazy!

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

For Xu Haochen, brand-name bags are basic supplies. Many times, a style of bag, she also has to collect all the colors.

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend
How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

As long as it is an eye-catching brand runway, Xu Haochen can wear it one by one.

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend
How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

But if you want to go out on the street, it must be a brand-name goods, from the beginning to the end, at least hundreds of thousands of start. Unfortunately, after spending so much money, her taste has been hovering in the minefield for ten years.

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend
How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend
How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend
How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

The most exaggerated thing is that Xu Hao even uses Chanel's hangers at home, which is really exquisite to the extreme.

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

Someone broke the news that Xu Haochen had been shopping wildly in Tokyo for five days and four nights, spending hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars, and he was still tireless. Most critically, the things she bought back were often idle at home, especially wasteful.

In the face of many accusations, Xu Haochen said calmly that Eason is very fond of me, and I don't think there is anything wrong with spending my husband's money. Later, she added: "I don't buy famous cars and jewelry, I'm just a medium loser, maybe he spends more than I do." Eason Chan responded even more hurriedly, "How much can it cost to buy clothes?" Besides, the money I earn is spent for her, as long as she's happy. ”

wow! It is true that it is a wife-loving demon Buddha, no wonder he will sing in the song "Those who are favored have no fear", which makes too much sense.

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

In terms of treating children, Eason Chan is also very generous, when his daughter was three years old, he spent 40,000 Hong Kong dollars a month to send her to a prestigious school (kindergarten).

But compared with Xu Haohao's expenses, her daughter's tuition is a small CASE!

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend
How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

Of course, the most "miserable" is Eason Chan, who rarely sees any large expenditure on himself.

But it is also this frugal habit that has helped him survive the difficulties of the epidemic without income, relying on "a little savings" to survive, and with Eason Chan's income volume, this "little savings" is definitely more than 30 million!

How trenches do top singers have? Looking closely at Eason Chan's assets, he can really earn, and his wife can really spend

Therefore, this fake news seems to be very reasonable, but it is actually very outrageous. The daily expenses of celebrities are obviously different from our ordinary people, so their account balance is something you can guess!

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