
The author of "The World" once wrote songs for Faye Wong and Eason Chan, and she has created many miracles

author:Brother Chen chats about the world
The author of "The World" once wrote songs for Faye Wong and Eason Chan, and she has created many miracles
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The author of "The World" once wrote songs for Faye Wong and Eason Chan, and she has created many miracles

In 2021, the music industry ushered in a remarkable phenomenon. A song called "The Lonely Brave" is like a dazzling meteor that pierces the silent night sky.

The theme song of "League of Legends", performed by the king of Chinese music, Eason Chan, has recorded an astonishing 200 million views in just one day after its launch. However, what is less known is that behind this powerful work, there is a moving story.

Its creator, Tang Tian, a 38-year-old Hunan woman, has been battling cancer for nine years. On the verge of life and death, how did she gather strength and compose such a passionate movement? In this seemingly impossible predicament, how did she realize her music dream step by step? Let's step into the world of this mysterious lyricist and uncover the miracles she weaves with musical notes.

Tang Tian's music career began with a chance at Hunan Satellite TV. In 2005, when the draft boom swept the country, this native Hunan girl stepped into the door of Hunan Satellite TV with her love for music.

The author of "The World" once wrote songs for Faye Wong and Eason Chan, and she has created many miracles

Although she was unable to directly participate in the production of the popular "Super Girl" program at the time, fate arranged another stage for her.

In the process of participating in the production of the album "Black and White Movie", Tang Tian was fortunate to be exposed to all aspects of record production. From song selection, lyrics to arrangement, recording, to mixing and distribution, every link opened her eyes.

This experience not only enriched her musical knowledge, but also inspired her to create. It was in this atmosphere that Tang Tian created his debut novel "Sing If You Want to Sing".

This song full of positive energy was soon selected as the theme song of another popular talent show "Happy Girl", which gave Tang Tian a taste of success. However, the real challenge is yet to come.

The author of "The World" once wrote songs for Faye Wong and Eason Chan, and she has created many miracles

In 2005, by chance, Tang Tian was transferred to Beijing to work.

Leaving his familiar hometown and coming to an unfamiliar big city, Tang Tian's life has undergone earth-shaking changes. The busy pace of work leaves her with little time to write, and she can't get back to her place until two or three o'clock in the evening.

Loneliness followed, but she wasn't defeated. Instead, Tang Tian chooses to turn this loneliness into motivation for his creation.

She recalls: "The night I first arrived in Beijing, I felt lonely like never before. The lights of the capital airport, the cool night breeze, and the crowd of people waiting in line for taxis, I walked through it alone, and my heart was full of mixed emotions.

The author of "The World" once wrote songs for Faye Wong and Eason Chan, and she has created many miracles

It is this loneliness that has become the source of her creation.

During the years of struggle in Beijing, Tang Tian's musical talent was fully released. Her "Notes" for Zhou Bichang became a classic, and then she wrote popular songs for many well-known singers such as Li Yuchun and He Jie.

Gradually, Tang Tian rose to prominence in the music industry and became a sought-after songwriter.

This experience has shown us that success never happens overnight. Tang Tian uses her persistence and love to realize her music dream step by step in Beijing, a city full of opportunities and challenges.

The author of "The World" once wrote songs for Faye Wong and Eason Chan, and she has created many miracles

Her story tells us that as long as we have a dream, we must be firm in our faith and move forward.

Looking back on this journey, Tang Tian sighed: "Standing in front of the TV screen, I once felt how silly I looked. But now I understand that as long as I have a dream in my heart, I should firmly follow it, no matter what others think.

This perseverance and courage are the driving force for Tang Tian to continue to move forward on the road of music.

From an intern at Hunan Satellite TV to a well-known songwriter in Beijing, Tang Tian's growth path is full of hardships, but it is also full of hope and miracles. Her experience tells us that as long as we have a dream in our hearts, we can create our own wonderful life even in the face of adversity.

The author of "The World" once wrote songs for Faye Wong and Eason Chan, and she has created many miracles

In 2012, just as Tang Tian's music career was booming, fate played a cruel joke on her. After a routine check-up, the doctor's diagnosis was like a bolt from the blue: stage 3 nasopharyngeal cancer.

This bad news is undoubtedly a blow to Tang Tian, who is only 29 years old.

In the face of the sudden blow, Tang Tian chose to bear it alone. Instead of telling her parents right away, she silently began treatment. However, chemotherapy was far more painful than she could have imagined, and eventually, she had to confess her illness to her parents.

After learning the news of their daughter's illness, Tang Tian's parents were heartbroken. In order to help their daughter realize her wish, they resolutely decided to participate in the "China Dream Show" program.

The author of "The World" once wrote songs for Faye Wong and Eason Chan, and she has created many miracles

At the show, the parents tearfully recited a song composed by Tang Tian to express their deep love and blessings for their daughter. Although Tang Tian's idol Eason Chan was unable to attend the scene in person at the time, he said through video connection that he would definitely sing Tang Tian's works whenever he had the opportunity.

This commitment has become a beacon for Tang Tian on the long road of fighting cancer.

In the face of the invasion of illness, Tang Tian did not give up music creation. On the contrary, she continued to create on her sickbed, as if music was her strongest weapon against her illness.

During this difficult period, she wrote many excellent music works for many singers, including "Yali Da", which helped the group to successfully transform into a group.

The author of "The World" once wrote songs for Faye Wong and Eason Chan, and she has created many miracles

This song full of positive energy not only reflects Tang Tian's positive and optimistic attitude, but also brings warmth and strength to the audience.

However, the side effects of chemotherapy began to show up gradually. Tang Tian found himself slowly losing his sense of smell. One day, when she was walking with her mother, her mother sighed, "Osmanthus is so fragrant."

Tang Tian was shocked to find that he couldn't smell anything. What worries her even more is that the doctor told her that she may even lose her hearing in the future. For a music creator, this is tantamount to a bolt from the blue.

But Tang Tian did not sink because of this, but inspired her sense of urgency in her creation. She was determined to fulfill all her musical dreams before she lost her hearing.

The author of "The World" once wrote songs for Faye Wong and Eason Chan, and she has created many miracles

This determination allowed her to create more touching works while battling her illness.

During this period of battling illness, Tang Tian's creative style has undergone significant changes. She began to frequently use words such as "old" and "time" to express her deep understanding of life.

Her lyrics become deeper and full of thoughts and cherishing of life. This change is fully reflected in her later works.

Tang Tian's story tells us that the meaning of life is not its length, but how to bloom its own light. Even in a desperate situation, she still uses music to interpret the meaning of life and create her own miracles.

The author of "The World" once wrote songs for Faye Wong and Eason Chan, and she has created many miracles

She once said: "Death is only an end, and how to live is the most critical issue." It is this attitude that allows her to maintain her passion for creation in the face of illness.

Tang Tian's strength and unyielding undoubtedly gave great encouragement and strength to all those facing difficulties. She used her experience to prove that even in the darkest of moments, as long as there is a dream in the heart, amazing miracles can be created.

Each of her songs is a microcosm of her life, and every lyric is full of her hard work and tears. That's why her work resonates so widely.

2017 was an important turning point for Tang Tian. Despite her physical condition, her creative enthusiasm has not diminished in the slightest. This year, a number of her works came out one after another, which not only brought her career to a new peak, but also made her talent widely recognized.

The author of "The World" once wrote songs for Faye Wong and Eason Chan, and she has created many miracles

The theme song "Decent" of the movie "Predecessor 3: Goodbye Ex" has become a golden song sung on the streets. Tang Tian cleverly compared the breakup to the farewell of life, and the affection and insight contained in the lyrics moved countless listeners.

She integrates her feelings about life and parting into the lyrics, making this song not only a breakup song, but also a hymn to life about growing up and cherishing.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Tian's theme song "Light Chaser" composed for the youth campus drama "Summer Solstice Has Not Arrived" once again attracted widespread attention. This song not only made the singer Cen Ninger famous in one fell swoop, but also ignited the passion and dreams in the hearts of countless people in that hot summer.

The sentence "Walking against the light, letting the wind and rain blow" in the lyrics seems to be an interpretation of Tang Tian's experience in fighting cancer, and it has also become a spiritual pillar for many people when facing difficulties.

The author of "The World" once wrote songs for Faye Wong and Eason Chan, and she has created many miracles

These works all show Tang Tian's deep understanding and perception of life. Her lyrics are warm and healing, like a ray of sunshine shining into people's hearts. When composing these songs, Tang Tian integrated his own experience and insights from fighting against the disease, making each song full of cherishing and love for life.

However, just as his career reached a new peak, the disease struck again. But Tang Tian was not defeated, but found new strength in his creation. Her words have become more profound, and her perception of life has become more profound.

This change is on full display in her later works.

In 2021, 38-year-old Tang Tian ushered in another creative peak. The theme song "As Wished" she composed for the popular National Day film "My Father and Me" was performed by Faye Wong, once again showing her extraordinary creative talent.

The author of "The World" once wrote songs for Faye Wong and Eason Chan, and she has created many miracles

This song is not only an affectionate confession to the motherland, but also a tribute to Tang Tian's life. The blessing in the lyrics "May you go through a thousand sails and still be by your beloved's side" is not only an expectation for the audience, but also the deepest desire of her own heart.

Tang Tian's story tells us that true art comes from life and from the understanding of life. She used her own experience to prove that even in the most difficult moments, as long as you still have a dream in your heart, you can still create amazing miracles.

Each of her songs is a microcosm of her life, and every lyric is full of her hard work and tears.

In the process of creation, Tang Tian constantly explores the meaning of life and integrates his thoughts on life into his lyrics. She said: "I hope that through my songs, listeners can feel the preciousness of life and cherish every moment of the moment."

The author of "The World" once wrote songs for Faye Wong and Eason Chan, and she has created many miracles

This love of life and dedication to art is what makes her work resonate so widely.

Tang Tian's creative process tells us that adversity is not terrible, but what is terrible is losing the courage to pursue dreams. She proved with her actions that as long as she has a dream in her heart, even in the face of adversity, she can bloom the most beautiful flowers.

Her story will undoubtedly inspire more people to keep hope in the face of difficulties and bravely pursue their dreams.

In 2024, Tang Tian ushered in another peak moment of her music career. The theme song of the same name she composed for the high-profile TV series "The World" has long occupied the top position on major music platforms with its deep emotions and beautiful melodies.

The author of "The World" once wrote songs for Faye Wong and Eason Chan, and she has created many miracles

The song is played nearly 10 million times a week and has become an indispensable spiritual food in the hearts of the audience.

However, what is even more gratifying is that an important dream that Tang Tian has had for many years has finally come true. The theme song "The Lonely Brave" she composed for "League of Legends" was performed by her idol Eason Chan for many years.

As soon as the song was released, it caused a huge response, and the number of views exceeded an astonishing 200 million times in just one day after it was launched.

"The Lonely Brave" is not only a game theme song, but also a true portrayal of Tang Tian's 9-year anti-cancer journey. "To the whimpering and roaring in the dark night, who said that only those who stand in the light are heroes", this lyric seems to be Tang Tian's encouragement to himself, and also to all those who struggle in the dark.

The author of "The World" once wrote songs for Faye Wong and Eason Chan, and she has created many miracles

The power contained in the song has moved countless listeners.

From "The World" to "The Lonely Brave", Tang Tian has not only realized her music dream with her talent and persistence, but also warmed and inspired the hearts of countless people with her singing.

The success of these two songs is the best reward for her years of perseverance, and it also proves that her creative talent has been widely recognized.

Tang Tian's story tells us that as long as we stick to our dreams, even in the face of adversity, we can create our own miracles. Her experience will undoubtedly inspire more people to keep hope in the face of difficulties and bravely pursue their dreams.

The author of "The World" once wrote songs for Faye Wong and Eason Chan, and she has created many miracles

Today's Tang Tian, although she is still fighting against illness, her creative enthusiasm has not diminished in the slightest. She once spoke out on social media, recalling the Chinese New Year's Eve when she was diagnosed with cancer, she hid alone in her room and cried bitterly, writing down many wishes.

One of the deepest is the desire to surpass my parents and live longer.

This wish not only reflects her desire for life, but also becomes the driving force for her to continue to create. Tang Tian uses her music to interpret the meaning of life, and every song is full of her love for life and expectations for the future.

Her story tells us that the value of life is not about the length of time, but about how to shine your own light. Even in the face of adversity, Tang Tian still uses music to convey hope and strength, inspiring countless people to bravely face the challenges of life.

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