
"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

author:Star Movie Duck

This month's costume drama market is really crazy, Ren Jialun and Di Li Reba starred in "Acquaintance with Junchu" has not yet ended, goose factory directly released another S+ grade costume martial arts drama starring Yang Yang and Zhao Lusi "And Try the World".

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

One is a beautiful fairy drama with tears in laughter, and the other is a martial arts drama with happiness and revenge, although it is not a painting style, but it is all the same wonderful, and this wave of confrontation is really wonderful.

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

And just when the two dramas began to fight, "Zhu Qinghao" starring Yuan Bingyan, although it was quietly broadcast, formed a three-legged situation with extremely high popularity and the above two dramas.

Compared with "Acquaintance with Junchu" and "And Try the World", although the configuration of the drama "Zhu Qinghao" is slightly thin, the plot is really wonderful, and it does not lose the first two.

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

If you want to say to what extent this drama is wonderful, it can be summed up in one sentence, that is, the crazy criticism of the small county lord fancy chasing the high cold and sullen golden scale guard, physical contact, wanting to get away with it, tracking and investigating, small tricks emerge in an endless stream, and the whole process of high-energy laughter is dense.

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

With the advancement of the plot, the acting scores of the leading actors in the play are also fresh, but this score is a bit clever, and even a little difficult to reconcile.

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

Compared with the belly black female two and the affectionate male two in the general costume love drama, the male and female two in the drama "Wish Qing Hello" is absolutely called the ceiling level, and the double business is not said to be online throughout the whole process, not to be a demon, not to interfere in the feelings of the male and female protagonists, and there is also its own separate CP line.

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

First of all, let's talk about the male second Shen Yu, played by Mire, who has gained a high score of 9.8 points with his super high appearance and remarkable acting skills, and according to Mire's performance in the play, this rating is also deserved.

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

As Shen Yan's older brother, the stable pet brother crazy demon can not be set up, promised the younger brother that the things must be done, help the younger brother to persuade the mother, the younger brother lost love the brother to accompany you to a drunken party rest, such a brother please ask where to get it.

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

However, compared with this family line, the emotional line between Shen Yu and the female second Xiaojin is more eye-catching, obviously it is a green plum bamboo horse, running in both directions, but it is forced to separate because of the hatred of the country and the family.

Shen Yu, who has loved Xiao Jin deeply since childhood, deliberately keeps a distance from Xiao Jin in front of people, but after the people silently guard as a ghost face, this kind of you are assured to fly, and the feelings that I have been standing behind you are too good to bump it.

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

And Mire's acting skills are also very possible, showing Shen Yu's unruly, single-minded and affectionate energy to the fullest, when facing others, there is a hint of playfulness in the eyes, only all the tenderness is given to Xiao Jin, the silent attention behind the eye drama can be too enough, Mire can look forward to the future!

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

Shen Yu's official CP Xiaojin actor Zhang Yue's performance in this drama is really surprising, in fact, Zhang Yue's acting skills have always been good, otherwise Lin Youyou in "Thirty Only" cannot be played to the point where the audience hates it.

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

In the drama "Wish QingHao", Zhang Yue's play is as stable as ever, but compared to Lin Youyou, this time Xiaojin's people are not set up with a star and a half, and can even be called the ceiling female second, and finally gained a high score of 9.6.

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

The reason why Xiaojin is a ceiling, one is the double business full online, and the other is that the line of girlfriend love between her and the heroine is even better than the love line.

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

In the latest plot, Liu Leng was forced to break up with Shen Yan because of the marriage, Xiao Jin saved Liu Leng in the rain in the middle of the night, put Liu Leng on his lap, and listened to her slowly complain, the pain in her eyes was about to overflow.

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

In addition to facing the heroine, Xiao Jin is basically an image of not changing color and calculating in front of other people, and I have to say that Zhang Yue is too much in this regard.

The sense of dignified atmosphere is displayed between the hands and feet, even if the wind and rain are shaky, but it has been calm, and the calm energy on the body makes people feel at ease.

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

After talking about the vice CP, let's talk about the line of county lord Liu Leng and Jin Lingwei Shen Yan, first of all, Zheng Yecheng, the actor of the male protagonist Shen Yan, in the acting score, with a score of 9.6 points and Zhang Yue.

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

To tell the truth, this rating of the old editor feels a little low, not to mention other things, just by Virtue of Zheng Yecheng's play should take full points, ah, air knife, laneway dark war, ten steps to kill a person, thousands of miles do not stay, no need to promote, the whole process of personally going down, ten years of martial arts experience, the old editor feels that Zheng Yecheng This score is a bit low.

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

And in addition to the fight scene, Zheng Yecheng's eye play is also extremely wonderful, remembering the last Lu Xuan, who started to drive with his eyes, Played by Ren Jialun, and this time it is Shen Yan, who is also set by Jinyiwei, and the eyes can't stop driving at all.

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

Looking at the heroine with affection, confused and affectionate, using a subwoofer to gently attach to the heroine's ear and say, "Tonight I came to find you", obviously it is a plain sentence, but it can be seen that people's adrenaline surge is how it is, and Lord Shen is too good.

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

In the latest plot, Liu Ling was forced to break up with Shen Yan because of the righteousness of the family country, and we Shen Lord came back from the field to find his daughter-in-law, but he received a parting letter from his daughter-in-law.

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

In an instant, Shen Yan's eyes were red, but he stubbornly refused to shed tears, until he later thought that the heroine had lost the two people's promise letters, leaving a line of tears, which was also too knife, did not want to abuse, wanted to see sweet love, hurry up and reconcile.

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

After saying that the male protagonist let's talk about the female protagonist Liu Ling's actor Yuan Bingyan, the old editor feels that Yuan Bingyan's acting skills in this drama are still very good, but the acting score is actually the first to last, only 9.1 points, which is 0.5 lower than Zheng Yecheng, which is really a bit unreasonable.

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

As of now, yuan Bingyan has performed Liu Ling with two different feelings, and in the early stage, she is a small expert who is not afraid of heaven, hitting her stepmother with her hands and her mouth to scare her father.

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

When looking at Shen Yan, he also unequivocally said that he would chase after him, sticking his face at every turn, moving his hands and feet without saying a word, his eyes were very charming, and his every move was full of the taste of deliberate seduction.

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

Later, after experiencing a series of events such as the marriage given by the emperor and the serious illness of his grandfather, the once carefree little county lord disappeared, and Liu Leng became a "negative person" who gave up his feelings for the great righteousness of the country.

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

When she and Shen Yan proposed to break up, she was obviously unwilling and unwilling in her heart, but for the sake of the country, for the sake of the people and for the sake of her grandfather, she had to do this, seemingly ruthless eyes, but the deepest part was full of heartbreak.

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

Unable to let go of Shen Yan, after proposing and kissing before wanting to give everything to Shen Yan but was rejected, she walked on the street disheartened, tears could not stop spilling out of her eyes, until finally it was eroded by heavy rain, that kind of collapse and heartbreak feeling is too painful, why breakup is always rainy day!

"Wish QingHao" acting score: Zhang Yue Zheng Chengye tied for 9.6 points, the female protagonist is the first to last

All in all, although the cast of the drama "Wish Qinghao" is not as good as the two S+ grade dramas of "Acquaintance with Junchu" and "And Try the World", there is really no choice in terms of plot and starring acting skills.

Even if there are some small loopholes and small flaws in the play, it does not affect the perception at all, coupled with the acting skills of the main actors, it is not unreasonable for the drama to stand out, so who do you think has the best acting skills in this drama?

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