
Car companies resume work and production, there are still blockages, how to open up?

China News Finance, April 22 (Ge Cheng) "Workers on the production line are carefully inspecting the body-in-white, and the automobile manufacturing work is being carried out in an orderly manner. ”

This scene occurred in the Lingang base of SAIC Motor (600104.SH).

Previously, affected by the epidemic, most of the related enterprises related to automobile manufacturing in Shanghai have stopped work for more than half a month, and the suspension of the auto parts industry chain in Shanghai has indirectly caused many car companies in the country to stop production. Recently, some car companies in Shanghai have gradually resumed production.

Car companies resume work and production, there are still blockages, how to open up?

Workers scrutinize the body-in-white on the production line of SAIC's Lingang base on April 19. Courtesy of SAIC Motor

"Discontinued enterprises that need to resume work"

The relevant person in charge of saic motor's Lingang base told China News Finance when introducing the resumption of work and production: "From April 19, the factory will plan to adopt a single-shift work system. In view of the Group's key production tasks, SAIC Lingang Passenger Car Plant will also coordinate resources to the greatest extent and strive to not postpone the project. ”

SAIC's resumption of work and production is in full swing, while Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA), another new energy vehicle manufacturing giant in Shanghai, is also rapidly resuming work.

"Discontinued enterprises that must resume work" - Tesla's name appeared in the "White List of the First Batch of Key Enterprises" in Shanghai on the 16th.

On April 17 and 18, 8,000 Tesla employees returned to the factory one after another. Among them, the battery and motor workshops have resumed production on the morning of the 19th, and at present, a number of assembly lines have been operating efficiently.

Car companies resume work and production, there are still blockages, how to open up?

On April 21, the domestic Tesla that had just stepped off the production line was parked in the factory in an orderly manner. Photo by Yin Liqin

Song Gang, senior director of production and manufacturing at Tesla Gigafactory, said: "We will gradually climb production capacity in the next 3 or 4 days to the overall single shift full production. ”

Previously, Tesla's Shanghai Gigafactory has experienced the storm of suspension, resumption of production, and re-suspension of production. Based on the production capacity of 484,000 units in 2021, the production capacity lost by Tesla due to the suspension of production has approached 50,000 units.

Among the 666 companies on the above "white list", automobile-related companies account for more than one-third. In addition to vehicle companies such as SAIC Motor, General Motors and Tesla, parts manufacturers including Aptiv, ZF, and Bosch, as well as companies on the "white list", are gradually resuming production.

At present, only "single shift scheduling" can be carried out

Zhongxin Finance noted that the relevant responsible persons of many car companies have mentioned that the factory is currently implementing a "single shift scheduling" work system. Unlike "double shifts" or "triple shifts", the single shift production state does not allow the capacity to reach the "full load" state.

The relevant person in charge of the Lingang base told Zhongxin Finance that if the supply chain can remain stable, the factory also hopes that the production capacity can gradually climb and return to the pre-epidemic scheduling system as soon as possible. Under the influence of the epidemic, whether the relevant parts can be delivered in a timely manner also determines the progress of the resumption of work and production. "At present, there are still challenges in terms of supply chain and logistics support." He added.

In response to the supply of parts, Song Gang said that with the resumption of Tesla's work, many Tesla parts suppliers in Shanghai have also begun to resume work, and Tesla suppliers in Zhejiang Province have also actively linked, ensured production, opened up logistics, and jointly supported Tesla vehicle manufacturing under the guidance of the government.

Cui Dongshu, secretary general of the Association, believes that in the future, Shanghai's automobile industry may remain in a low-level state of operation, and maintaining such a state requires effective cooperation between the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain and government functional departments.

Less than 40% of employees who are eligible for work

The person in charge of an auto parts company said that at present, the requirements for meeting the conditions for resuming work and production are: the entire floor and my nucleic acid test must ensure that it is negative for 7 consecutive days.

He said that according to statistics, less than 40% of employees meet the working conditions. And because the local neighborhood committee and community property "do not release people", less than 30% of them can really reach the post. Moreover, the implementation of the government's policies of some residential properties and neighborhood committees has not yet been put in place, which further increases the difficulty of employees to arrive at the post.

Small and medium-sized component suppliers also need assistance

The person in charge of a car company said that in addition to direct parts suppliers, secondary parts suppliers that did not need to be managed by car companies before also needed attention in this supply chain "crisis".

Recently, Li Xiang, CEO of Ideal Automobile (02015.HK), said on the social platform account that in addition to solving their immediate parts supply problems, car brands should also analyze and troubleshoot the survival problems of small and medium-sized parts suppliers and provide decisive assistance.

Li would like to emphasize that in the near future, auto brands should also do a special management work: analyze in advance the supply situation of small and medium-sized parts suppliers that you never need to manage in the third, fourth, and fifth levels, and coordinate with first- and second-level suppliers, and the assistance supports decisive action.

How to dredge the "blockage" of production capacity?

At present, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has organized production in accordance with "one enterprise, one policy" and "one park and one policy", actively and steadily and orderly promoted the resumption of work and production of key enterprises, simplified the approval process, and made full use of the role of big data to promote more workers to resume work and production.

Luo Junjie, spokesman of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and director of the Operation Monitoring and Coordination Bureau, said a few days ago: The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has sent working groups to the front of the fight against the epidemic in Shanghai and other places to ensure the stable production of key enterprises and the smooth operation of key industrial chains. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will strengthen departmental linkage and policy coordination, coordinate and solve problems and demands in the logistics and transportation of enterprises in a timely manner, and strive to achieve "raw materials can be transported in and products can be transported".

The "blockage" of transportation in the supply chain is also getting better.

On April 18, the Yangtze River Delta Important Material Emergency Supply Transfer Station (Zhejiang-Shanghai) was officially put into operation. The transfer station will promote the circulation of important inter-provincial production materials into the station, open up the freight "blood vessels" in the Yangtze River Delta region, and realize the cross-regional interconnection of materials in the industrial chain supply chain.

In addition to road transport, Jiangsu Taicang Port cooperated with Shanghai Port to launch the Suzhou enterprise container from highway collection card direct transport to Shanghai Port, to Taicang Port waterway transit Shanghai Port service. That is, the container is directly sent to Taicang Port or Suzhou Port for consolidation, and then transported to Yangshan Port Area or Waigaoqiao Port Area by small boat, effectively ensuring the timely arrival and shipment of containers. (End)

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