
The eight characters that make a fortune too early

The eight characters that make a fortune too early

Netizen letter:

I was born on the third day of the first month of March in 1991 in the lunar calendar, a boy (0:20 a.m. on March 3, 1991 in the lunar calendar).

18 years old early out of social work, maybe too early into the society to see too much of the world is cold, the personality is a little introverted and a little strong, I can't figure out my own personality now, which makes me very distressed.

18 to 24 years old luck is very good, to 25 years old began to plummet luck, my father also died in this year, speaking of my father, I have no luck with my father, from childhood to adulthood did not enjoy the father's love, has been brought up by the mother hard work, because the parents have a completely different personality, quarrel every day, the father does not make money for the family, but also domestic violence, because he died and wanted to see the last side I did not go, I hate, why he can not be the same as other fathers.

Before the age of 25, because I came out early to work, I also accumulated a lot of assets, slowly invested in futures, funds, stocks to make money, but after the age of 25, suddenly all kinds of unhappiness, experienced a variety of is a big position, in order to recover the loss in front, slowly from credit cards to online loans to a variety of small loans for loans, and now I am heavily in debt, so I can't afford it. At the beginning of 20 years, I slowly came out of the clouds, solved nearly 70% of the debt, and only knew that the previous ledger had been spent 7 or 8 million yuan in recent years, which was a bit painful.

For the feelings is still a blank, the mother is now chasing tight, because the previous out of this file, I have been silently carrying did not let the mother know, want to solve the remaining debt this year, but also to solve their own personal affairs or let the mother unload the burden to enjoy the happiness of the world.

Sorry teacher, thank you for listening to me nagging so much, please help me analyze the following questions:

1, for the future fortune, what level of wealth to reach (because after experiencing the previous things, I am afraid that the wealth will not be able to keep)

2, what is the future of the career, whether it is suitable for office workers or to do a small business

3, whether I can meet the other half of the future this year, whether the other half has help, looks, work tendencies which piece

My questions are a bit much, the length is also very long, hard work South teacher! I hope that Teacher Nan can reply to me and answer my questions. Thank you again Teacher Nan and wish teacher Good Health and Peace.

Nan Xuanzi replied:

Qianzao: Xin Weinian, 壬辰月, 丁巳日, 庚子時 (子 ugly kong)

Great Luck: Xin Jiao, Geng Yin, He Ugly, Peng Zi, Ding Hai, Cheng, Yi Unitary, Jia Shen, Yan Wei, 5 years old Luck.

The eight characters that make a fortune too early

Analysis of prosperity and decline: Ding Huo Ri Lord was born in Chenyue Lost Order, Ding Huo was in Chentu Near Decline, Chen Tu drained his body strength is stronger, sitting on the fire to get the ground, The Fire is the sheep blade of the Ding Huo Day Lord, the help body strength is not weak, the Nian Zhi Wei Soil is also the five elements of the catharsis, the Shi Zhi Zi Shui comes to the body, and the Ground Branch Water comes to make the Fire, the Fire is damaged, the Fire is deflated by the Chen Soil, the help force is discounted, the Moon Dry Nong Water is also the five elements of the Body, the Nian Gan Xin Jin and the Shi Gan Geng Jin come to consume the body, so it is a weak life.

Analysis of joy and jealousy: The eight characters are weak, with the wood fire of the Lord of the Sun to support the five acts of the God, to quench the earth and gold water of the Lord of the Day, the five acts of jealousy of the gods, the eight characters of the Earth when the earth is more prosperous, so the most like to see the wood to make the native body, wood is the most important use of the god, although the fire helps the body, but the earth is not auspicious. Tiangan sees Ding Huo and Gengjin, the most like to see Jia Mu, can play the role of splitting jia to attract Ding, dizhi Yin wood and 卯木 can make food injuries and help themselves, but Yin Mi harms each other, 卯辰 harms each other, Zi Ji xiang torture, there are also some disadvantages.

Pattern analysis: The eight-character day branch fire is the only god used by the eight characters, but the fire is discouraged by the tatsu soil, in order to use the deification of taboo, it is also made by the sub-water, for the jealousy of the god system, the eight characters like wood instead of seeing wood, the lack of the most important use of god, for deficiencies. From the perspective of luck, the early years of the oriental wooden luck, the fortune is more auspicious, after turning to their own ugly luck, the fortune is low, the future is the penzi, Ding Hai northern water transport, the fortune is more depressed, the fortune is more general, so the pattern level is not high, hinder a lot.

Personality analysis: The eight-character Tatsu soil wounded officer has to make more prosperous, does not see the printing star to make food injuries, ambition and desire are larger, Nian Zhu Xin does not eat god to make money, is more persistent in seeking wealth, and is more restless in his heart, and it is not easy to satisfy. Food injuries are more prosperous, and officials and killing are mixed, it is difficult to persist in doing things to the end, it is easy to give up halfway, ideas are more changeable, but also represent more pay, worry about a lot of work, easy to get tired.

The eight characters are weak, the sheep blade is weak, the food wound is too much, it is easy to lack confidence, the fire sheep blade is killed seven times, the sheep blade is killed, the sheep blade is killed, but the killing is strong and weak, so it is easy to be cowardly and timid, afraid of the tail, not decisive enough, sometimes the career pressure is greater, easy to be lazy, and it will also cause certain obstacles to the development of the cause.

Career analysis: The eight characters of the earth wounded officer to make the order more prosperous, the moon pillar nongchen for the combination of wounded officer Ke guan, plus the moon dry nong water official star and the shi zhizi water seven kill constitute the official killing mixed, miscellaneous but not expensive, representing that they are very suitable for a more liberal occupation, but also more suitable for "three teachings and nine streams" and other less decent work, not suitable for nine to five, frame set more work.

Nianzhu Xin is not a combination of wealth for the god of food, Xin Jin is partial wealth, sitting on the pillar of the year is more prosperous, wealth is a big fortune in the year, fate has great wealth, Xin Jin is born nongshui, Ding Nong is combined, Nongshui is combined, you can get this wealth, Ding Huo Ri Lord sits on the fire root, you can bear wealth, but because of the weakness and wealth, Ding Wei was born on the day, riding a stagecoach every day, seeking wealth is very hard, it is more difficult to get this wealth, once the great luck helps himself, there is a chance to get rich.

Before you turn 25, you take the Gengyin Great Luck, for the Oriental Wooden Luck, the Earth Branch Indisting Star to help yourself, you can bear the wealth, you can earn money after being born in society, and there are also noble people to help.

After the age of 25, he walked the ugly luck, and he was the god of food, and the god of food vented the anger of the Lord of the Day and the robbery of wealth, so it was difficult to bear the wealth, even if the money earned, this step of great luck will be difficult to keep for various reasons, and it is easy to miss.

Behind is the Pengzi Great Luck, Ding Hai Great Luck, for the northern water transport, the land branch Haizi water to make the fire and rob the wealth, and the Wei Hai Xiang, the fire is not strong, so the noble luck is relatively sluggish, the career luck is not strong, the weak are also more difficult to bear the wealth, it is not recommended to speculate in stocks to invest, small business is not very recommended, it is difficult to have the luck of the newborn society, seeking wealth will also be very hard and tired, the harvest is more limited, the career needs to be considered from the long term.

After the age of 35, it is a big luck to go, the sky is dry and injured the official, but also pay attention to the official's non-verbal things, everything can not be rash, can act conservatively as well, beware of economic lawsuits.

After the age of 45, it is Ding Hai's great luck, HaiShuiguan Xinglin Stagecoach, Weihai Xiangchong, Stagecoach Fengchong, fast horse and whip, you can also consider doing some work that moves around more, relying on hard work to get rich.

The eight characters are weak and prosperous, the great luck behind them does not come to help themselves, it is difficult to bear the wealth, plus the eight characters are injured and injured, the officials and kills are mixed, and there is a skill to stand up, the "dividend" period of Gengyin's great luck has ended, it is not appropriate to cling to it anymore, reduce tossing, settle for stability, rely on hard work to prosper, abandon the sky and the void is the correct mentality and choice, the direction of the east, the southeast is the best, the south is second.

In the direction of the industry, the food injury order is more prosperous, the eight characters like wood fire, you can consider the design and planning under the in-depth study, the Internet technology is better, and then some larger enterprises are engaged in professional and technical posts, combined with the eight characters and the big luck, the wealth level is expected to reach the middle class or so.

This year's year of Nongyin, 2023 year of decay, 2025 year of B, these three years for the year of Yinwang, the fortune is relatively better, the 2024 Year of Jiachen is weaker, it is expected to pay off the remaining liabilities in these three years, but after paying off, it is necessary to stop it in time, can decisively transform to do a good job in technology, do it well, but also seize the opportunity of these three years to find a job that can settle down.

Marriage analysis: Eight characters of the year dry see Xin Jin partial wealth, when dry see Gengjin Zhengcai, positive partial wealth see the same, miscellaneous but not expensive, Gengjin Zhengcai for the wife, in the time pillar appears, the moon pillar is widowed, Gengjin Zhengcai sits in the water and dies in the air, the marriage will come relatively late, the nianzhu Xin did not eat god to make money, Tatsutu wounded the official order, Lintiande noble and Yuede nobleman, later on the wife is more good, know how to care for people, know cold and know heat, more accommodating to each other.

Shigan Geng Jin Zhengcai for the eight characters of jealousy, wealth to kill, on behalf of the future wife is more ordinary, conditions and abilities are more general, peach blossoms, there is a certain temperament, the day sitting fire for the sheep blade with the god, lin stagecoach, on behalf of the wife's personality has some impatience and hot, slightly strong, but people are more virtuous, but also more diligent, the fire for use, the future marriage and family is relatively harmonious.

This year, in the year of Nongyin, the official seal is born, the earth branch Yin wood seal star appears, the fire is strong, the heavens are happy to enter the fate, there is a certain fate, but the yin and the yin are harmful, so it will not be too smooth, more defeat and less success, you can grasp the seventh and september of the lunar calendar. There are also some opportunities in 2023, but there are not many opportunities. Later, until the year of 2025, the earth branch fire and the marriage palace are ambushed, the yi geng is together, the gengjin wife star is moved, and there is a fixed luck.

You are now walking in your own ugly luck, dry and support for the god of food, Linhua Gai, the overall opposite sex fate is not very good, the heart is inevitably there is some loneliness and feelings and desires, but the implementation of marriage is more difficult, this year and next two years can fight for it. After 2025, the fortune of the penta is turned, the water of the ground branch is peach blossom, and the real branch can be implemented, and the marriage can be implemented, and it should be grasped well.

The next step of the Ding Hai Great Luck marriage fortune is not ideal, the earth branch is rushed, the marriage palace is rushed, and the stagecoach is rushed, there are easy contradictions and quarrels between husband and wife, the eight characters Gengjin Fortune Star sits on the water peach blossom, and the big luck day to dry two Ding fire appears, pay attention to the wife's opposite sex fate, to prevent the marriage from changing, after this big luck marriage is more harmonious.

In the "Small Window Secret Chronicles and Collection Of Awakenings", it is said: Fu Jiu, Fei Bi Gao, Kai Xian, Xie Du Early.

This means that a thing has been lurking and preparing for a long time, and once it is revealed and emerges, it must be soaring. And if the flowers bloom too early, they must also be early.

Now society is generally impetuous, young people want to get rich early, eager to get rich just out of society. But a person who is too young to get rich is not a good thing, because too young is not enough about life and wealth, and all aspects are not ready, even if the wealth is temporary, can not keep the wealth, like a flash in the pan.

Too young to get rich, the sudden arrival of wealth, and the sudden departure, is not the biggest impact. The biggest impact is because the wealth is too early, the mentality of wealth has changed, accustomed to fast money, and squandered life, it is difficult to get wealth down-to-earth, which is what you need to do your best to adjust later.

"Fu jiu" is not lying flat, but accumulating energy, ready to go, to cope with the challenges of future fortunes, I hope you can calmly and objectively look at the life you have experienced, rethink, and plan the future road.

The eight characters that make a fortune too early

Tomorrow's luck

April 23, 2022 in the solar calendar (23rd day of the 3rd lunar month)

Year of The Year of the Year of the Year of the Year of

Tomorrow's situation: Weekdays. Suitable for picking, traveling, haircuts, meeting relatives and friends, opening the market, settling beds, planting. Do not pray for blessings, put on beams, make stoves, fast, build, enter the house, and settle down.

Auspicious time: untimely, unitary time, sea time.

Fierce time: Son time, Shen time.

Four-pillar combination: C fire is born in the month of Chenyue, Tatsuki soil fire, and Nian Zhi Yin Wood and Tatsutu want to ke, noon fire to help the Lord of the Day but released by the moon order, fate of the bureau of the year and month dry water and wood fire to help the Lord of the Day, the Lord of the Day as a whole is weaker, like wood fire help, so the pillar of time to take B is relatively better.

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