
6 bookstores in 5 cities, the documentary "Bookstore, Meet You" was broadcast on CCTV tonight

How long have you not been to a bookstore? How long have you not read a book?

On the eve of the 27th World Book Day, the six-episode documentary "Bookstore, Meet You", produced by the Film and Television Documentary Center of China Central Radio and Television Corporation, will be broadcast at 20:00 every day from April 22 to 24, telling us the story of bookstores, reading and life.

6 bookstores in 5 cities, the documentary "Bookstore, Meet You" was broadcast on CCTV tonight

Poster of "Bookstore, Meet You"

Today, when e-books and online shopping are popular, "Bookstore, Meet You" has begun a journey to visit a physical bookstore. The journey began in Beijing with the photography of 6 bookstores in 5 cities. At each bookstore, the whole process is documentary, full of random and accidental encounters. Meet many good books and obsessive readers, meet the hidden ways of opening bookstores, and encounter unexpected life stories.

A week before the closure of the Wuhan Baicaoyuan Bookstore, a "red fan" mother trotted all the way to the bookstore with her 9-year-old daughter with an umbrella and picked out a bunch of books. Outside the bookstore, she told her daughter playing in the rain the story of "Rootless Water"..... More than ten years later, re-reading the Red Chamber, she wrote down a different feeling: "I also envy the 'post-95' boss disobedience, I will leave the courage; but obviously people in middle age and 'lack of mines', only by living and becoming life itself, is the real Ren ruthless and moving ..."

6 bookstores in 5 cities, the documentary "Bookstore, Meet You" was broadcast on CCTV tonight

Stills from "Bookstore, Meet You"

In the Shenzhen 24-hour book bar, a man is quietly preparing for the exam. A few years ago, he noticed that his financial industry was in a slump and decided to switch to being a lawyer. I have taken two rounds of judicial examinations before, and this year is the third time. In order to prepare for the exam, he quit his job, spent 100,000 yuan to sign up for a training class, went to class during the day and reviewed at night, and slept no more than 4 hours a day.

"Seeing that I am slowly approaching the age of 35, I am actually very panicked, I have been working for so many years, and then I think that the road has become narrower and narrower..." During the time when he was preparing for the exam, his lover who worked in the insurance company bore most of the financial and life pressure of the family. This made him feel a little guilty, "My plan is to get the certificate this year and let her rest for a while." I'm going to run the money well. ”

6 bookstores in 5 cities, the documentary "Bookstore, Meet You" was broadcast on CCTV tonight

Stills from "Bookstore, Meet You"

At the Xinhua Bookstore in Shichi, a 74-year-old regular who loves to read red classic novels, originally planned to buy "Red Rock", when checking out, accidentally found a copy of "Song of Youth", and as a result, he bought "Song of Youth" home. The old man lives in the countryside, more than 30 miles from the county seat, and takes a bus back and forth every time he enters the city. Round-trip tickets cost 10 yuan at a time, and the government gives 30 yuan a month to the elderly bus card, and it is spent 3 times. The old man said that it was free to take the car, and it was not okay to spend money on himself. So he could only come to the county town 3 times a month. The old man said that he often felt bored. When I'm bored, I read at home. Sometimes when I miss my grandson, I take a car into the city and stop by Xinhua Bookstore to read books.

6 bookstores in 5 cities, the documentary "Bookstore, Meet You" was broadcast on CCTV tonight

Stills from "Bookstore, Meet You"

Tonight, the documentary will take the audience into more books and people's encounters.

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