
conflict! Hayes deliberately pushed Claude and the two violently sprayed each other Pelican General Second Class Evil Criminals were expelled

On April 23, Beijing time, the third game of the playoffs between the Suns and pelicans. There was a heated clash in the second quarter, with Claude and Hayes spewing trash talk to each other. As a result, Hayes was given a second-degree malicious foul and was directly expelled.

conflict! Hayes deliberately pushed Claude and the two violently sprayed each other Pelican General Second Class Evil Criminals were expelled
conflict! Hayes deliberately pushed Claude and the two violently sprayed each other Pelican General Second Class Evil Criminals were expelled

Returning home 1-1 on a 1-1 draw, the Pelicans were confident. The Pelicans 29-28 in the first quarter led by one point. With the Suns scoring just 28 points in a single quarter, the Pelicans' defense is still pretty good.

conflict! Hayes deliberately pushed Claude and the two violently sprayed each other Pelican General Second Class Evil Criminals were expelled

In the second quarter, the two teams played hard to solve, with 5 minutes and 12 seconds left, and the two sides drew 43. An accident occurs on the field, and Claude and Hayes spew garbage at each other.

conflict! Hayes deliberately pushed Claude and the two violently sprayed each other Pelican General Second Class Evil Criminals were expelled

At that time, McCollum jumped to grab the rebound, and Hayes rushed from the bottom line and directly knocked Claude. Crowder was overthrown to the ground and got up to go to theorize, the players on both sides entangled, and the referee quickly sounded the whistle to separate the two sides of the conflict.

The referee then watched the video back. Slow motion showed Hayes deliberately pushing people, causing him to eat a second-degree malicious foul and be directly expelled, and the fans booed at the scene. Claude sprayed garbage and ate a technical foul. Apparently, the Pelicans have lost a lot. Hayes's exit gesture expressed his dissatisfaction with the referee.

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