
Huawei becomes an important contributor to China's ultra-high-definition video standard Huawei smart screen V Pro will be unveiled soon

With the continuous development of science and technology, in the new era, in addition to using mobile phones and other mobile devices, users have an increasing demand for large-screen devices, and the requirements are more stringent, both the screen is large enough to be intelligent, and the picture quality is high-definition, and the sound quality is shocking.

In 2022, Huawei intelligent manufacturing once again "out of the circle", April 28 will bring the new smart screen shock debut, this new product not only has a new generation of picture quality technology Honghu SuperMiniLED computing quality blessing, but also can be called the industry's first product that passed the double Vivid certification, audio and picture experience to create new breakthroughs, refreshing industry standards to become one of the most anticipated intelligent products in the field of science and technology.

Huawei becomes an important contributor to China's ultra-high-definition video standard Huawei smart screen V Pro will be unveiled soon
Huawei becomes an important contributor to China's ultra-high-definition video standard Huawei smart screen V Pro will be unveiled soon

HDR Vivid & Audio Vivid Black Technology delivers audiovisual shock

Nowadays, the display capabilities of intelligent terminals have been further improved, and the era of "real" and "immersive" ultra-high-definition audio and video experience has arrived. Intelligent office meetings, family leisure, children's online classes... There is no need for a smart screen all the time in life. With the increasing demand for audio-visual sound quality and display screens, Huawei continues to innovate and strive for excellence, and in 2022, huawei will launch a new series of smart screen V series products, becoming a good partner for a new generation of family life and office life.

Usually, many people who log on to Tencent Video, iQiyi, Huawei Video, etc. to watch videos are favored by high-definition picture quality, ignoring the impact of high dynamic range on the viewing experience. The dynamic HDR video standard, published by the World Alliance of Ultra HD Video Industries, is now the prescriptive industry standard for measuring video quality. Huawei has always been committed to improving image quality, and it is said that many of Huawei's experts have participated in the formulation of new technology standards for the alliance to perfectly empower the industry. Huawei is not only the main contributor to the HDR Vivid technology standard, but also the first practitioner of the HDR Vivid technology standard.

Huawei becomes an important contributor to China's ultra-high-definition video standard Huawei smart screen V Pro will be unveiled soon

Huawei's new smart screen products introduce HDR Vivid ultra-high-definition technology, which perfectly restores the real world through color and brightness. At the same time, perfect end-to-end traction standards, efficient production and broadcasting tools and good backward compatibility ensure the faithful restoration of high-quality video, intelligent optimization of color, brightness, contrast and other picture elements, for film and television practitioners can make the picture have more realistic colors, fuller light and shade, richer levels, more accurate contrast, anytime, anywhere to bring the ultimate visual experience to life.

Huawei becomes an important contributor to China's ultra-high-definition video standard Huawei smart screen V Pro will be unveiled soon

In addition to visual shock upgrades, Huawei has given more consideration to casual moviegoers and music film and television producers in terms of hearing, especially introducing audio codec technology, Audio Vivid technology, the world's first AI-based audio codec standard. The relevant patents show that it can reproduce high-fidelity stereo sound, support mainstream three-dimensional sound coding, including multi-channel, object, ambisonic, and advanced metadata system is compatible with ADM international standards, which is not only scalable and flexible, but also ensures the restoration of the creator's creative intention.

Huawei Double Vivid certified new products lead the future development of the industry

Huawei smart screen, light up your smart life. All along, Huawei has been professionally making TVs, and has an excellent reputation in the field of product technology market. The emergence of Huawei's smart screen has made the TV no longer a TV, and the screen has undergone a revolution in interactive methods, and has also developed "wisdom" to a new height. The new products that Huawei's smart screen has passed the double Vivid certification not only reached the peak in the industry, but also has a pivotal industry position, but also continues to lead the development of the industry, and will continue to help the development of the ultra-high-definition audio and video industry in the future.

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