
In the Era of Great Stillness, the first top idol was born


Wen 丨 Lucifer

Right now, the only industry that can get growth is live streaming?

Before February this year, when the name "Liu Qihong" was mentioned, people's most likely reactions were "Taiwanese idol actor" and "good relationship with Jay Chou", and today people will define him as "the hottest fitness coach on Douyin" and "a traffic star comparable to Li Jiaqi".

In the Era of Great Stillness, the first top idol was born

A day ago, Liu Ruihong just released a short video to commemorate the number of his Douyin accounts officially exceeding 20 million, and today the number has exceeded 30 million.

In a month, from the semi-retired idol actor to the current Chinese the most popular traffic star on the Internet, Liu Ruihong's sudden popularity is so synchronized with the process of "pressing the still button" in major cities that it can be called the first cultural symbol born in the "great still era", and no one can ignore the connection.

In the Era of Great Stillness, the first top idol was born

Everyone is asking the same question: "There are so many fitness bloggers, why Liu Qihong?" Of course, there are unknown behind-the-scenes factors such as the drainage mechanism of the platform (that is, commonly known as "marketing"), as well as music (such as popular songs such as Jay Chou's "Compendium of Materia Medica"), scenes (live-action shooting, different from the cutout background of general fitness bloggers), celebrity interaction and other factors in the front-end "packaging", but the final product of traffic marketing - the popularity of the anchor's "human setting" is the most fundamental factor in selling.

Let's take a look at liu's personality: for viewers who open live video for the first time, the most eye-catching thing is obviously Liu's smile.

Frankly speaking, Liu's smile does not look generally exaggerated, but it is enough to have "affinity", which is the service smile of professional fitness instructors when they let customers who participate in the experience for the first time cheekily open their hands and feet to do the action. "Mermaid vest line practice!" The fat on the side clicks off!" ——Liu Qihong, who was born in Kaohsiung and moved to Shanghai, likes to intersperse the northeast dialect with the audience in the live broadcast.

In the Era of Great Stillness, the first top idol was born

The second is "family", Liu Qihong's wife Wang Wanfei plays an important role as a live broadcast partner, she is responsible for enlivening the atmosphere and empathizing with the audience: when Liu Qihong shows his tireless and strong physique in front of the camera, Wang Wanfei performs laziness and discouragement in a timely manner, and also loses no time in throwing out her husband's "shuttlecock dance" action "like a monkey", "no brain" and "unhappy" are the most basic configurations of double comedy.

In addition to his wife, Liu Also emphasizes other family members on the live broadcast - when they were in Taiwan, Liu and his wife participated in the parade organized by the "Next Generation Happiness Alliance", and sometimes Liu Qihong's whole family would go on live broadcasting, and their happy, harmonious and stable families took care of the strong psychological needs of people after being restricted from moving.

In the Era of Great Stillness, the first top idol was born

The last is "no complaints", even if once Liu Qihong was wearing a tight suit to highlight the bulging pectoral curve, and was mistakenly judged by the platform's automatic review mechanism to "wipe the edge ball" and cut off the live broadcast, he did not show too many complaints, but instead put on a down jacket and jumped in the next game, turning this ridiculous thing into a joke.

To sum up: "Lotte", "cheerful", "no heart and eyes", "full of vitality", "happy family", "adapt to the environment", "do not complain", "do not add trouble" - this is the image of Liu Ruihong for himself to create a person, in This April when all walks of life are worried about uncertainty, this person is like the Penglai Immortal Mountain that is temporarily blown away by the wind and hung upside down on the sea, giving some spiritual comfort to the world.

In the Era of Great Stillness, the first top idol was born

"Health" has been a national pursuit for as long as China's modernization process. As a measure to enhance the national constitution, in the early days of modernization, "health" was often combined with "patriotism", which was a policy promoted by the state and later internalized into the internal needs of ordinary people.

From the "qigong fever" after the reform and opening up to the "square dance" a few years ago to the "fitness fever" that is currently popular among the urban citizens, the pursuit of health and longevity in Chinese has undergone the evolution of many historical periods, and "Liu Qihong fever" is just the latest form of this long-term desire to combine with the new crown era and Internet technology.

The "Liu Qihong phenomenon" contains at least a dual cultural significance: in addition to the general physical fitness, it also adds the meaning of fighting viruses or other diseases that do not know when and where it will hit; it is also part of the culture of self-management and self-presentation in the circle of friends - the latter pursuit also exists in the first few stages, indicating that "daily" itself has a tenacious vitality.

In the Era of Great Stillness, the first top idol was born

Even in the state of staying at home, many people are still carefully managing their weight, will not tolerate it in the state of home isolation to fat, today this kind of self-management no longer needs national policies to publicize and promote, and rely on the self-management of social people, the power of inertia is far more powerful than the top-down implementation.

In addition to cultural inertia, what drives Liu's boom is a more cold and objective reality. Sitting on 40 million fans, Li Jiaqi is still the traffic king of Douyin, and he and Liu Qihong are jokingly called "a combination of seeking wealth and killing lives", but the current situation of the two is a double heaven of ice and fire.

While Liu Qihong is soaring, Li Jiaqi has entered a state of stagnation: the epidemic has seriously hit the live streaming industry that is highly dependent on warehousing and logistics, and Li Jiaqi's live broadcast time has become shorter and the types of goods have become less. When fans are willing to be "rich" by him when they are packed, and the prospects become less clear, the fans' attention turns to lifelong survival, living within their means, and the rational choice of the group is reflected between this and the other.

In the Era of Great Stillness, the first top idol was born

The media often says in a euphemistic tone, "[The virus] presses the still button for life." But in fact, life is not static because of a sudden disaster, on the contrary, because of this disaster, the original face of life is more intuitive and clear in front of us.

In this month of numerous reports on the epidemic in April, there is a humble news that I can not forget for a long time: a little brother in the Shanghai cabin went online at nine o'clock every day, and worked in front of the computer except for eating and going to the toilet. As an infected patient, has the immutable routine of workers been broken? The truth is: not really.

In the Era of Great Stillness, the first top idol was born

Although the video's publisher, "Ms. Zhu", said that the little brother's positive attitude towards life gave her "encouragement", the commenters of the video generally said that "this is not called positive, only helpless", "Do you guess he wants to rest", "Not in front of the computer, why let him go?"

I think this unknown migrant worker is a complement to Liu's phenomenon: in the face of disaster, "positive" is an automated response, "not in front of the computer, why let him go?" "If you don't follow Liu Qihong to jump and exercise, why can you go?" Everyone's spiritual level is shaped by pervasive discipline.

Remember this time: it is rare for reality to show its original rules so nakedly.