
【Notes】 In April, you may be able to say "good death" or "no good end"

Chinese curses, the most famous is the "Three Character Classic of National Curses".

Although the "Three Character Classics of National Curse" is extremely insulting, its lethality is far inferior to the following two sentences.

One of them is "cutting off children and grandchildren",

The second is that "no good death" is allowed.

Of course, the curse of the Cantonese people is a school of its own.

A phrase "apricot and orange" directly curses the opponent's entire family together.

Its viciousness is probably among the top three in local dialects.

Just considering the limitations of Cantonese, the scope of application is limited, and it is not mentioned for the time being.

In my superficial understanding, today, the matter of "cutting off children and grandchildren" is no longer a curse when I think about it.

Under the declining willingness to have children, "cutting off children and grandchildren" is a high-probability event, which is incompatible with the curse of the enemy family. Moreover, in the matter of the continuation of incense, most people can also think through it. After all, the world is difficult, and the incense must continue to flourish, and there is no bottom. As a result, some young people shouted out the slogan of "no marriage and no fertility, eternal succession; no birth and no maintenance, immortal life hengchang". "Cutting off children and grandchildren" does not hinder eating, drinking, and fun, and there is nothing to be ashamed of the ancestors. Living well is more important than anything else. The famous words of Louis XIV are used as the creed of life - even if the flood is terrible after death!

When it comes to the stubble of "no good death", ancient and modern China and foreign countries are surprisingly consistent.

【Notes】 In April, you may be able to say "good death" or "no good end"

Fear of death, fear of dying ugly, can be said to be a common human being.

Whether there is theism or atheism, it is inseparable from the question of how a person should die.

In 1470, several prints were published in Ulm, Germany, with the title "The Art of Dying Well". Chinese translated as "The Art of Good Ending", I always felt that it was inappropriate.

After all, the original title is "Art" in capital letters — Art.

You see, dying beautifully, that's an art. With the art of goodness, you can smile before you reach the Nine Springs, isn't that very artistic?

【Notes】 In April, you may be able to say "good death" or "no good end"

Whether or not a beautiful death is given the name of "art", how to die well is always something that a person has to consider sooner or later.

【Notes】 In April, you may be able to say "good death" or "no good end"

Religions throughout the ages have mostly prepared for a good end.

The Catholic Church, the master who feared marketing his ancestors, had a genius initiative called "indulgence". As long as you are willing to spend money, you can pre-order in the next life. This business has been done for more than two hundred years, and the church has made a lot of money, leaving a marketing case that can be included in the business school textbook.

It's just that the money is spent, and whether the good end of the good is finally cashed or not is an inexplicable and confusing account. As for what the afterlife of the pre-order will be, there is no way to verify. The effectiveness of this deal is highly questionable. Naturally, no one believed it after a long time.

Under the banner of scientific evidence, there is no market for the illusory afterlife.

But the problem of good ends is not solved, and people's hearts are still dazed and afraid.

Outside of religion, there are many ways to help people end well.

Euthanasia is said to be achievable in Switzerland. Euthanasia is not a good ending, it is a matter of opinion. I thought that rather than being half-dead in an ICU ward, euthanasia's decency and autonomy at least maintained the last bit of dignity of being human.

"Le" cannot be said, but "An" does exist.

Whether you believe in God or not, or believe in the God of the way, the same thing is the end of the road.

The core of goodness lies in "goodness", and to be good means to suppress the evil of human nature.

According to this deduction, since everyone has the desire to end well, it should be everyone's conscious choice to stop evil and promote goodness.

Or it can be said that the hope of a "good death" is the last reverence in a person's heart.

However, this is not the case.

At least not this spring.

A few days ago, I saw someone write an article with the inscription "April is a day to lie."

It's hard to say, but it's true.

After all, the first day of April begins with a lie.

This title sent me out.

And I thought, probably, In April,

It is also possible to talk about a good or no good ending.

Nothing else

Only for some souls who should have died well, but failed to rest.