
6.26 International Anti-Drug Day丨Refuse drugs Start with you and me

author:Yellow River News Network
6.26 International Anti-Drug Day丨Refuse drugs Start with you and me
6.26 International Anti-Drug Day丨Refuse drugs Start with you and me

What comes to mind when you think of drugs?

The Opium War, or the Mekong River Massacre?

Drugs don't just exist

on screen and in history books

Some "drugs" have long since been transformed

In an illegible way

Mess all around us


6.26 International Anti-Drug Day丨Refuse drugs Start with you and me
6.26 International Anti-Drug Day丨Refuse drugs Start with you and me
6.26 International Anti-Drug Day丨Refuse drugs Start with you and me
6.26 International Anti-Drug Day丨Refuse drugs Start with you and me
6.26 International Anti-Drug Day丨Refuse drugs Start with you and me
6.26 International Anti-Drug Day丨Refuse drugs Start with you and me
6.26 International Anti-Drug Day丨Refuse drugs Start with you and me
6.26 International Anti-Drug Day丨Refuse drugs Start with you and me
6.26 International Anti-Drug Day丨Refuse drugs Start with you and me
6.26 International Anti-Drug Day丨Refuse drugs Start with you and me
6.26 International Anti-Drug Day丨Refuse drugs Start with you and me
6.26 International Anti-Drug Day丨Refuse drugs Start with you and me
6.26 International Anti-Drug Day丨Refuse drugs Start with you and me
6.26 International Anti-Drug Day丨Refuse drugs Start with you and me

(Image source: China Anti-Narcotics)

6.26 International Anti-Drug Day丨Refuse drugs Start with you and me

If you want to stay away from new drugs, you must be vigilant, do not accept cigarettes, drinks and snacks from unknown sources, and enhance your sense of self-protection and do not take the first puff!

The effects and harms of drugs

Nor does it stop at individual drug users

Impairs physical and mental health

Weakened immunity, triggering various infections

Drug abuse depletes the socio-economy

Hindering social development

Disrupting the normal life of the family

It has brought many serious social crime problems

The illegal cultivation, manufacture and trafficking of narcotics have poisoned social customs



It is the 37th International Day Against Drugs

Let's act together

Improve the ability of the whole people to recognize, prevent and reject drugs

Say "No!" to drugs. ”

Planning: Yellow River News Network Editorial Center

Editor: Tyrant Renjie

Design: Li Jiabei