
Next week update 10 hero tweaks, 3 warriors, two top C bit weakened, 5 mages Kitti strengthened

With the change of versions, some heroes have risen rapidly due to version changes and become the sharpest points for players in the new season, such as Meng Tian, Yang Jian and Garo. And usually the official service hero adjustment frequency is once every two weeks, so after the next round of updates (28th), which heroes are balanced and optimized?

Next week update 10 hero tweaks, 3 warriors, two top C bit weakened, 5 mages Kitti strengthened

There are currently up to 10 heroes in the test, including 6 mages and three warriors to strengthen/weaken, as follows:

The first six mages to be adjusted were Bian Que, Wu Zetian, Jin Cicada, Xiao Qiao, Wang Zhaojun and Yi Xing. Among them, the first 5 are all enhanced adjustments, namely Bian Que is purely enhanced, the proportion of passive imprints on the healing volume of friendly heroes per second is increased to 80%, which enhances the teammate's lai line and survival rate; Wu Zetian's basic movement speed and passive movement speed are all adjusted up, making it the fastest mage in the canyon running map, and the support is more efficient; the passive cicada - the single damage received exceeds the maximum health value by 6% is reduced to 5% to trigger the damage reduction effect, and the damage reduction ratio is increased by 5%, which is equivalent to making the golden cicada easier to trigger the damage reduction. Increase the frankness and not be afraid of explosive heroes such as Nakoruru and Monkey; the attenuation ratio of Xiao Qiao's big move damage is reduced, while Wang Zhaojun increases the proportion of passive attack speed reduction!

Next week update 10 hero tweaks, 3 warriors, two top C bit weakened, 5 mages Kitti strengthened

The three warriors of the Canyon – the Armored Emperor, the Old Master and Charlotte – will be weakened. Among them, the armored emperor mainly weakens the meat game, the current full meat armor emperor has replaced the pure output armor into the mainstream play, carrying the meat to fight the wild knife of the armor emperor can not only multi-way gank with rhythm, but also how much to kill the four sides, which is equivalent to frank output. In particular, 1 skill is based on health bonus, so that the endurance of meat armor has been upgraded by a notch, so the official adjustment of the 1 skill bonus method, downgrading half of the health bonus ratio at the same time, adding new basic value and health value based on AD bonus and skill level. Xiaobian feels that this wave of adjustments only slightly weakens the strength of the meat armor, and playing wild meat armor will still be the player's first choice!

Next week update 10 hero tweaks, 3 warriors, two top C bit weakened, 5 mages Kitti strengthened

And the old master and Charlotte two major injury-free warriors are also finally knifed, the former directly downgraded the 2 skill injury value, the latter not only downgraded the big move damage, but also canceled the effect of the big move and the strong general injury-free superposition, and Charlotte's passive charging state can be seen by the opposing party, which is equivalent to the damage and frankness are all weakened. Most players are not surprised by this, Charlotte's ability to be beaten is indeed too OP, while passively reducing the speed of attack to restrain the AA monster, it can also be greatly injured, so there is often a situation of not moving Charlotte, which is equivalent to having the body of the tank and good damage, which is inconsistent with its warrior positioning!

Next week update 10 hero tweaks, 3 warriors, two top C bit weakened, 5 mages Kitti strengthened

Finally, the high winning rate C position in the top ranking - Yixing and Gongsun are both weakened, of which the passive "famous knife" CD of Yixing is greatly increased by 30 seconds, while the acquisition of vision ability of 1 skill and the acceleration effect of 2 skills are all weakened, which is equivalent to weakening the mobility and survival rate of Yixing; and A Li is a significant increase in 2 skill CD, as a balance to increase the health and range of large moves, after adjustment, Gongsun Li can frequently use 2 skills in the early stage without injury and blood consumption, and establish a snowball advantage!

Next week update 10 hero tweaks, 3 warriors, two top C bit weakened, 5 mages Kitti strengthened

Conclusion: Next week (28th) update the hero adjustment preview, ten heroes balance optimization, three major warriors and two top C bit weakening, 5 mages strengthen the adjustment, in view of the hero in the experience suit needs to be tested many times, the above heroes may not all be put online, the final plan is subject to the official service update! So do the friends have your upper score exclusive to this wave of adjustments? Welcome to leave a message to discuss!

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