
Tianlong Eight: 430,000 ratings in two days, team battle overnight leaderboard big guys have been on the shelves? stimulate

When it comes to the newly opened new area [Shu Dao Battle], it is absolutely different.

This server is the first server to gradually open up the game, the current opening of only gems, carvings, follow-up will gradually open the enhancement, shending, proficiency and so on.

Therefore, the first wave of battles of the Shu Dao Scramble came exceptionally early and ended very hastily.

Tianlong Eight: 430,000 ratings in two days, team battle overnight leaderboard big guys have been on the shelves? stimulate

The duration was only a short night, and after one night, the players of the Shu Dao Scramble were surprised to find that the top ten big guys in the original ranking list had sold their numbers.


According to the old players who know the news, the big guys of the "Shu Dao Scramble" are generally divided into two waves, and after the unexpected fight, the big guys on both sides have chosen to quit the "Shu Dao Scramble".

At present, the first person in the [Shu Dao Scramble] ranking is a big guy monk who likes to rush the new district in recent years, and in just 2 days, the equipment score has soared to 430,000 points.

Tianlong Eight: 430,000 ratings in two days, team battle overnight leaderboard big guys have been on the shelves? stimulate

You know, this is the absence of the three major plus points of Shending, strengthening, and Zhenyuan, and the equipment score can reach 430,000, which can be said to be very terrifying.

Although the panel looks average at present, this is only the result of 2 days of opening the area.

Tianlong Eight: 430,000 ratings in two days, team battle overnight leaderboard big guys have been on the shelves? stimulate

The gemstone is a solid full six belt 7, and the carving pattern is directly pulled to level 10.

According to the old players who are familiar with the matter, several numbers under the name of the monks have invested nearly one million this time, and the sudden withdrawal of the "Shu Dao Battle" is very surprising.

Although the big guys on the leaderboard are very shaken, it does not matter much to the average player.

Prices are still high, and it is definitely a good place to move bricks and make money

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