
Zhuge Liang's third invention continued to live for the Shu kingdom for 30 years, but the Americans used it for fishing, not steamed buns

There is Kong Ming in the lonely, and there is water in the fish.

Zhuge Liang's third invention continued to live for the Shu kingdom for 30 years, but the Americans used it for fishing, not steamed buns

This sentence was said by Liu Bei to Zhuge Liang, describing the relationship between them as like fish and water. Zhuge Liang was a famous military, politician, writer, and inventor of the Three Kingdoms of Shu and Han Dynasties.

Everyone is not unfamiliar with Zhuge Liang's identity as a military man, politician and writer, but if Zhuge Liang is an inventor, some people will ask, what exactly did Zhuge Liang invent? Zhuge Liang had three outstanding inventions in his lifetime, and these inventions reflected Zhuge Liang's wisdom.

Zhuge Liang's third invention continued to live for the Shu kingdom for 30 years, but the Americans used it for fishing, not steamed buns

First, wooden cattle and horses

"Poetry Immortal" Li Bai has a poetry cloud: "The difficulty of shu dao is difficult to go to the qingtian!" "The Shu Road is very steep, and it is very difficult to cross the Shu Road easily, let alone transport grain, and the loss rate during the period is very high."

The soldiers and horses have not moved, and the grain and grass have gone first, and for fighting a war, grain is very important. In order to effectively transport grain, Zhuge Liang invented the "wooden cow flowing horse", through this invention to transport grain, not only fast, but also efficient!

Zhuge Liang's third invention continued to live for the Shu kingdom for 30 years, but the Americans used it for fishing, not steamed buns

Second, Zhuge Lian's crossbow

The crossbow is an important combat weapon in ancient times, with very great lethality and fatal damage to the enemy. However, ordinary crossbows can only shoot one arrow at a time, which is very inefficient.

In order to increase the attack performance of the crossbow, Zhuge Liang designed a crossbow that could fire ten arrows at a time, and because the arrows were fired continuously, it was called "Zhuge Lian Crossbow". Zhuge Lian's crossbow firepower is very strong, the hit rate is very high, and the lethality is very large.

Zhuge Liang's third invention continued to live for the Shu kingdom for 30 years, but the Americans used it for fishing, not steamed buns

Third, Kong Mingche

The Kong Ming car here is not a four-wheeled wheelchair car that Zhuge Liang sat on, but a water wheel, an irrigation tool. The Kingdom of Shu was located in the Sichuan Plain, where it was the kingdom of Tianfu, with fertile land and abundant grain.

In order to effectively promote irrigation rates, water wheels were invented. The promotion and application of water wheels greatly increased grain production, enabled the people of Shu to eat enough, and extended the life of Shu Han for thirty years.

Originally, the Kong Ming car was an irrigation tool, but in the United States it became a fishing tool. The Alaskans in the United States put the Kong Ming car in the water and then used it to catch fish, and they could catch a lot of fish every day.

Zhuge Liang's third invention continued to live for the Shu kingdom for 30 years, but the Americans used it for fishing, not steamed buns

The above are Zhuge Liang's three major inventions, many people say that Zhuge Liang also invented steamed buns, in fact, before the Three Kingdoms, steamed buns already existed, its name is called cake. Later, there was more food, the bread was the cake, and the steamed bun was the steamed bun!

Zhuge Liang's third invention continued to live for the Shu kingdom for 30 years, but the Americans used it for fishing, not steamed buns

References: Romance of the Three Kingdoms, A Brief History of Chinese Culture, Ancient Chinese Scientific and Technological Inventions, etc

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