
Genting Game: 12.7B lineup ranking, cancer rampant, invention and the strong rise of Ge Ji

Genting Game: 12.7B lineup ranking, cancer rampant, invention and the strong rise of Ge Ji
Genting Game: 12.7B lineup ranking, cancer rampant, invention and the strong rise of Ge Ji
Genting Game: 12.7B lineup ranking, cancer rampant, invention and the strong rise of Ge Ji

Hello brothers, I am Mo Ang commentary, this time Mo Ang statistics Ion server ranking top 30 gods of the last 5 qualifying games of the top 4 games, covering 36 sets of lineup system, sorted into the form of one, two, three, four places that everyone is easier to understand, Mo Ang is pure manual statistics, really feel very tired, but think of being able to help everyone, everything is still worth it.

Genting Game: 12.7B lineup ranking, cancer rampant, invention and the strong rise of Ge Ji
Genting Game: 12.7B lineup ranking, cancer rampant, invention and the strong rise of Ge Ji

The above figure is the top 15 lineups of Eating Points after Mo Ang's statistics, among the top players, this version of the environment is extremely harsh, the inner volume is particularly serious, geek attack and poison Douluo can be called the version of the 2 major cancer tumors, but due to the large number of people playing, the unpopular lineup is also greatly improved compared to last week due to the ease of formation.

Geek raids

Genting Game: 12.7B lineup ranking, cancer rampant, invention and the strong rise of Ge Ji

The same as last week, this kind of eating score ranked first or the version of the cancer geek attack, eating 148 games, an increase of nearly 40% over last week, eating chicken farm times 26 games, eating points and eating chicken double list are the first place. The proportion of the top four chicken eaters fell slightly compared with last week, only 17.57% this week, which is a very low situation in the mainstream lineup.

As the hottest lineup in the version, the geek attack environment in the king game is now relatively harsh, usually 2-4 players choose in a game, and up to 5 players in a round. Everyone must need to grab the card in advance when playing the wheel mother, otherwise the wheel is easy to search, this lineup is relatively stable, two, three or four are relatively easy, but it is extremely difficult to eat chicken, not only the main C needs the wheel mother 2 stars in the later stage of the game, want to eat chicken more need Jinx to come early, help the wheel mother to harvest quickly.

Poison Douluo

Genting Game: 12.7B lineup ranking, cancer rampant, invention and the strong rise of Ge Ji

The second place in the eating score is the Poison Douluo lineup. There were 75 eating sub-games, 22 chicken eating sessions, and the double list of eating points and eating chicken ranked second. The same version of the poison tumor lineup, but the poison Douluo lineup eats chicken top four accounted for 29.33%. It is extremely rare to have this data at a high number of games.

The poison Douluo lineup is also a version of the tumor, but with the geek attack relative to the player selection rate is slightly lower, usually a round of 2-3, this lineup transition is relatively smooth, the lineup is easy to lock blood in the middle of the lineup, the ability to eat points is relatively stable, but whether you can eat chicken is more to see victor come sooner or later and Victor release the skill sooner or later, poison Douluo can be called the most stable lineup of the current version of eating chicken. Now the version of poison Douluo has more formations, such as 6 buckets, 4 buckets + 3 law enforcement are relatively strong, if Kasha can be 2 stars later can also replace Renata.

Ninety-five supreme

In this statistics, the popularity of the 95 lineup has decreased slightly, and the overall rate of the top four has dropped by about 20%, and the lineup is mainly the three major 95 systems of geeks, celebrities and mutations.

Genting Game: 12.7B lineup ranking, cancer rampant, invention and the strong rise of Ge Ji

Geek 95 is still the highest appearance rate of the 95 lineup, the lineup of 28 games to eat points, 13 games to eat chicken, eat chicken top four accounted for up to 46.43%, although the 95 lineup after the formation of the chicken intensity is high, but there are many chicken eating rate is also extremely rare.

Geek nine five transition is relatively easy, geek is the first mid-term more powerful transition lineup, as long as the first and middle period is more Hu, it is very easy to transition 8/9 population, Jinx one, open 6 geek bondage lineup strength directly improve a grade, eat points and eat chicken ability is very high. But geeks nine-five belong to the kind of lineup that needs to use the early advantages to snowball, not the sudden opening of 6 geeks, we must pay attention to this point, do not hurry to transform.

Genting Game: 12.7B lineup ranking, cancer rampant, invention and the strong rise of Ge Ji

Mutation nine five this week to eat 22 games, eat chicken 5 games, compared with last week's decline is larger, and the proportion of eating chicken top four fell to 22.73%, which is extremely low in the 95 lineup.

Mutant Ninety-Five spends most of its time talking about the Dark Star (exuberant appetite) Kasha, and a small part is the three mutant bonds of super-adrenal glands, source plan and void birth. Statistics in the chicken farm slightly lower situation is also because of the dark star Kasha, many players in the dark star mutation, will choose this lineup, the late peers, Kasha difficult 2 stars, and then there is an early out of the situation, everyone in the dark star Kasha also need to pay attention to the peer situation, if more than their own and not very Hu situation as early as possible transformation.

Genting Game: 12.7B lineup ranking, cancer rampant, invention and the strong rise of Ge Ji

This week, the mutation system has more variations, among which the forest mutation Wei (the change of pupa), 7 appearances, 6 times to eat points, the intensity is very good. If you are mutating in the forest, you can also consider this unpopular lineup.

Genting Game: 12.7B lineup ranking, cancer rampant, invention and the strong rise of Ge Ji

Celebrities 95 This week, there were 17 sub-sessions, 8 chicken farms, and the proportion of the top four chicken eaters was as high as 47.06%, and the rate of eating chicken was relatively unnatural. Unlike the above 2 sets of nine-five lineups, this lineup is a pure pure high-cost operating lineup, most of the operating lineup can be converted to this lineup, the C position is not fixed most of the time it is Jinx, Kasha or Tam, and gario the bear is also an alternative. It is recommended that you consider transforming this system when the chess pieces are more hu and Hex fits.

Holy Grail Fanny

Genting Game: 12.7B lineup ranking, cancer rampant, invention and the strong rise of Ge Ji

Holy Grail Fanny This lineup many friends may not be very familiar with this lineup, the idea is similar to last season's "sour and spicy powder" lineup, this week to eat 25 games, eat chicken 8 games, eat points and eat chicken double list are ranked 4th. The top four of this lineup of chickens accounted for 32%. Eating points and eating chicken intensity is very good.

This lineup on the end of the version of Mo Ang gave the idea, now in the top players began to popular, the lineup is not fixed, 5 inventions can be broken down into 3 inventions can hang other strong frank positions, can also turn other inventors spelling system, this lineup of the pre-mid-term operation requirements are higher, if the pre-mid-term transition is weak players as much as possible familiar with a few rounds, and then consider the ranking choice.

King Quinn

Genting Game: 12.7B lineup ranking, cancer rampant, invention and the strong rise of Ge Ji

Quinn Barbarian King Lineup this week the heat has greatly improved, eating 16 games, eating chicken twice, don't look at its low rate of eating chicken, in this version with double tumor can stably eat points is a good lineup. Quinn Barbarian King is relatively small gram geek attack, and now there are fewer people playing, eating points is relatively stable, but the lineup is difficult to win the Dacheng 95 system, and the ability to eat chicken is low.

Invent the sniper

Genting Game: 12.7B lineup ranking, cancer rampant, invention and the strong rise of Ge Ji

The popularity of the sniper lineup this week has not changed much from last week, and the more unpopular eating sub-games is 14 games, eating chicken is 6, and the top four chicken eating chicken account for 42.86%. The data of the invention sniper lineup is very good, the key is that there are fewer players, counting other invention peers in a round of about 2, the exclusive probability is larger, and the lineup and the Holy Grail Fanny and other invention lineups can be rotated, the lineup C position is more, and the intensity of eating points and eating chicken is very high.

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