
【T0 celebrity nine five】Refuse formula operation, multi-C change, lineup strength ceiling

【T0 celebrity nine five】Refuse formula operation, multi-C change, lineup strength ceiling
【T0 celebrity nine five】Refuse formula operation, multi-C change, lineup strength ceiling

Foreword: Hello everyone, I'm Hi. The current version of the popular upper score lineup Xiao Hi has been shared with you almost, today Xiao Hi to share the current version of the lineup ceiling, the intensity is absolutely T0 level - celebrity nine five.

【T0 celebrity nine five】Refuse formula operation, multi-C change, lineup strength ceiling
【T0 celebrity nine five】Refuse formula operation, multi-C change, lineup strength ceiling

Lineup: Xena, Salfanie, Bronn, Minotaur, Gallio, Kasha, Kinks, Zelly (2 out of 3 back rows)

Lineup Bondage: 3 Celebrities 2 Colossus 2 Bodyguards

【T0 celebrity nine five】Refuse formula operation, multi-C change, lineup strength ceiling
【T0 celebrity nine five】Refuse formula operation, multi-C change, lineup strength ceiling

Hex Enhancement (Must Take): Celebrity Turnover, Sharing Spotlight, +1/2 Celebrity, Outstanding, High-end Shopping, Upgrade

【T0 celebrity nine five】Refuse formula operation, multi-C change, lineup strength ceiling

Hex Reinforcement (Secondary): Economic Hex Reinforcement, Armor Plating

【T0 celebrity nine five】Refuse formula operation, multi-C change, lineup strength ceiling
【T0 celebrity nine five】Refuse formula operation, multi-C change, lineup strength ceiling

Master C Jinx/Zeli/Kasha: Sheep Knife + Fist of Justice + Giant Catcher/Night Blade

Assisted Gario: Still Robe + Ghost Book + Frost Heart/LingFeng

Tank Bull head: Anti-armor + Dragon's Tooth + Gargoyle Plate Armor / Madman / Redemption

Equipment analysis: Main C Jinx, Zeli, Kasha who first 2 stars who come to C. The equipment requirements are not high, what to give can be, the equipment of these three people is universal.

The best combination of Jinx is sheep knife + giant catcher + fist of justice

Kasha's best match is the Sheep Knife + Fist of Justice + Night Blade

Zeli's best match is the sheep knife + electric knife + fist of justice

The equipment of the tank bull's head is anti-armor, dragon's tooth, gargoyle plate armor, madman, redemption, what is the equipment for what, mainly consuming all anti-armor;

Auxiliary Garyo is mainly equipped with the Stationary Magic Suit, Ghost Book, frost heart and other auxiliary equipment.

【T0 celebrity nine five】Refuse formula operation, multi-C change, lineup strength ceiling
【T0 celebrity nine five】Refuse formula operation, multi-C change, lineup strength ceiling

Q: How is this lineup understood?

A: After the current version of the geek bond is greatly weakened, the ninety-five lineup is basically left with the two sets of lineups of Zhuoer nine-five and mutant ninety-five, while Zhuoer ninety-five eats Hex enhancement and mutation ninety-five eats mutation attributes, then the current version is relatively stable is the celebrity ninety-five.

First of all, we need to make it clear that celebrities don't have to eat celebrities. Like the celebrity grid in the front row is not suitable for the main C in the back row to play, in this case, you can choose to supplement Tam to replenish the damage, while the celebrity nine-five is more of a colossus + celebrity Pinduoduo, and the later stage relies on the strength of 5 fee cards.

【T0 celebrity nine five】Refuse formula operation, multi-C change, lineup strength ceiling

The core key to the lineup lies in the front row of Colossus + Bodyguard Bondage, Bullhead, Gario and Bronn are the three big daddies in the front row, Bron comes with its own range to fly, Bullhead and Gario belong to the Colossus Bondage to increase 800 health points at the beginning. And the bull head is a directional control, very easy to control to the opposite rear row, Gallio is a wide range of control, this set of lineup control is directly full.

【T0 celebrity nine five】Refuse formula operation, multi-C change, lineup strength ceiling

Q: Questions about master C selection?

A: In terms of lineup master Tan, Xiao Hi preferentially recommends the Minotaur > Gario > Bronn, the Minotaur has a colossus bondage, itself is exempt from control, and there are 800 health enhancements. Because Gario is a 5 fee card, it is generally relatively difficult to chase 2 stars in the middle and late stages, if there is a 2 star Gario to consider the current platoon tank, otherwise directly bull head to be a tank.

This is followed by the choices of Kinks, Kasha, Zeri and Tam:

As the shoulder handle of the 5-fee card, Kasha is the most suitable for the damage increase effect of celebrities, and all the effects of 3 celebrities Kasha can be eaten directly.

Jinx focuses on the harvest position, and the front row of 3 controls can directly cripple the opposite lineup, with Kasha's skill damage, jump down and clear the field directly.

Zeli does not need to open 3 deacons, if there is a deacon turn, you can consider replacing Bron with Leona, and transfer the deacon to the back row of 3 deacons, otherwise otherwise do not open 3 deacons in other cases. Ze Liqiang was able to penetrate the front row of the skill and hit directly to the back row, especially restraining the corner position.

Tam's hero is the choice of celebrity circles in the front row, Tamm can eat the opposite hero spit out their equipment, Tam needs to feed more heroes, Tamm came early to be used as the main C.

【T0 celebrity nine five】Refuse formula operation, multi-C change, lineup strength ceiling
【T0 celebrity nine five】Refuse formula operation, multi-C change, lineup strength ceiling

Operation ideas: This lineup is a set of operation of the late 9 population formation lineup, for the operation of the lineup ideas requirements are very high, as long as the health and economic conditions in the early stage, all the lineups can be transferred to nine-five, but it is not recommended to play consecutive defeats, again emphasizing that this lineup is not a simple formula on the score, need everyone's understanding of the game.

Opening Equipment: Priority to take the reverse bow, fist sleeve, goddess tears. In the early stage, priority is given to equipment with strong working ability, such as electric knife to work for Lu Zion, sheep knife can work for EZ, and water droplets can make blue BUFF or fist of justice, these two equipment are extremely versatile.

The first Hex with economic type Hex enhancement is also a good choice, followed by Hex enhancements like binary, upgrade, and outstanding.

【T0 celebrity nine five】Refuse formula operation, multi-C change, lineup strength ceiling

Stage 2: 2-1 pull 4 population, 2-5 pull 5 population, the early stage is recommended to take the streak of transition operation, according to the number of pre-work cards to determine the transition of the idea, priority is given to geek invention, Yodel gunner (this lineup economy is the best), fighting gunner, deacon fireman and other lineup system to transition, as long as the quality can lock blood to pull the population, try to ensure the winning streak.

【T0 celebrity nine five】Refuse formula operation, multi-C change, lineup strength ceiling

Stage 3: 3-1/3-2 pull 6 population, whether to speed up the pull 6 population depends on whether the early stage is 5 consecutive wins, if 5 consecutive wins then 3-1 pull 6 population, otherwise 3-2 pull 6 population, if the early stage is to go geek system, then priority to open 4 geeks 3 Yodel 2 bodyguard bondage, if it is to take the Yodel Gunner system, then supplement the Crow to open 2 dark devils 2 Hex. Others can be supplemented with high-fee cards like Xena, Nar, or Wei to support the quality of the lineup.

【T0 celebrity nine five】Refuse formula operation, multi-C change, lineup strength ceiling

Stage 4: 4-1 pull 7 population, generally when the health is less than 50 points or in the case of poor economy, you need to directly search to transfer the lineup, if the economic situation is good, you can choose to jump 8 population in 4-3, it is not recommended to jump the population at 4-5, it is likely to brush out an upgrade in the 4-6 stage of the Hex enhancement, it will be very uncomfortable.

【T0 celebrity nine five】Refuse formula operation, multi-C change, lineup strength ceiling

Late lineup: 8 people can search for 2 colossus + 3 celebrities, at this time, first look at the big brother Jinx, Zeli, Kasha, who comes first, and the equipment will be used for whom. If there is no choice to take The Silver part-time transition, the second bull head must be to 2 stars, which is very important for the front row quality of the lineup, the front row bull head, Blom 2 stars + the back row has 5 fee cards can choose to pull 9 population.

Ps: This lineup is very operational, and it is not recommended to play.

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