
Ye Wenjing: The success of Kazuo Inamori and the sanctification of Zeng Guofan

author:Business Awakening

Source: Journal of Business Management

Kazuo Inamori said: "Where people need to stay away from mortal dust, the workplace is the best place to cultivate the spirit, and work itself is a kind of practice." As long as you work hard every day and cultivate a noble personality, a good life will be at your fingertips. ”

Work is a part of our lives. Let's not try to separate work from life, we need to learn to get involved, to taste it, to enjoy it. Because work and life actually promote each other. Some of the things you learn at work can be applied to life and thus fed back into life. Work and life need to complement each other. In short, the purpose of people's work is to hone their minds!

Kazuo Inamori is the founder of two Fortune 500 companies and is known as the saint of Japanese management, so he has attracted many entrepreneurs to visit his business and be impressed by his business philosophy. The Japanese "5W1H" management theory is also used in the university's management courses.

Ye Wenjing: The success of Kazuo Inamori and the sanctification of Zeng Guofan

5W means: why, what, when, when, where, who, who.

1H refers to (how) how to do it.

Leadership has a very important tool: the five-step approach to laying out work.

  • Step 1: Say it yourself. 5 elements:

(1) Clearly tell employees what needs to be done;

(2) What are the main tasks to be completed and when to complete them;

(3) Who is the main person in charge;

(4) where the task was completed;

(5) If cost is involved, the scope of cost control.

Step 2: Let the employee repeat it and understand whether there is a deviation.

Ø The third step: What is the purpose of our doing this thing, so that employees can learn to deal with it flexibly and complete the task around the goal.

Ø The fourth step: If you encounter an accident that cannot be completed, what to do, to give play to the enthusiasm of employees, the boundary of responsibility and power.

Ø The fifth step: ask the employees what ideas and suggestions they have on this matter, and optimize them better before execution, which can better exert the execution of employees and improve efficiency.

Japanese companies have formed a standardization, process and polishing the details of the layout work to the extreme. We call this spirit the spirit of ingenuity.

A century-old shop selling tofu in Japan has been passed down for three generations, and tofu alone can make hundreds of dishes, and people in line can pick up dragons, and they still do it unhurriedly. It's hard to get you, sorry, today's material is sold out, closed, you come back another day. Business is so good, why not open a chain store? It can't be opened, because it takes decades to learn this technique.

Although we appreciate this ingenuity, it is difficult to replicate. The reason is understood, how can it not be done? What can be copied is the tool, and what cannot be copied is the character.

According to the Enneagram research report, the No. 1 and No. 3 personalities have a common feature: they are really doing things, they will work very seriously, and even some No. 3 is more serious than No. 1. But their internal logic is different.

The no. 1 person believes that the details determine success or failure, so high requirements, high standards, no matter how big or small, there is a method, there is a rhythm, slow work out of the details.

The no. 3 person believes that whether it is a white cat or a black cat, it is a good cat to catch a mouse, and as long as the result is good, everything is fine.

For No. 1, it is not enough to catch mice, and the model of the mouse that is caught must also be correct, otherwise it will not meet the standard, the result is important, and the process is more important. Win in the details, but also stuck in the details.

If you work under Leader No. 1, it will be very tiring, very hard, but it will grow up quickly, because they pursue perfection, the requirements will be very strict, they are always picky, this is not good enough, that is not perfect, everything must meet the standards in their hearts.

If you don't do a good job, they will be angry, but they will not lose their temper, in their view, tantrums are also imperfect performance, no cultivation, the atmosphere under the No. 1 leader is tense and solemn. The prince broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people. They are the defenders of order and rules, and their principles are sacrosanct. Their worldview is black and white: either don't do it, or do it to the extreme.

As Kazuo Inamori said, work itself is a profound practice. People live to the extreme, must be plain and simple, only self-discipline can bring freedom.

Zeng Guofan, known as a half-sage, is also the No. 1 personality in the Enneagram. For the master will be a perfect person, meritorious and moral three immortal. Man, how can it be done? The first meaning of success: Ming.

Mingzi has two meanings: clever and shrewd.

Wise, can see the vast rivers and mountains, the people's hearts are far away, the people's hearts are stubborn, the reincarnation of the world, you can also lower your mind and suppress your mind, glimpse the background of all things, and gradually return to peace. Shrewdness means having precision, investigating and researching to obtain sufficiently detailed information, not taking it for granted, multi-party reasoning, repeated argumentation, and drawing logical conclusions. Big thinking, small start, smart is big thinking, shrewd is small start, there is no real shortcut to doing things, repeated experiments in the two angles of wisdom and shrewdness, repeated tempering of the mind, is the shortcut.

The mind is both the mind (to think, to dig) and the will (to exercise, to polish), and the word "intention" is the most difficult. The two great masters of Confucianism in the Southern Song Dynasty, Lu Jiuyuan said that "standing up to its greatness" and Zhu Xi said that "baht accumulates inches and inches".

Zeng Guofan fused the words of the two people, "big thinking, small start" is the only way to do things. Summarizing the formula for doing things: doing things = sincerity (diligence + prudence).

Sincerity means not to deceive, to be sincere. Fool yourself more, and eventually you will be deceived by yourself. The more you deceive the world, the more you will eventually be abandoned by the world.

The overall situation is not something that anyone can really change, even if it is a figure like Zeng Guofan who has been produced for hundreds of years. After looking at the big picture, I was sad, so I turned my head and started small, and there was a point to do, and I could do a point, which was one point. The situation is not good, we must hold on, we must persist, we have the responsibility to defend the soil, and we must do it one point at a time.

If many people do this, the big picture may really gradually get better, which is also the constant of impermanence.

Under the premise that everything is impermanent and uncontrollable, what can a small individual rely on if he wants to achieve things? It can only rely on people. Man seems to be the most unreliable and the only one to rely on.

By whom? Rely on yourself, rely on a well-trained self, think big, start small, live in groups, live alone and keep your heart. There are many theories about success, but all theories have one premise: energetic, energetic, and enduring.

To do things, the first thing is to concentrate. From concentration to professionalism, and then cross-border. Be able to do both big planning and small things. Ordinary people cannot be lazy; talented people cannot be proud. Fight the hard battle, on your own, this is the ultimate embodiment of leadership. A person can carry and cover up, this is the foundation of all major events.

Because the world treats people who bury their heads in things. Virtue is not matched, and the mind is restless. High moral standing, push the boat along the water. God can give a person the greatest characteristics, often there are positive and negative, to do their best to maintain balance.

The ideal state that Zeng Guofan hopes to achieve is: to restrain desires, not to expose themselves, to be self-reliant and self-reliant, and to be strong in the heart. Many people who can achieve things ultimately fail to control their demons, and they mistake desire for ambition. Seeking fame and profit and seeking power and sex is desire. And to seek the ancient articles, to seek the peace of the universe, to seek insight into human nature, to seek the beauty of heaven and earth, to establish a heart for heaven and earth, to establish a destiny for the people, to continue to learn from the saints, and to open up peace for all the worlds.

To do things, we must be brave and diligent; in the world, we must be open-minded and idyllic, that is, "rigid and soft at the same time", with a normal heart, with an enterprising spirit to do things. Taking on big things is all in the two words of Ming Qiang. To do great things, to have responsibility, depends on intelligence and toughness. If you can do Mingqiang, it is even better. To be strong, you must pay ten times or even a hundred times more effort and hard work than others.

Zeng Guofan said that a gentleman should be humble, not modest, first of all, he must have a heart, have an opinion, have a direction, and have perseverance; second, there is no heart, no stubbornness, no prejudice. Only with a heart can we be vain.

First, recognize "fate." Second, work. There are many who can do the second point, and not many who can do the first point.

To recognize "fate" is not to surrender, to confess "fate", is to know what you can do, and then work hard to do it.

In the adult world, everything is difficult. Do not seek to overcome others, but seek to overcome yourself.

Like Inamori Kazuo, Zeng Guofan was not from a prominent background, his ancestors were peasants for three generations, and the entanglements of entering Beijing to catch the examination were all made up by the clan, and he was a Beijing official for more than ten years before he repaid this debt, he always had regrets in his heart, and what was valuable was that he always maintained a consistent value of life, and formed a clear stream in the corrupt society at that time.

It is said that when Zeng Guofan was a child, his reaction was slow and his memorization skills were very poor, and one day the teacher assigned him a memorization task and asked him to stay at home to memorize, and he could not memorize it for a long time. This made the thief hiding on the roof beam waiting for the opportunity to be irritated, because he could only listen to it, and he could no longer bear the pain of hunching over for a long time, so he jumped down the pillar, scolded Zeng Guofan, and showed him to recite, and then he was complacent and went away, leaving the young Zeng Guofan in the same place.

When Liang Qichao evaluated Zeng Guofan, he used the word "blunt", which means insensitive. His success is not due to his talent, but to his hard work and perseverance.

Meritorious service, enjoy inferior blessings. Zeng Guofan's life was conscientious, like walking on thin ice, strict self-discipline, and thrifty and thrifty. His "Book of the Family of Zeng Guofan" has been passed down to future generations.

Whether it is Kazuo Inamori's business operation or Zeng Guofan's official life, they all regard work as a "practice", advocating frugality and self-discipline.

If Zeng Guofan's life motivation is to become a "saint", Li Hongzhang's motivation is success.

There are records: Li Hongzhang was a protégé of Zeng Guofan, and later surrendered to the Xiang Army, he liked to sleep lazily in the morning, and Zeng Guofan was up early and could not get used to his style, so breakfast was hard to wait for him to eat, and if he did not come, he did not eat, forcing Li Hongzhang to get up early, Li Hongzhang was a very astute person, keen on being an official, pursuing fame and fortune. Although they all turned the tide for the turbulent late Qing Dynasty, their inner values and motivations were completely different.

No. 1's values: To do things well, this is his duty. If you have employee No. 1, then congratulations, you can rest assured that you have entrusted him with the matter. If your boss is Number 1, your growth will be rocket-like.

Ye Wenjing: The success of Kazuo Inamori and the sanctification of Zeng Guofan

How do we get along with Number 1? There are several suggestions.

(1) When we get along with the No. 1 personality, we should praise him more for his high requirements in work, life, etc., and it is best to praise him and praise him based on his advantages, try not to refute, and show recognition. This makes it easier to have a common language with Number 1.

(2) To interact with type 1, you have to listen to his opinion and pay attention to his attitude.

(3) Because No. 1 has more critical opinions, we should encourage them to pay more attention to positive information and look at more positive aspects. In addition, communication with No. 1 should be rational, analytical, and evidence-based, rather than relying on feelings and not talking too much about personal likes and dislikes.

(4) Dealing with No. 1, point out the direction and mission to the other party, so that he will be willing to accept, easy to recognize, will make him feel that you are thinking for him, is concerned about him.

(5) If the other party is your customer, when you meet him, it is best to dress neatly, neatly and generously, so that he will make a good impression. Because he pays more attention to details, you also have to spend a little more time on the details.

(6) Do not joke with the No. 1 personality, especially the kind of joke that does not know the weight, otherwise it is not good, and it is easy to be bored with yourself.

If you are Number 1, you need to grow to the point:

(1) Change a few more ideas in everything, think from several angles, and avoid walking into the dead end of thinking.

(2) In interpersonal relationships, don't be so harsh on yourself, don't criticize people at will. Compliments and smiling faces melt all the ice, which will make you more likable than cold and rejecting people thousands of miles away.

(3) In your daily life, you should be active, take out passion, and dare to perform.

(4) You take it easy, find more happiness for yourself, look more at the positives of the problem, look less at the negative, think more about the good, think less about the bad, and communicate more with others. Without communication, repressed emotions cannot be relieved, and negative emotions accumulate too much, which will lead to stubbornness and paranoia.

(5) We must learn to deal with anger, let go of the defensive psychology of people, let go of the prejudice against people and things, listen to the opinions of others, and learn to accept everything in life with an open mind.

The following nine types of personality traits

Let's take a brief look at the nine types of personality traits, and I'll do a detailed analysis and in-depth exploration of each model later.

Personality No. 1: Perfectionist Perfectionist/Reformer Reformer

★ Brief introduction: often criticize the mistakes of yourself and others, and often feel that things are not perfect. Personality No. 1 likes to be principled and sometimes even nitpicking. But they take responsibility and want to change everything that isn't perfect.

★ Other titles: perfectionist, reformer, principleist, rightist, critic, overseer, order-loving, purist.

★ Behavioral motivation: Strive to pursue perfection in doing things, have principles, have standards, often have self-criticism and will have the tendency to ask others to do things according to their own standards; rational integrity, will often suppress the irrational side of their personality, anger without declaring.

★ Latent fear: Fear of condemnation of one's conscience.

★ Latent desire: Strive for perfection in everything.

Personality #2: Helper Helpful/Giver Giver

★ Brief Introduction: Intuitively see the needs of others, but rarely express their own needs. Personality 2 longs to be loved, they help others everywhere, and in the appreciation of others, they find the feeling of being loved. They are also very possessive and unconsciously like to control others.

★ Other titles: giver, helper, devotee, ambassador of love, helper.

★ Motivation: Desire to be loved and recognized. They are empathetic and compassionate.

★ Underlying fear: Fear of being lonely and unloved.

★ Latent desire: to be cared for, to be loved.

Ye Wenjing: The success of Kazuo Inamori and the sanctification of Zeng Guofan

Personality #3: Achiever Achiever/Motivator Doer

★ Brief introduction: Personality 3 is eager to succeed, likes to compete, and is good at touching the minds of others. They sometimes want to turn themselves into the image that the other person wants, but they will lose themselves a lot of times because they care too much about other people's opinions.

★ Other titles: doer, facilitator, practical, accomplished, performer, motivator.

★ Behavioral motivation: desire to succeed in a career, value self-image, want to be affirmed, they are good at grasping every opportunity, in order to achieve success.

★ Latent fear: Fear of being denied, fear of not being appreciated for one's abilities.

★ Latent craving: One's abilities are appreciated and recognized by others.

Ye Wenjing: The success of Kazuo Inamori and the sanctification of Zeng Guofan

Personality #4: Individualist ego/Tragic Romantic

★ Brief Introduction: People with character number 4 crave to be different, they are sentimental, and they are often immersed in something. They are full of fantasies and romance about love.

★ Other titles: tragic romanticist, artist, individualist, fashionist.

★ Behavioral motivation: They desire their inner feelings to be recognized by others, like to do their own thing, not kitsch, rich in feelings, romantic and creative, with a keen sense of touch and aesthetic vision.

★ Latent fear: Fear that there are still deficiencies in life and that the emotional world is still flawed.

★ Latent desire: to be able to understand yourself more deeply and see through life.

Ye Wenjing: The success of Kazuo Inamori and the sanctification of Zeng Guofan

Personality #5: Thinker Thought/Observer Observer

★ Brief introduction: good at analysis, like to find the root cause, emphasizing that thoughts are more important than behavior. People with character 5 look at the world full of mysteries, they like to stay away from crowds, observe and deconstruct things, are not afraid of loneliness, and are more rational.

★ Other titles: Observer, Intellectual, Expert, Privacyist, Data Collector, etc.

★ Behavioral motivation: Desire to know more than others, like to use their own intelligence and theories to control others. They are calm, witty, analytical, studious, and good at dealing with problems rationally and logically.

★ Latent fear: Fear of being replaced and controlled, fear of feeling ignorant and helpless about the things around them.

★ Latent desire: Insight into the world.

Ye Wenjing: The success of Kazuo Inamori and the sanctification of Zeng Guofan

Personality 6: Questioner Questioner/Teamplayer loyalist

★ Brief introduction: People with character 6 are easily worried and sensitive, have a strong sense of crisis, and have high loyalty.

★ Other titles: loyal, doubtful, alert, crisisist.

★ Motivation: Fear type (6A): desire to be protected and cared for, loyal to others, but suspicious, afraid of trouble, afraid of hypocrisy, afraid of backfire. Anti-fear type (6B): In order to prove that they are not afraid and make the opposite behavior, there is a preemptive and second-acting behavior mentality, and the suspicion is heavy.

★ Underlying fear: Fear of abandonment and isolation, insecurity about people and things.

★ Latent craving: Desire to feel settled and protected.

Ye Wenjing: The success of Kazuo Inamori and the sanctification of Zeng Guofan

Personality #7: Cheerer Joy/Eathusiast Entertainer

★ Brief introduction: People with character number 7 pursue happiness, they like freshness and creativity, and they will try to escape when they encounter pain.

★ Other titles: miscellaneous, narcissist, imaginer, optimist.

★ Behavioral motivation: They are lively and cheerful, energetic, have a wide range of interests, are playful, have strong desires, and tend to escape from troubles, pain, and anxiety.

★ Latent fear: Fear of being occupied by one's own space and time, fear of being constrained by others.

★ Latent desire: freedom, unrestrained.

Ye Wenjing: The success of Kazuo Inamori and the sanctification of Zeng Guofan

Personality 8: Leader Leader/Boss Boss Type

★ Brief introduction: there is a strong appearance, intentionally or unintentionally give people a sense of oppression, the heart is fragile, and its performance is unknown. People with character number 8, eager to be strong, lead and protect those around them, they love and hate, confess directly, and hate others for weakness.

★ Other titles: Leader, Protector, Challenger.

★ Motivation: They are eager to make a difference in society and the crowd, they have a sense of justice, self-improvement, love the limelight, like to make decisions for others, give orders, but are afraid of being found vulnerable. They don't succumb to people and don't like to be ridiculed.

★ Underlying fear: Fear of being dominated and directed.

★ Latent desire: Take charge of your own affairs.

Ye Wenjing: The success of Kazuo Inamori and the sanctification of Zeng Guofan

No.9 Personality: Peaceful Peace Type / ThePeacemaker Peacemaker

★ Brief Introduction: It will automatically blend into the joy of others, and if you clash with others, you will feel very painful. Personality 9 is pacifist, indecisive, appreciative and tolerant of others.

★ Other titles: peacemaker, fatalist.

★ Motivation: Desire for peaceful coexistence for all, fear of offending others. They do not compete for fame and profit, have a docile personality, and often give people the illusion of no personality, slow organization and indifference.

★ Underlying fear: Fear of alienation from the crowd.

★ Latent longing: to be able to live peacefully with people and to be accepted for his existence.

Ye Wenjing: The success of Kazuo Inamori and the sanctification of Zeng Guofan

According to the behavioral motivations and inner desires of the above nine models, we can also find some laws in them.

Among them, the No. 2 personality - helpful type / giver, the 3rd personality - achievement type / doer, the 4th personality - self type / sad romantic, these three types of personality, obviously the inner feeling will be stronger, they belong to the heart drive, walking is the center of feeling wisdom.

Personality No. 5 - Rational Type / Observer, Character No. 6 - Loyalty (Questioning) Type / Skepticism, Personality No. 7 - Active Type / Hedonist, these three types of personality people obviously use more brains, belong to the brain drive, and walk the center of thinking wisdom.

Personality No. 1 – Perfect/Reformer, Personality #8 – Leader/Protector, Personality #9 – Peaceful/Mediator, these three types of personalities look completely different, but the intrinsic instinctive desires are very similar, they belong to the abdominal drive, they go to the center of instinctive wisdom.

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