
Hot Review of the Week: Listen to me say thank you, because there are carp, Everton relegated ~

Hot Review of the Week: Listen to me say thank you, because there are carp, Everton relegated ~

A week of hot reviews fresh broadcast!

Hot Review of the Week: Listen to me say thank you, because there are carp, Everton relegated ~

@Burning Hanging Hair – I heard that ac Milan dug a dragon vein

@The Cruel Story of Youth - Approaching Science Origi, the old sugar next door is about to be downgraded!

@Ljc_vAzG – Will you see you again? Koi, when you say goodbye you want to be happy, good or bad, koi, you have to be happy, you want to be happy, good or bad, happy, happy. There are no sleepers in your world, it doesn't matter, you have to be happy yourself. Koi! Koi! Koi! How can I live without you... Koi, you take a few more trophies with you koi...

@Min Erffl - Olighi: In fact, it is not impossible to play Everton in 38 rounds, mainly because Pickford is too fun

@YNWA1995 - although it is free, I still hope that Uncle Scum will pack the instruction manual together with the old iron of Milan

@Andy Hello – Lampard: Say no koi, you fool around

@LC – listen to me thank you, because of you, Everton relegated ~

Hot Review of the Week: Listen to me say thank you, because there are carp, Everton relegated ~

@Mr. Green Shirt – a tribute to the great Pickford, who will delay time longer than Atletico. The first minute of the TM started

@CHUSHUNHOI — Alisson was a little rusty, and he was laughing

@Kop_YNWA – I laughed at watching the livestream at the time Pickford came to sleep every time he received the ball in the first half

@ Min Er FRL - Alisson's wave of grooves is not very sharp, but the applause is thunderous

@_kaka – Alisson is no longer alive and has changed to imitation performance

@Pretend, bū _PRgU - the business ability is still not as good as Pickford

@AManTEL - hahaha, obviously unfamiliar with the business ah

@Roul Billion Winds — Allison's wave of imitation laughs and directly punches Pickford in the face

@ Fan Zhiyi's descendant - ten thousand blood books, Origi can not sell

@36 km – Origi: Approaching science

@Once, Faith – Diaz didn't know where the ball would fly when he barbed, but the ball itself knew, and I had to go up to Origi's head

@Little Spin lzr – our army promised not to take the lead in using Origi

@Anfield – Liverpool can't lose Origi, just as the West can't lose Jerusalem!

Hot Review of the Week: Listen to me say thank you, because there are carp, Everton relegated ~

@wolfpey_zdzK - since winning Real Madrid, the whole team up and down to float up, Barca is a mess, the team up and down slowly began to show the original shape, whether it is yin or yang, can only say that Barça was poisoned by Real Madrid.

@666 Lee – Harson Harvey Ha-Ha-Ha

@Starry Night Shop – Isn't it true that the game is over? I'm still waiting to see the second half of extra time

@shen16388 - is the honeymoon period between the beautiful sheep and the muscle king over?

Hot Review of the Week: Listen to me say thank you, because there are carp, Everton relegated ~

@ARS Shengzhen - I thought that the penalty of B waste had been very pulled, but I didn't expect Wakatori to jump out and give me a slap and say to you what is called pulling!

@AKUNLPBN - Lao Tzu saw Ryori playing a penalty in this way and wanted to go up and slap TM!!!!

@Yang Ivan - Jorginho, please don't play penalties, pit the national team is not enough, come to the pit club again...

@A someone under the Blue Bridge - Lukaku has performed well in these ten minutes, and it is not easy to make a second achievement

@dida9191 – go back to the dressing room and give Pulisic a kowtow

Hot Review of the Week: Listen to me say thank you, because there are carp, Everton relegated ~

I have 3 Premier League titles at Chelsea and 0 at Manchester United

@Eight Flags LPLI – Nemanja Matic says: We have no one on the team but me! And three more pens!

@law high - "We playEd Tottenham Hotspur 3-0 away, and I believe you can too!" Come on North London Derby! ”

Hot Review of the Week: Listen to me say thank you, because there are carp, Everton relegated ~

@Boba - atmosphere feelings This man deserves to have

@Creek Bridge Suddenly See - Although he looks unhappy, I still support him forever

@ Philistine self-disturbance 008 - Without this man, Barca would have reached the Champions League three consecutive titles one step ahead of Real Madrid

@Anfield Iron Fan – Mourinho deserves Inter's highest respect for him

@ldld blue and white plot – Meazza will always be your home

Hot Review of the Week: Listen to me say thank you, because there are carp, Everton relegated ~

@ National Football 2000w - Joaquin Vicente flew on both wings

@Xuanyuan Dynasty - Farewell to your career with this precious gift is also considered complete

@Rodrigomes – Joaquin was a veteran 20 years ago who ultimately failed to join the Galaxy. But the career is still worth a big book

@ Isn't it a penguin - still think of the 02 World Cup that foot did not go out of the bottom line of the cross...

Hot Review of the Week: Listen to me say thank you, because there are carp, Everton relegated ~

@ Bar friends _WdH1ZwA7 - After watching this ball, the fans wrote to Ma Kui overnight: The first two days I was sloppy, sorry. The bomb is under the grass, please be sure to dig it out and return it to me. By the way: Where does the B Fei family live?

@king2028 - the key battle, why pay B for penalties?

@ Ride a donkey to catch the market - how good it would be to play Manchester United in 38 rounds!

@Baht1ya2 - 04-2 - looking at the clumsy B fee and the mistake and the penalty, Maguire, who was sitting on the bench, shook his head

Hot Review of the Week: Listen to me say thank you, because there are carp, Everton relegated ~

@Little Grid A13 - The police combined with Maguire's recent operations, thinking that it may be true that it is not a prank, immediately became alert

@heybible - kick no matter how bad it is, two sentences of scolding will get it, so it is a bit excessive

@PengYu Feast - broken Someone wants to blow up the aircraft carrier

@Baker steals man - that men's football team must not frustrate the ashes?

@Next year's World Cup – Marquet put down the phone, turned around and saw that the police had arrived.

Hot Review of the Week: Listen to me say thank you, because there are carp, Everton relegated ~

@ Dealer 888 - Tengsheng - Teng Shuai - Tengzi - Scolding Hua Teng - Tenghei - Teng place

@Final Gunner – there is a victim please

@OOREST – it seems that the sky in Manchester can only be illuminated by bald people.

@Forgot what to wait for--Fu Jue's England was arrogant, and the judge Nono was obedient; Mo Xie entered the city with arrogance and arrogance, a gray head and a dirty face; a chef who hesitated and full of ambition, and fell asleep in his dreams; Mu Bird did not know the height of the sky, and provoked the wrong double body; Suo Hi was happy and troubled, kneeling and licking infinity; Lang Hi was busy on paper, Zhao Kuo sighed to himself; Teng Sheng jumped to try, and the year became a certain period; I was unique in the magic world, and many people were stupid and famous.

@ Depressed Tiger - Dear Manchester United fans, I hope you will be calm, Manchester United is definitely chaotic, next season Tenhach led the team will definitely have ups and downs, do not move on hi, at least a season to adapt to Manchester United, anyway, Sir Also retired for almost ten years, have waited so long, may wish to wait for two or three more seasons...

@lyly1912 - Teng Sheng or Teng Hi, wait and see

@ Changshan Pride - if you play Manchester United in 38 rounds, you will be more comfortable.

@ The same smog sky - this TM is not a double red society, obviously after the parent-teacher conference, the father beats the son

@9277@ – At the critical moment of Liverpool's third-tier battle, Manchester United had to find the status of Salah...

@Guard Anfield – Two rounds 9:0, Daxiang still held

@cheukl – Manchester United's little Golden Retriever king is good @ Atletico Madrid Scout

@Walking Wind – our army has regressed, and the last time it was 5:0 was still manchester United home

Hot Review of the Week: Listen to me say thank you, because there are carp, Everton relegated ~

@w a touch of red for love - there is no tommi in the world, only tomi and the heartbroken tomi.

@ Swim around - I can't help but see James, this crossover

@Watch me cast like you know – miss the football world of ten years ago


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